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Swim Team food


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That is EXACTLY what I thought when I read the email with the new 7:30AM start time. Um, Wha?!


7:30...early for swim practice... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Sorry...guess it is all a matter of perspective... :laugh:


Condolences on the time change. :grouphug:

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7:30...early for swim practice... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Sorry...guess it is all a matter of perspective... :laugh:


Condolences on the time change. :grouphug:

If the local teams started that late, my DD might have been a swimmer. I don't do 530 for any sport.


OP, what time does practice start now? What does your swimmer currently eat for breakfast? I eat a big bowl of oatmeal with raisins and chopped walnuts on my work out mornings (Taekwondo). It took a lot of trial and error to find things that would make me want to vomit while practicing.


Almost as big for DD and myself is the quick to eat snack I can grab if either of our blood sugars tank unexpectedly. My dh didn't realize what we deal with until he took her for her first scuba lesson and she went from fine to curled up in the bathroom trying not to puke while he ran to the gas station for food.

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I don't know about swimming, but on the days I've done long runs (which isn't many--I've done 2 10Ks and trained for them, so maybe 20 early morning long runs), oatmeal with sunflower seeds and milk and raisins has been very sustaining--about an hour before I have to run. (and don't laugh at my "long runs", you real long distance runners--if I have to go more than my usual 2.5 miles, it's a "long run" to me, lol--  The 4+ mile ones need a good breakfast beforehand.)


I went on a low-carb, sugar-addiction-busting sort of diet earlier this year, and without my oatmeal, I turned into a running wimp. I had to add it back in :)  I am like an oatmeal evangelist--



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How about making up some hard boiled eggs and peeling them before you refrigerate them? Those plus some toast should still be attainable. My oatmeal is made easy by the keurig needing to be turned on for the coffee anyways. When I've gone camping, I have made up my oatmeal packs in little ziplocks. If they are used to having time to eat and digest food before hitting the pool, try a bagel and cream cheese and bring snacks.

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