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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

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It's not even Monday yet. Go to bed.


And have fun at your hippy weeding.

I get up after all the eager beaver Easterners and the even more eager beaver people on the other side of the world.  So I post the night before.


That's funny about the hippy wedding.  I just realized that his dad was a genuine hippy so my nephew comes by it honestly!  

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It's Monday here!


My kids are at my sister's house until evening.  It is a work day for me (like every day).  I promised to have something done for a client by Monday morning - because I forgot it was a holiday - but it isn't done, because I suck.  So I will probably try to sleep a few hours and then get back on it.  I don't know if he's working today or not.


I don't have anything else to do today (other than work) until my kids get home.  Since all their sports places are closed for the holiday, I said they can come home late and just take a bath and go to bed.  And then I will do some more work.  I know, I am such an interesting person.

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Good morning, it's cool and rainy :(

- take girls to parade (dd1 is in it for girl scouts)- just dd1 going, dh is staying home with dd2- done

- get a few groceries- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- in dryer

- dishes- not enough for me to worry about

- fold laundry- nope

- school work- ugh... I just don't understand this algebra crap

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw... None of us were hungry enough to warrant cooking something

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I get done- took a nap

Gah I hate when professors ignore when I point out an error (nothing major just a wrong file type of thing), I sent her an email yesterday pointing it out and she had responded to another question I had asked so I'm pretty sure she got it. I just don't want to study the wrong stuff for the wrong week (my study time is precious and I don't have much of it.) She emailed me back and said she fixed it but it's still not the right file (though at least the the right topic)

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My tasks for today:


30 mile drive to done

tutor Pre-Algebra student to prepare for final exam done

tutor Algebra 2 student to prepare for final exam done

20 mile drive to done

tutor another Algebra 2 student to prepare for the same final exam done

10 mile drive home done

possibly try to troubleshoot the electrical problem on the riding lawn mower didn't happen

30 mile drive to done

take ds to meet with friends for dinner and a movie done

5 mile drive to done

grab a quick bite and then to Barnes and Noble done to 

work on course syllabi while ds is at the dinner/movie fooled around on this board instead

5 mile drive to pick up ds

30 mile drive home to crash Almost forgot -- I cannot crash until I watch the Warriors / Rockets game


I really don't like driving very much. At least we have (relatively) cheap gas here. 



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Dh and I are going for a drive on the convertible to meet friends for coffee. Our friends moved to NYC earlier this year.


I have a load of wash in and will hang it out before we leave.



---water and weed

--love on my plants :)

--plan meals for week

--write to-do list for week

--usual Monday things



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Ds to work and back  done

Dh work

clean kitchen  dd has emptied the dishwasher but that's as far as we've gotten so far.

laundry  load #1 in washing machine

listen to answering machine  done

Shepherd's pie for dinner?  Buy ingredients  ingredients bought.  need to start cooking in a second

Buy card and pantyhose (yes pantyhose)  done

nephew's wedding

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Hi everyone! I am doing absolutely nothing today. Dh took the kids in for a 10k race (a swim team tradition). I am enjoying having no massive house chores (basement is beautiful!). I am thinking about sewing something, but I am tired from the weekend.


My little brag... Ds2 earned his black belt in aikido Saturday and dd2 made her first long course sectional time in the 1500m yesterday!


Hope you are enjoying your holiday!

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Arroz a la Cubana is cooked.  


Dd rescued nephew's present from me and wrapped it nicely in the tea towel.  


She also printed out the directions to the wedding.


Ds has tried on his barong tagalog (Filipino men's dress shirt for things like weddings)  - he says the small stain is not noticeable.  Since I can't do anything about it at this point and he's set on wearing it, I will not notice it.


Rusty bunny tried and apparently does not like red bell pepper.  

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Some tidying is done, but I need to do some more.


When the rain stops, I'm picking up ds.


I still need to deep clean and plan schoolwork. It should be the last week for ds before his summer break. He gets a few weeks off with nothing and then has to do some math, writing, and history. 



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Evidently I am not going to tackle Monday with you.  I saw the thread title and thought, "Wow, Jean is getting a jumpstart on the week!" And then I realized it's dinnertime.  On Monday.  


Oh well...I went to the gym, did some work on the upstairs renovation, did a load of laundry, cooked lunch and dinner, and went to Joann's to pick up some items for my granddaughter's quilt. That's enough for a holiday. 

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Well, kids are in bed and I'm (theoretically) back to work.  It was not a very productive day.


Also, not to be a broken record, but my work email does not work AGAIN.  They tech people did something Friday night and swore I wouldn't have to do anything and wouldn't experience any break in service bla bla bla.  Liars and jerks.  Nobody has time for this.

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