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Science--What to use!

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Please help me find a science curriculum. I didn't realize this was going to be so difficult! 

Ideal qualities- 

Meaty, not light on content.

Something that uses real science vocab would be great.

Secular. It can be from a Christian publisher, but cannot be taught from a Christian worldview. 

Experiments can be included, or not. I'm fine with doing those independently. 

I'm ok with with a unit study approach, or an all-inclusive program. 


Thank you! 


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Yep, BFSU. I'll be starting the third book in the fall with my 5th graders and the first book (again) with my 1st grader. In my mind it is a really complete spine. You can jump off from there into detailed unit studies, or you can just do the next thing in the book. Books 2 and 3 are not particularly "open and go", but no matter what program we used I would be tweaking anyway, it is like BFSU is already set up for that.


It does not work for everyone, though, so you may want to spend $20 on the first book and look through it ahead if time. I think there is even a $5 e-book available if those work for you.

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We are going to be doing bfsu and adding in books and documentaries. It really impresses me with how much information is in each lesson. We might add in Ellen McHenry Cells- all her unit studies have good depth of info and lots of games, which appeals to my nine year olds.

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I didn't realize this was going to be so difficult! 


I know, right?!  I'm on here today looking at high school science (or the lack of).   :glare:


Do you have a copy of The Well-Trained Mind?  She has a pretty good list of stuff at the end of the science chapter - books, experiment kits, science curriculum publishers.  We've had luck with Ellen McHenry's stuff, Galore Park science, Real Science 4 Kids, some of the Janice Van Cleave books (for younger kids)...  Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method has been a huge hit this spring.


Honestly, though, most of our science has come from library books.   

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We're going to be using Mr. Q's Life Science this coming year.


"Meaty, not light on content." - Check.  It certainly looks that way to me.
"Something that uses real science vocab would be great." - Check. The first word in its glossary is "abiotic".
"Secular." - Check.
"Experiments can be included, or not." - Check.  Included, but not integral to the program.  I love how he focuses on the scientific method.
"I'm ok with with a unit study approach, or an all-inclusive program." - Check.  Mr. Q follows the well-trained mind 4 year science sequence.



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Thanks for the replies! 


I will look into BFSU again. I think I discounted it a few years ago because I wanted an all inclusive program, with experiment kits and whatnot. 


I love the idea of Mr.Q, but the website and materials are so busy to me! I'll try to get over that and look again. :) 


I'll also go back and look at WTM. Funny, that's usually my first stop! 



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we used nancy Larson from level 1- level 4.  we LOVED it.  It was easy to do, straight forward.  I felt it gave a good over view of many areas of science.  It was a good fit for our family until we finished level 4...because they are still working on level 5 I had to move on to a new program.

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