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Book a Week 2015 - BW24 - bookish birthdays and what not!

Robin M

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Aha!  You found your copy!!


I have it on my TBR pile, or will have it back on the pile once the college boy has finished it.  He took it with him on his field work expedition.  Looking forward to reading it (once I finish Jonathan Strange -- it is quite the chunkster!)


(re: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)


I'm looking forward to what you & your ds think of the book.


And, yes, I finally found it. I, uh, <ahem> have a little 'stacking' problem going on my desk. :blushing:  So, when I got in from my trip, I put some papers down on top of it & it took me, what?, a week and a half or two weeks to figure that out!?!? :blush:  (Hey, the rest of my house is pretty neat, but my desk always looks like a tornado aftermath.)





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(re: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)


I'm looking forward to what you & your ds think of the book.


And, yes, I finally found it. I, uh, <ahem> have a little 'stacking' problem going on my desk. :blushing:  So, when I got in from my trip, I put some papers down on top of it & it took me, what?, a week and a half or two weeks to figure that out!?!? :blush:  (Hey, the rest of my house is pretty neat, but my desk always looks like a tornado aftermath.)




I'm ready to start reading it now, but my ds still has it.  His plane landed when he had about 10 pages to go in the book, and he hasn't opened it since he got home -- 4 days ago.  So I'm going to have to make do with several other books stacked up around the house.  


And I've got some serious stacking issues of my own, also mostly centered on and around my desk!

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Well, I stayed up late & finished Departure Lounge by New Zealand author Chad Taylor. This is the Europa Editions book that Jane just sent me. Thanks again, Jane!


A little bit edgy, a little bit mysterious, & a tinge bittersweet. To me, the forward-going thrust of the story is a noir(ish) crime novel, the backward-going thrust of the novel is a poignant & heartrending coming-of-age story. Both pieces woven together give you an unusual mix & unexpected routes vs. just a straight noir or crime novel. Taylor has an easy to read writing style that kept me turning the pages & stole a little piece of my heart by the end.

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I just finished The Witness by Nora Roberts.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12716613-the-witness?ac=1 It was new to me, her 200th book back in 2012, which I somehow missed. It started with a character that I was utterly charmed by, a sweet sixteen year old girl who rebelled against her incredibly strict environment. One night of rebellion ended incredibly badly and as you can guess by the title she ended up in witness protection. The girl is incredibly bright, rather like Temperance Brennan in Bones. I really enjoyed this one...I had a hard time putting it down in order to sleep last night. ;)

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I just finished The Witness by Nora Roberts.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12716613-the-witness?ac=1 It was new to me, her 200th book back in 2012...


That was a good one.  I've recently re-read two of her books. 


Chesapeake Blue ~ this is the the fourth book in her Chesapeake Bay Saga and should probably be read in order for maximum understanding of the story line.




Blue Smoke ~ this is a stand alone book.  (ETA: I see that a Lifetime movie was made based on this book.)


I recommend them both.




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That was a good one. I've recently re-read two of her books.


Chesapeake Blue ~ this is the the fourth book in her Chesapeake Bay Saga and should probably be read in order for maximum understanding of the story line.




Blue Smoke ~ this is a stand alone book. (ETA: I see that a Lifetime movie was made based on this book.)


I recommend them both.




I think I missed Blue Smoke also. Just downloaded it from overdrive. I love the immediate gratification.


I have read and enjoyed The Chesapeake Bay books. They are some of my favorites by Nora Roberts. They probabably do deserve a reread, which for me means in order. :lol:


I am currently reading The Half Brother, a novel https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22551750-the-half-brother which I know came off a BaW list just not sure which one. It is interesting. Sort of an in between my current fluff fixation and something more serious which is why the title says a novel. The only problem is I feel like I have to be a bit more careful about how I rate it.....


ETA this is the list that had The Half Brotherhttp://www.npr.org/2015/05/22/408523960/beyond-the-bestsellers-nancy-pearl-recommends-under-the-radar-reads?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20150522

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I could use some prayers/positive thoughts.  We're dealing with a nightmarish situation for which there is little we can do right now except pray.


Hugs, love, prayers and good thoughts winging your way!!!! 


I have also downloaded a copy of Pope Francis' Laudato si encyclical to read.


You can read it here or download the English pdf here.

Awesome, I started reading it and will be interesting.   Our drought master Governor B  here in California is only contributing to the problem encouraging folks to replace their lawns with decorative, water resistant plants.  We'll soon turn into Arizona if we aren't careful.  We're in the process of converting our planter sprinklers to drip feed which will help quite a bit, but keep everything alive.   Of course we have our vast ocean but the environmentalists are fighting the desalinization plants for their usual reasons.  It's a catch 22.  Okay, stepping off my soapbox and back to books. :lol:



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As brutal of a book as it is, I really loved it.


Which makes me want to ask the BaW group in general -- do you ever go back & change your ratings on books after the fact? I find that after a few months of mulling over books, I'm inclined to either raise or lower their star ratings, lol. For example, I gave No Country For Old Men 4 stars, but it's one I keep thinking about & really stands out in my mind as one of the best books I've read this year. So, I may go back & bump it up to 5 stars. In the meantime, there are lots of books that I rated 4 stars at the time, but then later feel like I want to go back & rate a 3.


