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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

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Happy Friday!


I got my email back working, but I don't know if I will ever get the emails that were sent to me over the past day or so.


I'm finally doing the backup I've been meaning to do for a while.  I cleared one external disk and am now saving all my files there.  Then I will clear the other disk, which has my backup from February.  Yes, it's been that long since I've backed up my computer.  Not good.


So I am not sure when I will get to bed, but at least I can mark one more thing off my to-do list.


Speaking of lists:

  • Kids up & out to school.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 4:15.
  • Work breaks for:
    • a little exercise
    • a little reading
    • laundry
    • maybe some other personal stuff
  • Kids to gymnastics.
  • Dinner.
  • Watch Kung Fu with kids.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work until midnight.
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SKL, sorry about your email but glad it's up. Hopefully you'll receive them all!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats


To Do:




make definite food decisions for the party

go by the event location to show them the plates/napkins, etc

pay bills

tidy house


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Morning all. I'll be at my parents house most of today so I'll likely see if my mom would like help decluttering anything.

- school
- call to get last bill figured out
- make grocery list for bday desserts and mother's day dinner dh is making for his mom.
- wrap dd's gift
- make list of wedding items we still need to purchase for sil's wedding
- read for an hour
- dd write thank you notes
-drop things off at goodwill

I'll figure out what household things I need to get done when I figure out when I'll actually be home

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I love sunny mornings :)


--exercise: ????????, stretch shoulder 3x

--school w dd: math, APHG (go over FRQs written yesterday, take full-length practice test)

--daily things

--Friday-specific tasks

--gardening: water, weed

--clean deck w soapy water to remove haze of pollen

--hang laundry outside :D

--read outside :D :D :D

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I started the day by dropping a fruit cup on the floor.  I think I got all the juice up on the third try, but I"m not sure.


Kids ran for the bus again.  I'm sure they got a tongue-lashing from the bus driver.  Oh well, at least it's Friday.


Still doing backups.  Still no email from clients, auditors, etc. since Wednesday p.m.


I think I will sneak a short nap before I tackle the rest of the day.

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Good morning

- dishes

- tidy house- round 2 done

- laundry- in dryer

- school organization (I start Monday)- got what I can done

- get dd1 off bus- dh got her

- anxiously await dh's phone call telling me he made it safely to motorcycle shop to have his tire replaced- he's home

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine

- anything else I can get done- cleaned bathroom, cleaned master bedroom

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TGIF everyone!

Morning chores all done, it's a beautiful day again but there is a cold front moving our way.


I just finished setting up furniture in my beautiful new canopied and mopsquito netted gazebo, my Mother's Day gift!!  I can't sit in the sun and I've missed being out on our deck.


Need to pick up youngest at 11 from friends, so she can do the paper route for her friend who is on vacation at 12:00


waiting for a call from the pharmacy for meds we need given today as well as a call from her doctor to get us in so they can do the new injections for us and make sure she has no reaction. One of the new prescriptions is an epipen in case she has a reaction to the new medication.   I was really glad they said they would do it for us, I hate inflicting more pain on my daughter.

So, at some point, get the new meds from pharmacy, put the lidocaine cream on the ventrogluteal site an hour before our visit to the doctor, and get her to the doctor.


bring kids to friends for a birthday party at 5:00




figure out supper, I thawed chicken


figure out what to make for dessert to take to Mom's tomorrow

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Good morning! It rained all night and right now, it is grey and cold out. Dd1 just walked in and said her drive in this morning was horrible with driving rain and semis on the highway. Glad she is back, safe now! Lots of stuff going on today.


To do:

School for all


Chores for all

Clean bathrooms

School administration

Dd1 call w/coach

Some arts and crafts

PM practice/aikido

Ds2 has aikido dinner after practice

Take girls out after practice

Take everyone home


Have a great day!

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clean cat litter box


clean kitchen

make packing list for tomorrow 


pick up last part of my mom's Mother's Day gift

prep for nonprofit meeting - go to bank to make a deposit

make sure kids are bathed/showered this afternoon before we go out


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Melissa, how exciting you you! And what a good example you'll be for your girls :)

Thanks, for dd1, this will be her second time seeing me go back to school (she was about dd2's age when I went for pharmacy technician). My girls will always know that it's never too late to achieve your dreams (as they change as you get older). After I complete my ADN and have worked for a couple years, I will be going back for BSN :D
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exercise  done

clean cat litter box  done

school  started

clean kitchen   done

cleaned front bathtub  done

make packing list for tomorrow 


pick up last part of my mom's Mother's Day gift

prep for nonprofit meeting - go to bank to make a deposit

make sure kids are bathed/showered this afternoon before we go out

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I lived through another conference call.  (Conference calls are going to shorten my life!)  I don't think I sounded super awesome, but I'm too old to care.


I sent an email to my main clients and vendors telling them that if they sent me anything since Wednesday afternoon, they need to send it again.  :P  It's embarrassing, but it would be worse if people had sent me stuff and were expecting my action.


So now I do not have any more deadlines or work meetings today (that I recall).  I can go start the laundry and grab some lunch and breathe.  :)

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Woke up tired and achy.


Took ds to work


Went back to bed.  Wrestled with the cat.  I won - barely.


Woke up again tired and achy.


I am wearing my "I have nothing else at all clean" clothes.  A load of laundry is washing right now.


Dh is up early because he thinks he will get the day off from work.  I hope he's right.  


Just got the call that I need to go pick up ds.  I really hope the car doesn't stall or something because I don't want to walk outside in my "I have nothing else at all clean" clothes!  

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exercise  done

clean cat litter box  done

school  started

clean kitchen   done

cleaned front bathtub  done

make packing list for tomorrow   done


pick up last part of my mom's Mother's Day gift

prep for nonprofit meeting - go to bank to make a deposit

make sure kids are bathed/showered this afternoon before we go out   done

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Home again, home again, jiggety jig!


We managed to get everything in the van, but left ds's bass stool in the parking lot. He called one of his professors who brought it back into the building - ds can get it on Monday when he starts his summer course. :) Ds10 was in cafeteria heaven at lunch - apparently his first time in an all-you-can-eat cafeteria and managed to eat pizza, a cheeseburger, an Italian sandwich, and a waffle. I'm ready for a shower and a nap.

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I'm not feeling good this afternoon.  I napped but now I feel very nauseated in addition to being super achy and it isn't getting better.  It is very unlikely to be the flu and is more likely to be my "normal normal  " I got totally worn out and now I'm paying for it" deal.  


I am going to drag some fresh clean and dry pants out of the dryer so I feel a bit better about how I look.

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