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S/O Mom vs Senior

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We're still waiting, too.


Is it fair to assume that since so few people are discussing the finality of decisions (without going into detail) that the majority of the 100+ students on the College Acceptances thread have made their decisions?


My son made his decision official on Sunday.  I am glad I get a year to recover before I have to go through this process again.  Being the guidance counselor adds a whole new dimension to the stress level as I worry that I am going to make a mistake in the documentation and screw things up somehow.


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We're still waiting, too.


Is it fair to assume that since so few people are discussing the finality of decisions (without going into detail) that the majority of the 100+ students on the College Acceptances thread have made their decisions?

This is kinda what I was wondering, too. We have an acceptances thread, but not a decisions thread...is that what we normally do? The fact that all my daughter's friends had made their commitments helped her (positive peer pressure) to get off the pot and choose. ;)

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Ds made his decision very, very shortly after financial award letters came out since it was already down to two schools. Alma ended up not being particularly affordable, and due to handicap accessibility and at that time not knowing whether or not he would need bone graph surgery, U of MI was the practical choice and thankfully, he's very happy about it.


When we went through this with DD, since she was accepted everywhere she applied and several schools came in close to each other in terms of dollars, she dragged it out until the third week of April so right about now six years ago was when she ended our stress!

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