Am I the only one? :lol:


Yes, I look back over my lists from time to time and change the rating.  I haven't kept my list up to date lately at all - neither on good reads or my blog.  Becoming horribly lazy or incredibly disorganized - can't figure out which one.  :lol:


I never reported on last week's reading.


In addition to continuing with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell in both print and audio, I read one of the Amsterdam based police procedurals by AC Baantjer, Murder on the Menu.  Charming is an odd word to use to describe a murder mystery, but it was charming, with some very odd turns of phrase which I'm thinking were simply direct translations from the Dutch.  My library has a few others on the shelves, and as they are short and are decent mysteries, I'll no doubt pick others up when I need a quick mystery.

I just bookmarked the bbc show so I could watch it later.  



Today I start my very first online writing class. I am quite nervous. I have never written before and think I need to read some more Flannery O'Connor's short stories...but then again, I will feel intimidated...or maybe inspired... :crying:

Which class are you taking? 



Okay, someone recommend one "good" piece of literature, one must read classic, and a book of poetry that you think should be read. I am totally failing at reading anything but fluff this year. Hah.

So am I... in total fluff mode and haven't gotten back into Swann's way yet.  Still on the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.  But I will recommend War and Piece,  Death Comes for the Archbishop and basically any poetry book by Robert Frost. 



Robin, now that you've been on meds for a few days, are you finally feeling any better?


Eliana, continuing to send :grouphug: :grouphug: .

Somewhat.   My ears are still feeling a bit plugged.  I took some actifed (Walgreen's wal-act) before I went to bed last night and have been groggy all day.  I hate the rebound affect.  I'm probably should try some mucinex or something like that to loosen the crap up so everything will drain.

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I am currently reading The Half Brother, a novel https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22551750-the-half-brother


That does sound intriguing!


I'm currently re-reading yet another end of the series book, namely Mary Balogh's Slightly Dangerous (Bedwyn Saga).  This is the sixth book in a historical romance series.  I enjoyed all the books in the series, but this is by far my favorite and the one I routinely re-read.




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*trumpet fanfare* With a beach-read thriller this afternoon, I officially passed the halfway point in my quest to read at least 104 books in 2015.


The last five read:


â–  The Inner Circle (Brad Meltzer; 2011. 464 pages. Fiction.)
â–  Half Bad (Sally Green; 2014. 416 pages. Fiction.)
â–  Private Peaceful (Michael Morpurgo; 2003. 202 pages. Fiction.)
â–  Somewhere Towards the End: A Memoir (Diane Athill; 2009. 192 pages. Non-fiction.)
â–  Parenting Out of Control: Anxious Parents in Uncertain Times (Margaret Nelson; 2010. 276 pages. Non-fiction.)


Meltzer and Green deserve more than a meh from me, but I think I may be losing my taste for escape reading. Whoever linked the list of underappreciated books last week or the week before owes me three boxes of tissue for Private Peaceful... *weep, sniff, sob* A beautiful book. Athill's memoir tops my list of best books read this year (to date). (Her Stet is in my mental "The One Hundred Best Books I've Ever Read" list, so I arrived at Somewhere with high hopes.) And the parenting book, well, I picked it up nearly five years ago thinking it would offer some sociological insights into what I was observing about other parents. At this point, though, the subject no longer interests me much, and the book, as they say, told but didn't show.


Speaking of best books read this year, here's a mid-year assessment:


â–  Somewhere Towards the End: A Memoir (Diane Athill; 2009. 192 pages. Non-fiction.)

â–  All My Puny Sorrows (Miriam Toews; 2014. 330 pages. Fiction.)

â–  The Water Knife (Paolo Bacigalupi; 2015. 384 pages. Fiction.)

â–  Private Peaceful (Michael Morpurgo; 2003. 202 pages. Fiction.)

■ So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed (Jon Ronson; 2015. 304 pages. Non-fiction.)

â–  The Psychopath Test (Jon Ronson; 2011. 288 pages. Non-fiction.)
â–  The Subprimes (Karl Taro Greenfeld; 2015. 320 pages. Fiction.)

â–  Afterparty (Daryl Gregory; 2014. 304 pages. Fiction.)


Honorable mention:


â–  The Shining Girls (Lauren Beukes; 2013. 400 pages. Fiction.)
â–  Anne Boleyn (Howard Brenton; 2011. Drama.)

â–  Abroad (Katie Crouch; 2014. 304 pages. Fiction.)

â–  My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece (Annabel Pitcher; 2015. 224 pages. Fiction.)

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I seem to be reading multiple books now. Still reading Younger, which is fine but forgettable. Still listening to Dear American Airlines on Audible, and The ROyal We on Audible, which started strong but is fading out fast (not sure I will finish it, TBH). Just began Americanah.  


Managed to write a couple of paragraphs for my writing class, but still need to tweak the homework....

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Slightly Dangerous (Bedwyn Saga)[/url]. This is the sixth book in a historical romance series. I enjoyed all the books in the series, but this is by far my favorite and the one I routinely re-read.




The Bedwyn Saga is something I have wanted to read but didn't have access to all the books. I just checked and they now appear to all be there on overdrive even the Prequels. I will start these soon. I am so much happier if I can read in order.


I have 7 books that I am next in line for so I am trying to clean out my overdrive accounts in order to receive those. Many are new releases by favorite authors so I should be able to read them quickly after they start arriving. Most are fluff.

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