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feeling anxious about meds

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My 7 yo boy will be taking his first dose of guanfacine today and I have to admit I am feeling nervous :/

He was diagnosed last year officially with ADHD but since I was homeschooling him I decided to hold off and see if he would do OK with frequent breaks and the freedom that comes with learning at home. I know it did help not having him in a regular PS classroom but I feel like he still could do better at learning if he could just calm down and focus for a more then 2 seconds! So for his sake I am trying meds to see if it can offer him any help. He needed to be prescribed a non-stimulant because he is 50" tall but only weighs 47lbs soaking wet (he is all skin and bones!) and CANNOT afford to loose any appetite he might have during the day! So the doctor told me this is a blood pressure medicine and has been shown to work on ADHD symptoms. I think that is what is making me nervous, that it will be lowering his blood pressure, that sounds scary to me. Has anyone had an experience with this med for ADHD and can chime in with some advice/support?

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Yes, I have had two kids on this med, one still taking it.   It is usually a very small dose so it doesn't really affect their BP.  Mine had their BP monitored  at each med check appointment and it was always fine. It took a bit of adjusting for one of my dc before it was okay.  The other, with more serious adhd symptoms, had problems with it making him tired.  It did seem to work for a while and then it kind of stopped having a positive affect. If you have more questions feel free to PM.

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My DD started taking Clonidine back in March. It is also a hypertension drug used to treat ADHD. She's only taking 1/4 pill per day so it hasn't affected her BP. It has a sedative effect so I can only give it at night. When her psychiatrist tried giving her another 1/4 pill in the morning it wound up making her too sleepy (she kept falling asleep at school and at her ABA therapy).


What I found was that giving Clonidine at night and Methylin (short-acting stimulant) in the morning works better than either medication alone. Clonidine helps calm down the hyperactivity and Methylin helps her focus during her seatwork. I give the stimulant after breakfast and it wears off by lunch so it hasn't affected her appetite any.


It did take some trial-and-error to find the combo that works.

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No experience with this drug, but lots of moral support headed your way. 


Our experience with short-acting stimulants has been good, and they aren't in the system long enough to make a big difference in appetite. My son ends up eating a little heftier later in the day, but he has a big appetite anyway (and no extra body fat either).

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My son tried several meds before we found the one that works best for him. In his guanfacine did not help his focus but just made him sleepy and irritable. We abandoned it quickly and fortunately found something else that is effective. I hope that it works for your son, but if it does not, go back to the doctor and ask to try something different. We found that it did not take long to know whether a medicine was having an effect or not.


Like other posters, DS is on a short-acting stimulant med that wears off by lunchtime. After he eats, he takes the second dose for the afternoon. I just wanted to make sure you know that it is possible to use a stimulant and still retain some appetite.

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Thanks for all the replies! Very helpful. He is on day three and so far not much change. He does seem a little sleepier then usually and the other day he actually got so upset he cried over something very trivial which was shocking, he RARELY cries at all so I was a little turned off by that, but, at such a low dose (half a pill twice a day) and only the third day I can't say for sure it was the meds that made him act different anyway.

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