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Allergies question

Renthead Mommy

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I guess I am allergic to something here.  I don't really have allergies.  Seasonal stuff that lasts a few weeks.  Hard to say when we move to a different area every two years.  But we don't have 'allergies' like people talk about having allergies.  


I tried Claritin because that seems to be everyone's go to, but I don't have really anything that it lists for (the runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing).  No surprise, it didn't really do anything.  What I do have is mild congestion.  I am not completely stuffed up by any means, just somewhat congested.  But not really enought to even blow out, and when I am able to blow it out, it's thicker snot, not like a runny nose when you blow it.


So what do you take for allergies that cause stuffiness as opposed to runny nose? 

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Instead of an antihistamine, you may just try a nasal rinse like a Netipot or Neil Med sinus rinse.


If you prefer to go with a medication, I would suggest a steroid nasal spray like Nasacort or Flonase, which are both over the counter now.  

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Most of my family has allergies. The kids get shots and take zyrtec; my husband takes various things.  I am mostly allergy-free.


All of us use the Neil Med saline sinus wash for the congestion.   Even I need it sometimes.  It is a wonderful thing. 

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Clariton doesn't do anything for me.  There are other things you can try.


It almost strikes me as some sort of sinus issue though.  Do you have any pain in your sinus area? 


Many of the allergy meds have a "D" version.  It has an added decongestant which sounds more like what you need.  You could try one of those.  Or perhaps something like Flonase. 

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