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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning- I finished my essay and discussion questions for A&P

- go to bed- done, slept horribly though we did get 2 mice in the traps.

- tidy house (as much as I can with the kitchen stuff in my living room because we are replacing the flooring in the kitchen)- round 1 done

- laundry (do all that I can because I won't be able to use the washer and dryer this weekend due to flooring being replaced in hallway)- load in dryer

- fold laundry- nope

- school work- did some

- dishes- nope

- school work

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- in progress

- more school work- nope

- anything else I get done- cleaned out carpet scrubber, paid bills, cleaned my car, took a short nap with dd2

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I'm so bad at remembering to come back and update my posts on here but somehow even just posting once makes me think of it all day and I usually get more done because of it.


So today I want to reset our home school goals going into the summer, pick at least two areas in the house for KM style decluttering/organising, and get caught up on laundry and dishes.


Good luck everyone and I hope today is good to you all!

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Morning Everyone!

I was super productive yesterday, not much on my plate today.

Grade tests from yesterday.

Figure out supper

help oldest re-arrange her room

work some more on the knitted cowl for my friend from Denmark who arrives the 6th

2nd coat of paint on the trim in youngest's room


Hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend!

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I have a few things to get done today:


tidy up

make ortho appointment


call dd's friend's mom

call other dd's friend's mom

deliver book to friend

buy bread at bread store and deliver to friend who recently moved here

post office to mail 3 things

chores for kids - sweep/mop, vacuum



Yay for Friday!

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It rained again yesterday afternoon and evening, so the weeding still awaits.


Today will be an exercise rest day :)



--the usual daily and Friday things

--school planning

--vacation daydreaming (dh and I have started a 'where to travel' list :D)


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Just got done hanging out with a good friend! Kids are exhausted from playing with her youngest so they are relaxing with a show or 2. I'm going to take this time to pay some bills and clean up the kitchen.

- bills
- clean kitchen
- load car with goodwill stuff
- goodwill
- finish kid's books, it's never ending!

- dinner at parent's house
-quick clean downstairs

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I was able to hit Costco and Aldi yesterday, revamp the refrigerators with fresh fruits and veggies that I don't have to do it today.



All house work :)


To do:

Waiting on AC guys to fix upstairs unit

Take DS to Dr as he's sick again with cough and fever

Cook dinner 


Have a good day!

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Frustrated.  It is an hour and a half later than I am usually at this point.  


So far I have only done:


Human care

Pet care 

Medical care

Ds has been to work and back

Dd is gone for the morning


I just went to start cleaning the kitchen and discovered that dd did not do her morning chore before leaving.  I'm going to have to do it for her since I can't do my work without it being done first and it has to be done in time for dh to get ready for work.  She will be getting another chore later to make up for this one.



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If you go through one stack of paper, you will get rid of 1/3 of it.  (Yay!)  But you will have 1/3 of it to file and 1/3 of it to respond to.  If you go to file the 1/3, you will discover a huge pile of unfiled papers in another spot.  If you go to the file cabinets to file,  you will discover that they are overfull, which is why you haven't been filing papers.  If you look back over to your inbox, you will realize that there is still a bunch of current unpaid bills to go through.  Aughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  So which to tackle first?  Or how about a nap?  With a chocolate shake to make you feel better?  

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Well, I'm a little late to the game, but we had an early start to our day.


1) Annual appt. with my GYN. (You know you are in need of compliments when she says, " my, you have a beautiful cervix" and it makes you feel good!)

2) pick up kids from last day of VBS

3) take DS to therapy


Everything is done!


#'s 1 &3 both required extensive driving, so that's about all I've gotten done today. Now I'm relaxing a bit before I clean up the kitchen and start dinner. I'm just tired. Didn't sleep really well last night!

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My day didn't go exactly as planned...had to take ds to the doctor for yet another sinus infection--trying something new and if it doesn't start to work by Monday and new antibiotic.  


Didn't cook dinner as I was stuck on the parking lot that is I-95 for 1 1/2 hours.   :smash:


AC is fixed and the house is nice and cool!  :party:

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Hi.  Up at 4am, worked, kids to camp, self to office, worked, went to see the kids' end of camp dance show, worked some more, now it's 1am and I can't sit up any longer.  Client in another time zone seems a little miffed that I intend to go to bed.


Tomorrow my kids have their first (practice) swim meet.  It is at 8am.  Tonight at 11pm I found several emails in my junk box, saying we need to be there at 7:30.  (It also lists things we should bring/wear, most of which we don't own and when am I gonna get time to find or buy all that).  I was told that they'd tell me everything I need to know.  I didn't think it would be the night before the meet.  (The time of the email was like 10:22pm.)


I just hope I get up in 5 hours.

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