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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Today I promised to be ready to submit two annual reports by 10:30am, so I am up.  I've been up over an hour and haven't started the work yet, but hopefully it will get done before the kids have to wake up.


Today will be similar to Monday - the kids have culture camp, I have work, and the kids have swim team and tennis in the evening.  I will probably work through their activities as the Big Deadline looms.  I am hoping to be done with all the deadline stuff by Friday so I can enjoy the weekend.  :)


Funny how I don't list the housework stuff on days like today.  For the record, I still do clean up the kitchen, bathrooms, keep the laundry up, and move clutter around.  And feed the kids, pay the bills, fuss with the administrative side of our activities.  And even read a little.  (Though exercise seems to get the shaft often.)


Oh, that reminds me, it's garbage day.  Need to get that going.

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Good morning

- get dd1 ready for GS, dd2 for sitters and me for school- done

- transfer $- done

- drop dd1 off at GS camp- done

- drop dd2 off at sitters (they are taking her to a library program later today)- done

- go to school- done

- get money- done

- pick up dd2 and pay sitters- done

- pick up dd1- done

- buy printer ink- done

- school work

- dinner

- school work

- tidy house

- laundry

- dishes

- baths

- bedtime routine

- school work

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I made a long list and got erased so I'll try again.


- organize/declutter dd's clothes

- purge kid's books

- quick clean downstairs

- call church abotu baptism again

- call sister once baptism dates finalized

- call dentist to make appointments

- drop dh off at work

- library

- kung fu for kids

- read for an hour

- exercise DVD or walk dogs

- load van up with goodwill stuff

- drop things off at goodwill

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--clean yard of storm debris :(

--weep over broken redbud 'Forest Pansy' tree :(

--prop up pepper plants

--flip squash and melon plants back into position


We had a bad storm come through in the early evening. We only lost a small tree. Neighbors for blocks around us lost very large (50'!) trees. We fell asleep to the sound of chainsaws.


Other than that

--daily and Wednesday things

--order care package items

--find a decent rain jacket for dd

--talk w my TX friend who dd will be staying with next week

--go for a walk

--decide if I'll skip a meeting tonight in favor of spending time w dh

--book Denali shuttle bus tickets

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Oh, Lucky! I am so sorry. I have cried over trees. And this year, I was really sad when a late snowstorm meant no lilac blossoms in my back yard. I hope your other plants bounce back.


Everyone is off. Complicated driving arrangements have been made. I have to make a noodle salad for dinner in the hotel room tonight and finish packing the cooler. Dd1 is going up with friends. I am taking dd2, leaving around 11 ish. Dh and the boys have their own driving plans tomorrow.


Then we are in meet mode. Woo hoo!

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We are from Ontario, but we have been visiting Quebec and Ottawa for the past several days.


Today we are in Quebec celebrating Saint B. (I have no idea about spellling ) day. I have no idea what signification the day has, but all my husbands friends in the area have the day off work no are coming over for a BBQ and board gaming.

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Good Morning! 


Crazy storms last night, but the cool weather was so worth it.  The upstairs is vented and the AC parts will be installed on Friday just in time for our party Saturday and guest.


I put pictures of sweet Elijah on my blog if you want to see some sweetness.  :001_wub:



  • quick tidy of the house
  • laundry 
  • cooking yummy food for dinner 
  • working in my office as it's crazy and I need it in order asap!

Have a good day!


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Good Morning!

Luckymama, I'm sorry abut the mess and loss of your trees. That stinks!


Jean, hope you feel better!



1) taxi driver stuff - kid#1 is at summer school. Leaving to take the rest to VBS in about 45 minutes

2) allergy shots

3) clean up the mess in the school room that I made yesterday

4) work at cleaning carpet

5) take kid #1 to jr, high group swim party

6) dinner at my parents' house


Have a great day, all!

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Got an extension on one of my reports (the hardest one).  I wish it had gotten done already, but it wasn't meant to be.  :/  So I will have to cancel the training I was going to attend tomorrow.  Oh well, that was an impractical idea anyway.

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Check-in 10:15am

1) kid #1 done with summer school, other kids plus neighbor boy enjoying VBS

2) allergy shots - done

3) am now pondering getting down in my hands and knees and scrubbing the "track" that leads from the door into my bedroom to the bathroom. It is a nice semi-circle of black on an off-white carpet. We really need to get all our carpets done, but it's just not happening.

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Human care done

pet care done

medical care done

doctor #1 done - and what a waste of time that was, since he did absolutely nothing other than suggest I take one of my pain pills for my terrible back pain.  Yes, Doctor Obvious, I did that.  (Sorry for the cynical vibe here.)

Shopped for ds' birthday and have that all taken care of.  

Dh has what he needs to go off to work.


Now to do some chores before going to the chiropractor who I expect will be a lot more helpful.  

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I think we're just going to have to get the carpets completely cleaned or rip them out and put down hardwood or something. I hate dealing with house-care stuff like this. It all takes too much organization and I can barely remember what day it is and who to pick up when and where, much less figure out carpets and who to clean them and when and having to clean up and get out of the house and for how long. I wish I lived in a tv show. People on tv shows don't worry about getting their carpets cleaned. Their carpets are just magically clean all the time.

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