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Schoolroom furniture- what kind of table to use?

What kind of table do you prefer for a schoolroom?  

  1. 1. What kind of table do you prefer for a schoolroom?

    • Child-sized table for K-3ish (younger grades) then big table
    • Child-sized table for K and under then big table or individual desks
    • Child-sized table for K-3ish then individual desks
    • No child-sized table, just individual desks
    • No child-sized table, just big table for all to share
    • Big table for K-3ish then individual desks
    • Individual desks for younger grades then big table
    • Mixture of two or all the above because my schoolroom is big and I can't decide :)
    • Other- please explain
    • Good grief, I have no idea, go have a cold Mike's and let your dh decide :)

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It looks like I *finally* have a bit of money to purchase some furniture for my new schoolroom. In the past I used an old child-sized table and chair for dd because I liked that her feet can be flat on the floor while writing. I *think* it helps her write neater because her notebooks turn out nicer than when she is using the kitchen table. There is also a whole lot less distraction when feet aren't just hanging around, kwim??


Now that I have the luxury (after MONTHS of saving and scrimping) to buy a new (to us) table I'm not sure which to go with: a big child-sized table that she will likely use until maybe grade 3/4. Or a big adult sized table where her legs will dangle forever more.:lol:

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I have a regular adult sized table that I use and whatever child I am teaching at the time sits there with me. My boys do use a youth chair (it is much higher than an adult chair) so they sit correctly at the table.


They each have their own table with an appropriate sized chair for them. For their individual tables I really like a small, white, adjustable table I purchased at Sam's Club for around $30.00. They have 3 adjustments so they can be altered as they grow.



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I'm not a big fan of desks. I like everyone sitting around the table.


So I voted for a child-size table for now (you could always put it somewhere else when they outgrow it or sell it to someone who needs it) and a big table when they're older.


I use my dining room table for schoolwork. It's a large pine antique table, so it can take alot of punishment. And, if company's coming, I just throw a tablecloth over it and viola!! no crayon marks anywhere! :D

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What about a kid sized table with adjustale legs so you can use it longer as they grow?




OOoooh. Thanks for the link. The only other table that I've come across that is adjustable like that was far more money. I will talk to dh about this but it may not work for us as next year I'll have one in K and one in 3rd. I'll need a table that can be split into 2 height adjustments.:lol:

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We have a child-sized table (home-made by an uncle) that will seat four and 2 child-sized wooden chairs. Here's a link to the chairs: http://www.discountschoolsupply.com/Product/ProductDetail.aspx?product=16888&category=211 This table is in DS's room now and is used for lego and lincoln log construction.


We have the 2'x4' adjustable tables from Sam's that another poster mentioned. Those are our desks (except mine is an old metal army surplus thing that requires several large men to move!;) *and* an 8' table from Sam's!!) You can use these now and later when they are older. Since you have 4 littles you could purchase 4 now for about $120. If your DH (or you!) is handy with wood, you can purchase a sheet of plywood (4'x8') and some 2"x4"s and construct a "cover" that will fit over the 4 adjustable tables put together to make one large low table for use now and then later you will have 4 individual tables that you can separate.


I would consider purchasing or building a table/counter of some kind for projects and science experiments...something a little taller than the average kitchen table.

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I would consider purchasing or building a table/counter of some kind for projects and science experiments...something a little taller than the average kitchen table.


That's a GREAT idea, thanks! Sounds like fun. Hmmm does that mean I have to become one of those fun, crafty-type moms?:001_huh: If so, I'm in trouble.:lol:

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That's a GREAT idea, thanks! Sounds like fun. Hmmm does that mean I have to become one of those fun, crafty-type moms?:001_huh: If so, I'm in trouble.:lol:



That's ok...we'll hold your hand!!:D

I also thought of this: IF you can find someone removing their kitchen cabinets, you can salvage the base cabinets - put the backs together and create a top out of plywood and - ta da! you have an island worktable with storage!!

Now you have an excuse to renovate your kitchen:lol: like you need more work, huh?

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I bought our schoolroom tables from Demco. They are formica and have adjustable-height legs. One is 8' long and the other is 6' long.




We've had them since the kids were around 8 years old and, thanks to the adjustable legs, they have grown with the kids. They are easy to clean, even paint spills come right off.



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my kids are still young and could honestly use a booster seat ;-)


they sit on their knees for handwriting and if I had the money I would get those nice booster seats from one step ahead in multiple colors but they cost too much for two and only need them a little while.....


so we have a large friendship square table. we all sit together. I do send one out at times to work one on one but I love the big table. I did K with the first child at a child size desk and it hurt my back after an hour of school!


so we love our big table, but a higher chair or booster for little kids would be ideal

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OOoooh. Thanks for the link. The only other table that I've come across that is adjustable like that was far more money. I will talk to dh about this but it may not work for us as next year I'll have one in K and one in 3rd. I'll need a table that can be split into 2 height adjustments.:lol:


I'm using 2 (own 3) of these tables, i was able to buy them for less than $10 each at a school that was closing. I don't really LIKE the bright yellow formica tops, but i deal with it. I have them back to back on the 60" side and we do exactly that, adjust it for each kid.



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We bought this one at Sams. http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?dest=5&item=364424


It's in our school room and has adjustable legs. It was inexpensive and worked out great for us.

Anytime we have get togethers, we set the table up next to our bigger table for the children to sit. Easy to clean off. I love giving everything we buy more than one purpose, I feel I'm really getting my money's worth. :tongue_smilie:

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We have this too and love it, it'll grow with the kids and we can fold it up and put it away at any time. Now, if I had the funds I would get...

This sawhorse desk-or a combination of the ends with a top that are also at this site. I love the billpayer cabinet too and would like to have one for each child. With the sawhorse desk, I would have the kids put their supplies on the under the table storage and use the billpayer cabinet for their notebooks (in the file cabinet drawer) and their other personal items like their own art drawer.


I'd like this set up for a reading area. I really love to designate spaces in a room, having a geography area with maps, math area, etc.


:drool: I cannot tell you how much I would LOVE to have a house that I can paint and furnish how I would like but we are blessed in other ways. Have fun with this!!!

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I got an adjustable leg school table with a high density laminate top the first year we started homeschooling, and it was the BEST purchase! Cleans like a dream, smooth for writing on, and it can be adjusted up and down to fit. I called around and found a school equipment company that had one that was a reject from a large school order. Regular office supply stores carry adjustable leg tables too. Just get one that is laminate, not the plastic tops (textured). I have rolling chairs for each of us, and they're great too! :)

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