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Need probiotic recommendation.

Miss Peregrine

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For liquid, if he can have dairy I'd go with Lifeway Kefir.


For chewables, you might try Nature's Way kids or kids Culturelle.


I give the probiotic two hours after the antibiotic, at bedtime.


If you are using Ceftin, it has a reputation for having a gut impact, though FWIW we did not see that (ds was on Ceftin plus Biaxin and Bactrim for 3 months; we used heavy-duty probiotics, 90 million)

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Culturelle seems like a "gold standard" for medical practioners. If they sell a liquid, I'd go with that. Be aware that you need to be on it for a while AFTER the antibiotics. Especially in such a long course. I'd plan to be on it for (high doses, at least two daily doses) as long AFTER he's on antibiotics . . . So, i'd start it right away, but keep him on it for 3 full weeks (at least) after the antibiotics are done.


Personally, I'd also give yogurt at least daily for that entire time as well. I'd put it in smoothies, serve it up frozen, etc, in as many forms as your kid can tolerate. (Kefir, yogurt, whatever, so long as it's a good quality one without nasty high fructose corn syrup, etc.) 


I'm sure you could empty the ordinary culturelle capsules into a food or liquid if it's not available as a liquid. Put it in one of those yogurt smoothies, lol.

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Don't forget Florastor, along with the probiotics. Beneficial yeast, not candida, which helps prevent C Diff. They make a powder packet for kids, you can mix it with liquid, stir into yogurt or applesauce.


My LLMD highly suggests this, and as a C Diff survivor (due to prolonged Lyme and co treatment), I can't stress its importance highly enough.


Also, you can ask for a scrip for VSL #3, excellent probiotic. Though I always just alternated between Culturelle and a few other brands.

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Don't forget Florastor, along with the probiotics. Beneficial yeast, not candida, which helps prevent C Diff. They make a powder packet for kids, you can mix it with liquid, stir into yogurt or applesauce.


My LLMD highly suggests this, and as a C Diff survivor (due to prolonged Lyme and co treatment), I can't stress its importance highly enough.


Also, you can ask for a scrip for VSL #3, excellent probiotic. Though I always just alternated between Culturelle and a few other brands.

:grouphug: We are dealing with Lyme in his case so I will look for the Florastor, as well.

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We are treating for lymes now too and using Innate probiotic. It is a tiny capsul but I have emptied it into a spoon of applesauce before dd was able to swallow a pill.


And be sure to separate it 2 hours from the antibiotics. I admit it is hard to remember to give dd something 5 different times a day but oh well. I also suggest limiting sugar as much as possible during this time too.

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Just looked at Costco and the Florastor looks like a good price.http://m.costco.com/Florastor%C2%AE-Probiotic-250-mg,-100-Capsules.product.11669815.html

Yes, that's the best price I've found, too.


Take it two hours apart from the abx, just like you would with any probiotic.


And lots of liquids, it's so easy to become dehydrated, and that will make symptoms worse. Water with lemon, lots of it.

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You probably know this, but just in case ... I don't think you'll over do it with either probiotics or S. boulardii, but the worst that will happen if you over do the S. Boulardii (Florastor) is a bit of constipation. If that happens, back down slightly.


Thinking of you.


My DS had a bullseye, and we caught it very early. After his 30 days of treatment via my LLMD, he's been fine. Catching it early is excellent! I think you did, right? I have not read your other thread as we're on vacation and I'm on only sporadically. But hoping you caught it early!

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You probably know this, but just in case ... I don't think you'll over do it with either probiotics or S. boulardii, but the worst that will happen if you over do the S. Boulardii (Florastor) is a bit of constipation. If that happens, back down slightly.


Thinking of you.


My DS had a bullseye, and we caught it very early. After his 30 days of treatment via my LLMD, he's been fine. Catching it early is excellent! I think you did, right? I have not read your other thread as we're on vacation and I'm on only sporadically. But hoping you caught it early!

Yes, we did! No other symptoms yet, thank goodness! The dr said a lab at this point would be a false negative so we will do the abx and go from there.

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