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Essentials in Writing... should I have bought this?

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We've used EIW for 2 years and will use EIW 7 for this coming school year.


I really think it covers the basics, simply and effectively.  It isn't the most comprehensive, challenging, all-encompassing curriculum out there.   If you have been lax about writing and want a reasonable curriculum, it may be just the thing for you.  


I don't feel that it's just busywork.   My DD is an above average writer, so the program is easy for her.   We do other writing across the curriculum, and I just wanted something that would cover "what they are ideally doing in school".    I don't want overkill.  I don't want something that is complicated, takes forever, and causes much hair to be ripped out....


Also, I was kind of annoyed by the teacher at first, but now I kind of find his positive attitude refreshing.   I am very sarcastic, and it's kind of nice for dd to have a "nice" teacher for once.   And, I love not having to explain things to her, it's cut out a lot of stress between the two of us.  We do watch the videos together, which are short and not every day, and she does the work on her own.  


FWIW we use Teaching Textbooks for math, and I see the programs as similar.   Open and go, get 'er done, covering everything that "needs" to be covered.

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I thought it was "ok".  I bought level 9 because there wasn't any grammar review.  My kid has done enough grammar.  I sometimes had to change the topics because he just didn't have anything to say about them.  I guess it got the job done, but I can't say I was super impressed.


I know, not a terribly helpful review.  I won't be buying another level.



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Thanks.. it sounds like at the very least it will 'get the job done' for a year which is what I want. Sometimes you just need something not overly complex to put you on the right path. We'll give it a try. I'm fine if we don't want to use it for more than one year. 


Yes exactly.  My kid was practicing writing.  So it was fine.

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We have used EIW for the past 3 years and absolutely love it! We tried soooo many others before EIW. The lessons are broken down into manageable chunks, so the assignments are not so overwhelming to the student.




For us, this is a great program for my reluctant 12yo writer.  We do add a few freewrites during the week and have added Bravewriter's online classes to our writing as well. But, for a daily, manageable writing program EIW fits well for us.

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I bought EIW7 for my 12 year old for next year. We've been lax about writing and I wanted something clear and doable that would cover the basics. Now I'm having second thoughts. I can't decide if I think it's simple but effective or busywork. Thoughts?


Interesting, what part looked like busy work, the first section on sentences? My kids needed that work (extra reinforcement on clauses, preventing run-ons and fragments etc...) After that they write paragraphs, and then essays and a research paper. If you don't like the topics, choose topics that relate to your school work (my dd usually does her science fair research paper for the research paper portion, for example). For us it was a good opportunity to work on skills, and the topics allowed my kids to write about things they knew something about or that were important to them (sometimes I was surprised at just how applicable some topics were and that my kids wanted to write on them.) When they can write about things they already know or already have an opinion on, they can focus more on technique--which was also helpful. 

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