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Exercise Thread ~ May 31 - June 6


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So far just over 10,000 steps between a walk with DD while DS was in music, shopping at Trader Joe's, a walk (and stop for a treat) with DS while DD was at her last day of kindergarten, and walking for pickup. Otherwise it's been kind of a crazy day of trying to make it special for the last day of school. With school ending I'm going to have to be much more intentional with walking and getting other exercise.

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Soror- it's just a very basic yoga flow class. My training is yogafit so I use their template. I'm trying to keep it " gentle" to entice the middle aged ladies ( though I had an older gentleman too). Me being a middle aged lady doesn't hurt :)

I think it is a hard line, not too hard that people get discouraged but hard enough people find it worthwhile. 

Today I have training at the gym. I hope the clouds don't leak so I can walk to/from. The walking really helps with my stress.


The worst medical options were ruled out Tuesday. Now we still have to find the cause of dd's pain and weight loss. Dd20, home for the summer, saw the dr yesterday about her GI and other issues, had bloodwork, and has a referral to a GI (she's the kid w food allergies but has some non-GI symptoms that concern me). I've been telling dh for decades what he experiences is Not Normal; he is going to call the same GI today for an appointment.


And I have to figure out how to feed these people without clear guidelines :eek:


Whoa, I didn't mean to vent here lol

(HUGS) I hope they get answers soon. I'm assuming they've already ruled out Celiac's? (although unfortunately the tests aren't always the best)


Dancing and cleaning, cleaning and dancing this morning. I'm definitely breaking a sweat. On another note, I came across a group of ladies working out at the park in our neighborhood. They said they meet m-f from 9-10, and the monthly rate is $40. That's 1/3 of what I'm paying for only two days a week. I've committed through the end of the month with our group, and we are taking July off for vacations, so I'm going to try out this group on one of my off days. Hopefully it will give me another option. I like/need to be told what to do. Self motivation is very low at this point.

Sounds like it could be a great opportunity for you, I hope it works out, having other people that depend on/expect you always helps one's own motivation.

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So, I attempted yoga with Vytas yesterday, was going to be an hr, except my connection was crap so I got in 20 min. Lots of walking with the kiddos yesterday, we went a few times. I did a couple of sprints up the hill, the hill that used to make me winded walking up it, I ran up it :)


Today I believe I'll do a short and sweet yoga- 30 min, not in the mood with messing with the connection and I didn't sleep the best ( I think perhaps I'm not eating enough for my activity level). 

Day 11/56. This is officially my favorite Shaun T program.


A little laugh for you. :)



LOL, I showed it to dh, who didn't think it was as funny :)

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Very true about boobs. Back when Kate Upton was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and all the talk was about how she is voluptuous and not skinny which was a nice change, I commented to my a friend of mine that she has to have a bit of body fat to have a rack like she does. No body fat no boobs. Ask me how I know. 



Today was HIIT/weights


Yesterday I took a rest day as my stomach was bothering me. 

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Although different people store different amount of fat in there boobs to begin with, I keep more than than average for my size but I'm no Pam Anderson. I've been happy to be get smaller actually as I can fit in smaller size shirts.


Short and Sweet #2 done, did all the yogi pushups and chatarangas today, first time I conquered them for this workout, he does these pushup rounds after your arms are pretty much jelly from the chataranagas but today I pulled through! Woot! Then practiced some flexibility work and splits along with headstand.

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When you have a 34A, B, on a really good day, you really hope that no weight comes off the bOOks (I think that's how I've seen it written here.).


Today was pretty pathetic. I did get out for a walk with the kids and dog, but I gave up on my arm workout about three minutes into it. I just felt a little weak and extra tired. I think it's too many days of staying up too late and waking up too early. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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Although different people store different amount of fat in there boobs to begin with, I keep more than than average for my size but I'm no Pam Anderson. I've been happy to be get smaller actually as I can fit in smaller size shirts.


Short and Sweet #2 done, did all the yogi pushups and chatarangas today, first time I conquered them for this workout, he does these pushup rounds after your arms are pretty much jelly from the chataranagas but today I pulled through! Woot! Then practiced some flexibility work and splits along with headstand.

If I put my girls in an A they have room to do the hokie pokie. My workout involves lots of pushups and weights so I don't look 12. It's amazing the difference it makes.


Day something of something. I'm too sweaty to look right now.

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I tried out the neighborhood bootcamp. I liked the instructor's style and the fact that there were people both more and less physically fit than I am. I also like that there is a different focus each day. Monday-cardio, Tuesday-legs, Wednesday-core, etc. I'm going to try to go as much as I can this summer. It's every weekday for $40 a month. That's hard to beat.

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I tried out the neighborhood bootcamp. I liked the instructor's style and the fact that there were people both more and less physically fit than I am. I also like that there is a different focus each day. Monday-cardio, Tuesday-legs, Wednesday-core, etc. I'm going to try to go as much as I can this summer. It's every weekday for $40 a month. That's hard to beat.


That's awesome!

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I'm bizarrely a 36D, but I don't feel as if I have much there at all.  I think I might be more like a 36C now, after losing a few more pounds, but my bras are less than a year old, so I'm not keen on changing them.


12,000 steps, but mostly cheating: walking round the supermarket and then a slow walk with Husband, who was really tired after a week working in London.  Tomorrow: planting, weeding and mulching.

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I have enough time on my hands this morning ( a rarity these days) to be able to do 7 miles of walking - 4 Miles of Leslie & 3 Miles of Hamelin D'Abell. Also hope to do a Classical Stretch routine: Hip Strengthening.

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Getting ready for Vytas yoga if my connection holds or tried and true Short and Sweet. 


I signed up yesterday for the Aerial Silks class, I figured why not and summer time is easier for the schedule. It is for 6 wks, 1x a week 1.5 hrs. I'm so stinking excited. It starts June 30, the day after my B-day, happy bday to me :) I'll be hitting my core and shoulders/arms even harder in preparation as I know those will be needed a lot, part of advancing is about not only technique but straight up tests of strength. However, it is cool because a lot of the stuff I do works towards this, the biggest difference I saw so far is the rotation on the shoulders, she had us do a lot of work with shoulder movement, more even than we do in yoga typically, although I had some idea based on various poses. Also, I found it challenging because it is nearly impossible to see oneself in the various positions as you are doing them, so you have to go by how it feels, this will be a big lesson to me because I can usually check my position with most poses by looking but to have to do various things with my legs and not be able to see them feels weird but will be awesome for body awareness.

When you have a 34A, B, on a really good day, you really hope that no weight comes off the bOOks (I think that's how I've seen it written here.).

Today was pretty pathetic. I did get out for a walk with the kids and dog, but I gave up on my arm workout about three minutes into it. I just felt a little weak and extra tired. I think it's too many days of staying up too late and waking up too early. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I hear you, sleeps been bad for me too, I've been busy, staying up too late and not eating enough.


I tried out the neighborhood bootcamp. I liked the instructor's style and the fact that there were people both more and less physically fit than I am. I also like that there is a different focus each day. Monday-cardio, Tuesday-legs, Wednesday-core, etc. I'm going to try to go as much as I can this summer. It's every weekday for $40 a month. That's hard to beat.

That sounds great for you, I bet you'll be in good shape by the end of summer!


eta- Yoga with Vytas done- First worked on Eka Pada Koundinyasana I and 2, I kinda did 2, although much work is needed on form- it is the first time I attempted this. I could not pull off 1 at all. Then I worked on Firefly, which wasn't great but better than the last time I did it, so that's progress. 40 min total

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