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Sinus issues with thyroid disease


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Last year when I had something similar I went to the dr and he prescribed some Mucinex with pseudoephedrine. It worked amazingly well but completely and utterly jacked me up because it isn't good for thyroid issues and it took me a whole month to get my sleep lined out and it triggered heart racing issues big time. So, I'm a bit paranoid. I see recommended to take stuff with dextromethorphan along with the guaifenesin(mucinex). I'm trying to figure out if that is a stimulant and if it is ok with thyroid disease but to be honest my brain is not working very well right now, the amount of snot up there is interfering with my ability to sleep and I just cannot think clearly. I see that there is a small amount in Nyquil so I'm thinking it can't be much of a stimulant. I use to take nyquil and it knocked me out very well but that was before this and I'm crazy paranoid but would love some relief and sleep. I took just the mucinex last night and it helped but I was still up half the night trying to figure out which nostril I can breath in.

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I have hashimoto's, so I understand how frustrating it is. My Dr has told me to take plain Mucinex, Zyrtec or Allegra....nothing with a D after the name. I lived off of Sudafed for 20 years...sigh I miss it. Also, a saline spray can help with the  nasal congestion. I don't know about the dextromethorphan from a thyroid standpoint,but I can't take it because it's in the same class as codeine and I'll die if I take it.


Hope you feel better soon.


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I have hashimoto's, so I understand how frustrating it is. My Dr has told me to take plain Mucinex, Zyrtec or Allegra....nothing with a D after the name. I lived off of Sudafed for 20 years...sigh I miss it. Also, a saline spray can help with the nasal congestion. I don't know about the dextromethorphan from a thyroid standpoint,but I can't take it because it's in the same class as codeine and I'll die if I take it.


Hope you feel better soon.


When you say you'll die if you take it - do you have an allergy? I have developed severe allergies to codeine - even synthetic - so wondering if this is related?


I have Hashimoto's, too, and just suffer through the nasal stuff. Hoping something will be suggested here!

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I sent dh to get some saline spray, I'll have him check for NeilMed, it seems I came across that rec'd some where else, here's hoping it helps me. It seems to be well recommended on Amazon- fingers crossed!


:( Seems like many of us are in the same boat. Ironic to me I wasn't having too much of an issue with seasonal allergies this year and then bam I get this crap. I don't even hardly feel like eating and sleeping is hard, which I know isn't helping the healing :( 

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I sent dh to get some saline spray, I'll have him check for NeilMed, it seems I came across that rec'd some where else, here's hoping it helps me. It seems to be well recommended on Amazon- fingers crossed!


:( Seems like many of us are in the same boat. Ironic to me I wasn't having too much of an issue with seasonal allergies this year and then bam I get this crap. I don't even hardly feel like eating and sleeping is hard, which I know isn't helping the healing :(


I hope you feel better soon.  That sounds miserable.  :(

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When you say you'll die if you take it - do you have an allergy? I have developed severe allergies to codeine - even synthetic - so wondering if this is related?


I have Hashimoto's, too, and just suffer through the nasal stuff. Hoping something will be suggested here!


Yes,I am severely allergic to hydro and oxy codone....so any form, similarity,synthetic or derivative of codeine. I go into anaphalactic shock. The dextromethorphan acts the same in the body as codeine. I can't take Robitussin,Nyquil....any of those things. I can only take plain Mucinex,Benadryl,Zyrtex, and Allegra because of my Hashimoto's and because they all have some form of something similar to codeine in them. It also means I can't take the "good" pain medications. I can only take Tramadol,which is my opinion is worthless,might as well take two Tylenol.


Plain saline nasal spray helps with allergies.I've heard a neti pot can help too but I haven't tried it yet.

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I can't have any codeine either.  For pain I take prescription NSAIDs (Mobic is one - stronger than OTC but easier on the stomach).  I also take Curcumin (the active ingredient in tumeric) or Quercetin for inflammation.  


The saline rinse works well because the saline shrinks the tissues in your nose and sinuses allowing for drainage.  The saline also helps heal the tissues.  The saline rinse is adequate for most people.  


When I get really bad and have infections that antibiotics won't work on (I'm just coming off of 3 months straight of antibiotics and last year had to do the same) the ENT has me add a touch of baby shampoo and white vinegar to the saline solution.  This is because resistant bacteria will produce a defense called a biofilm and you need those items to break it down.  It hurts like nothing else and I don't recommend it unless your ENT tells you to do it!  But if you were as miserable as I was with the resistant infection, you will do anything.  


