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PSA for all my runner/walker/jogger friends.

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When running, be sure to always stay on the sidewalk. Zig-zagging to stay in the shade can be hazardous to your knees. You just never know when you are going to make a serious mis-step. Although the grass covers the hoole, it is still a hole.




I was going from the grass to the sidewalk and boy, did I find the sidewalk. I cut my left hand up pretty good, too.




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Ouch! I did that a few months ago - knee and wrist/hand as well! It did heal fairly quickly but I stuck to walking during that time.


I'm SO with you on what we call "chasing the shade" here - of course in the winter we do the opposite and "chase the sun" :lol:


Hope you are on the mend soon.:grouphug:

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Also, when weaving around off the sidewalk be aware that mulch covers up things like tree roots. The result of not heeding this warning is exactly like the picture.


Elaine, based on my experience with a similar looking wound. that sucker hurts when your leg is straight for too long or bent for too long. Neosporin is your friend for keeping the resulting scab flexible. Of course, the scab takes forever to develop. YOu have my deepest sympathies.:ack2:

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Elaine, based on my experience with a similar looking wound. That sucker hurts when your leg is straight for too long or bent for too long. Neosporin is your friend for keeping the resulting scab flexible. Of course, the scab takes forever to develop. YOu have my deepest sympathies.:ack2:


You can say that again! We just got back home from ice skating, where I sat and stood and sat and stood and sat...I feel like such a wuss!:sad:

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