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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Morning all! It's 5 am and I slept maybe 4 hours. Hoping to get back to sleep once baby gets settled down again but I figured I'd post my to do list while I'm up. Today I start the downstairs deep clean.


- dust surface down stairs

- wipe down surfaces

- scrub base boards

- vacuum under couch cushions

- vacuum behind washer & dryer and dryer vent

- sweep

- mop

- continue organizing game closet

- kung fu for kids

- mail more letters


I think that's it

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good morning y'all!


Today we are going to look at a new dog and possibly bring him home for a few days to see how we get along together.

It has been two years since the sweet dog in my avatar pic passed and I am finally ready for a new furry friend in our home.


Other stuff today is ordinary, not exciting but very necessary:



AHG paperwork



I hope you get your taxes done, Jean! It is such a relief to get that out of the way.

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Today dd has a break from the subjects we do together---happy spring :D


So I get to

--walk to/from the gym for my training session

--go buy seeds

--play in my yard and garden


But I also have to

--do some school-related work and planning

--go to church tonight

--do the regular daily stuff

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Oh, taxes!  I get mine done by our company's CPA because 99% of it depends on how he reports the business taxes.  But I do my parents' and sister's and a friend's taxes.  The last couple years I extended them for my family members (which only extends the stress).  Maybe I'll do them on time this year so we don't have to worry about it.  If I do that it will be on Easter for my parents', probably the following week for my sister's.  (My friend always wants hers done in February so she can get the refund ASAP.)


My kids' fish is looking better today, but still has a swollen eye, so I don't know ... thanks Jean for posting all that good information about betta illnesses.  He doesn't seem bloated.  We should probably change out their water and filter in case that would help.


In other news, Miss A says her toe is worse today.  I was hoping to avoid going to the doctor.  Any ideas for a sore toe that doesn't show any clear signs of injury?  It isn't swollen or black-and-blue.


This is the kids' last school day until the 13th, yay!  I am hoping to get through some home workbooks so I can throw them out and reduce the clutter.  The teacher also assigned a science project for them to do, and test prep.


So here's today's list:

  • Get the kids up & out, including breakfast & lunches.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Review and approve architect plans for home remodel.  [done]
  • Work until 5:30pm.  [done]
  • Take work breaks for:
    • a little exercise  [done]
    • a little reading  [done]
    • a little housework  [done]
    • get kids started on their homework / piano / chores  [done]
  • Kids to soccer practice at 6pm.  [done]
  • Kids shop for Easter candy?  [done]
  • Dinner, read-aloud.  [dinner done]
  • Assemble bookshelves?  [nope]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.
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Good morning

- dishes- done

- fold laundry

- tidy house- round 1 done

- read

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I manage to get done- cleaned out my car and filled fluids (dh is taking my car to to work and I'm going to use his truck to go visit some friends tomorrow)

- if it stays nice paint my cart while dd2 runs around- done though I need to buy another can to finish the insides of the legs and the bottoms of the shelves

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Good morning all! It is cloudy and cold-ish today with maybe some snow later tonight. I have a fair amount to do today...


To do:

School for all

Scrub down kitchen

Read a little for school



Start clean out of school closet and planning for next year

School administrstration for dd1

Recruiting stuff

PM practice

Judo pickup


Have a great day!

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Vacuum-kitchen, dining room, guest bathroom and entry way DONE

Mop-kitchen, entryway and guest bathroom DONE

Dust-dining room, living room, entryway, my bedroom DONE

Windows, doorknobs/light switches-living room, entryway, my room DONE

Clean-my bathroom and guest bathroom-toilets, floors, shower, counters, sinks, mirrors DONE

Laundry-fold, put away, and start new loads DONE

Order bugs for the lizard DONE

Dishwasher needs to be unloaded DONE

Breakfast DONE snack DONE lunch DONE and dinner DONE



Dd1-handwriting, writing, history, geography, math, spelling DONE

Dd2-handwriting, grammar, geography, reading DONE still have to do math MATH DONE

Dd3-handwriting, math, phonics DONE

All-chapter from our read aloud book, science, memory work *Didn't get to this today 😣



Animal care-

Dogs-fed, watered, walked DONE

Fish-fed DONE

Lizard-fed, played with DONE


Extra curricula-

Gym for dd2 at 3:30-6 DONE

Gym for dd1 at 5:30-8



Costco DONE

Petco DONE

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Good morning all.


Yesterday I declared a spring break. So we played outside all day with DH. I'm feeling it today though.


Got DH off to work with some lunch.

Animals are fed and let out

Breakfast snack fed to kiddos (this is what DS calls a breakfast that isn't up to his expectations lol)

No book work because spring break continues. I have suffered through a few read alouds

Lunch with my dad

Home to do a few things:


Pick up my bedroom

Find something for supper. No ideas yet though

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The baby has not wanted to be out of my arms for more than 10 minutes so far today so not much cleaning has happened. I did do 2 loads of laundry and all the dusting and wiping down in the living room. Plus a went through our DVDs and got rid of a good amount. So not unproductive just less productive than I'd like

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Jean, you've got good excuses! Plus I'm usually not so productive I just really don't want to come home from Alabama to a dirty house. We're leaving for Alabama in 6 days 2 of which will be spent celebrating easter with family so I've got a lot to do in a small amount of time.

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Well the fur-baby is here. Will post a pic when I get to my laptop.

He's a sweet, 4 yr old black lab mix with long fur and an easygoing disposition.

Not interested in a tennis ball, untrained but not terrible on a leash, great with kids, interested in other dogs walking by the house but doesn't bark unless they come close. Very cuddly and wants to be petted and. have his tummy rubbed.

Dd is so happy with him. He may end up being mostly her dog, which would not be a bad thing. Might distract her from horses!


I may need a new vacuum. Dog with long, black hair was not in my plan! But this is a free, well behaved, healthy dog who has been well cared for and never mistreated.


We'll keep him for a few days and see how we all get along together. Dh is the key.

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I'm done for the day! The downstairs is half done. Laundry needs to be folded and put away but I'm too tired for that. Tomorrow dh has off and is planning to clean out the garage so I doubt I'll get to the downstairs but who knows. Maybe I'll offer the kids videogame time if they help. For their ages they can really get a lot accomplished

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Well, I forgot that I had agreed to go shopping with elder dd so...no playing in the yard for me! Instead I shopped for shoes at DSW (I found clearanced hiking sneakers---one of the benefits of wearing a size 6 :D) while she replaced her holey Keds and broken sandals, and then I spent an hour nodding sympathetically while she tried to find jeans that fit (we're both curvy--v frustrating finding pants).

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Well, today had its ups and downs.  This morning my email was on the blink again so I was fussing with that.  Then I learned we've been sucked into a legal situation that has nothing to do with us.  Then Miss A came home from school with broken glasses, which I managed to screw back together after about a half hour.  Later Miss A banged her sore toe twice more, and now it is quite swollen, so we're probably going to have to go to the doctor tomorrow.


But it was great seeing the kids hop around in the pleasant fresh air at soccer practice.  (Yes, Miss A was happy to run and jump and kick at soccer, though she was only kicking with her good foot.  Despite whatever is going on with her toe, she was still the fastest runner on the field.)  At home they were playing some sort of dress-up fantasy and it was nice to see them still enjoying pure child's play.  Mufie the Betta seems much better (but still a little putzy).  The kids are in great moods because school is temporarily out.


Now theoretically I have an hour and a half to work, but my back is hurting, so I may just lie down and see what happens.

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