Also - prednisone can help reduce swelling and allow for healing as well.  I'm on that at the moment as a follow up to the 3 months of antibiotics.  It wreaks havoc on your bloodsugars if that is a problem for you like it is for me, and has a host of other side effects but again, if you really need it, then it is a treatment a doctor may try.  

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Yes,I am severely allergic to hydro and oxy codone....so any form, similarity,synthetic or derivative of codeine. I go into anaphalactic shock. The dextromethorphan acts the same in the body as codeine. I can't take Robitussin,Nyquil....any of those things. I can only take plain Mucinex,Benadryl,Zyrtex, and Allegra because of my Hashimoto's and because they all have some form of something similar to codeine in them. It also means I can't take the "good" pain medications. I can only take Tramadol,which is my opinion is worthless,might as well take two Tylenol.


Plain saline nasal spray helps with allergies.I've heard a neti pot can help too but I haven't tried it yet.


 I'm so sorry you have pain med allergies.  I'm the same - can only take Tramadol for pain, or a shot of Toradol.  It wasn't fun a few months ago with kidney stones.  :(  Dilaudid almost killed me, when a doc decided to just try it.  It's a morphine derivative (I am allergic to morphine as well).  

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I can't have any codeine either.  For pain I take prescription NSAIDs (Mobic is one - stronger than OTC but easier on the stomach).  I also take Curcumin (the active ingredient in tumeric) or Quercetin for inflammation.  


The saline rinse works well because the saline shrinks the tissues in your nose and sinuses allowing for drainage.  The saline also helps heal the tissues.  The saline rinse is adequate for most people.  


When I get really bad and have infections that antibiotics won't work on (I'm just coming off of 3 months straight of antibiotics and last year had to do the same) the ENT has me add a touch of baby shampoo and white vinegar to the saline solution.  This is because resistant bacteria will produce a defense called a biofilm and you need those items to break it down.  It hurts like nothing else and I don't recommend it unless your ENT tells you to do it!  But if you were as miserable as I was with the resistant infection, you will do anything.  


Also - prednisone can help reduce swelling and allow for healing as well.  I'm on that at the moment as a follow up to the 3 months of antibiotics.  It wreaks havoc on your bloodsugars if that is a problem for you like it is for me, and has a host of other side effects but again, if you really need it, then it is a treatment a doctor may try.  

Goodness, that's wretched.


I'm not near that bad off, I think I've made a break through and seem to be on the upswing now. I got and did the NeilMed last night and took it after the Mucinex wore off before my next dose and again this am. It seemed to help and I could sleep last night as I could breath at least some, I still have plenty of phelgm but much less than I did.

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 I'm so sorry you have pain med allergies.  I'm the same - can only take Tramadol for pain, or a shot of Toradol.  It wasn't fun a few months ago with kidney stones.   :(  Dilaudid almost killed me, when a doc decided to just try it.  It's a morphine derivative (I am allergic to morphine as well).  


I'm sorry that you are allergic to pain meds too. I've never had morphine or a derivative.I'm scared to try them.Hope your kidney stones are better now. My Dr won't give me Toradol,said he'd have to admit to the hospital for it. I have chronic back pain from a car accident when I was 17....I've built up a pain tolerance.I used to take Darvocet,then they took it off the market, I was so mad.


I did want to tell you that most people are allergic to one type of codeine,not all. Most people can take hydro or oxy codone. Also,most people can take the derivatives without any problems.I'm one of the lucky ones who's allergic to all forms. It's hereditary through the female line in my family, along with menstrual migraines.

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I can't have any codeine either.  For pain I take prescription NSAIDs (Mobic is one - stronger than OTC but easier on the stomach).  I also take Curcumin (the active ingredient in tumeric) or Quercetin for inflammation.  



Thank you for the information about alternative medicines. I will be checking into those. I have inflammation around my right carotid artery from Hashimoto's. I take 2 benadryl and either aleve or ibuprofen nightly. The aleve and ibuprofen are starting to bother my stomach.


So sorry that you have been so sick. Round after round of antibiotics is not good for you. It gave my husband c difficille and he almost died. Please be careful. Glad that you are on the mend.

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