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Build Your Bundle - scheduled again for May


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You only get 50% off if you've made a purchase already. I was upset too when I first saw it.


Right, but, had this been communicated earlier, we could have bought a cheaper bundle and then used the 50% off on the more expensive bundle. Their customer service emailed me back and said that they would not credit me. I feel completely duped. If all the spammy emails weren't bad enough, now people who didn't wait until the last minute get screwed. I am seriously annoyed.

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Right, but, had this been communicated earlier, we could have bought a cheaper bundle and then used the 50% off on the more expensive bundle. Their customer service emailed me back and said that they would not credit me. I feel completely duped. If all the spammy emails weren't bad enough, now people who didn't wait until the last minute get screwed. I am seriously annoyed.

I know. Me too. I got everything I see myself using in the next year or two. I'm considering getting more I'm 95% sure I'll use, but I'm not sure I care to give them my business.

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Did anyone else get the email that the premium bundle is now 50% off. I paid full price and feel a bit misled. I emailed them to see if they would credit me the difference back to my PayPal account. We will see.


It's still the same price on the website as far as I can tell.


I bought a build-your-own and one of the mom bundles last night, downloaded half of it, and this morning their server wouldn't recognize my email address to log in and download the rest.  I emailed them and they said they have no record of my order, yet I have all those ebooks I downloaded last night on my computer.  Very odd.  They did send me a 10% off coupon code to reorder.

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It's still the same price on the website as far as I can tell.


I bought a build-your-own and one of the mom bundles last night, downloaded half of it, and this morning their server wouldn't recognize my email address to log in and download the rest.  I emailed them and they said they have no record of my order, yet I have all those ebooks I downloaded last night on my computer.  Very odd.  They did send me a 10% off coupon code to reorder.


They send you a code for 50% off the premium bundle if you purchased another bundle. Which is fine, I just wish it had been communicated earlier. I would have bought another bundle and then used the 50% off coupon to buy the premium bundle. Instead, they have pissed off customers who likely won't buy from their sales in the future. Not the best way to handle it, especially when your customers write to express their frustration.  

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I don't understand being mad that they essentially added a flash sale. It happens, and it's common for really inexpensive deals. *shrug* I wouldn't expect money back from the book shop or grocery store if I bought something just before a fabulous sale started. (Personally I'd hightail myself right back to that book shop....)


The one BYO bundle I purchased with a 5% off code gave me three McHenry sets and two catechism items for less than the price of one McHenry set. That's a screamin' deal on its own. Even if I'd just got the two McHenry sets I probably would have bought anyway, that's still half price.


The premium bundle half off deal intrigued me and I did go back to the site. I couldn't find ten things I knew I'd actually use to justify even that expense. It's obviously better for people who haven't been doing this for umpteen years. :001_smile:   I'd definitely consider purchasing from them in the future though.


Yeah I don't understand being upset about it either. 


That said, if you're not going to use your code, SilverMoon, and you want (and are allowed) to pass it on, I'd be happy to use it since I have to purchase my stuff all over again (and apparently I should have gotten the code if my purchase last night hadn't gone wonky). :P

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I don't understand being mad that they essentially added a flash sale. It happens, and it's common for really inexpensive deals. *shrug* I wouldn't expect money back from the book shop or grocery store if I bought something just before a fabulous sale started. (Personally I'd hightail myself right back to that book shop....)


The one BYO bundle I purchased with a 5% off code gave me three McHenry sets and two catechism items for less than the price of one McHenry set. That's a screamin' deal on its own. Even if I'd just got the two McHenry sets I probably would have bought anyway, that's still half price.


The premium bundle half off deal intrigued me and I did go back to the site. I couldn't find ten things I knew I'd actually use to justify even that expense. It's obviously better for people who haven't been doing this for umpteen years. :001_smile:   I'd definitely consider purchasing from them in the future though.


I would absolutely expect my money back from a B&M store in this situation. I worked in retail and this is a common practice called price adjustment. Most major retailers will honor the sale pricing with a refund for the difference if the item was purchased with 7 days of a sale. It is a fairly standard practice for companies who want to maintain customer service. 

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I would absolutely expect my money back from a B&M store in this situation. I worked in retail and this is a common practice called price adjustment. Most major retailers will honor the sale pricing with a refund for the difference if the item was purchased with 7 days of a sale. It is a fairly standard practice for companies who want to maintain customer service. 


This is what I was going to say. I worked retail throughout high school and college, and this is a standard business practice for companies with decent customer service. Yes, live and learn. I won't be buying again from them.

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So, if you bought a BYO earlier, and now you bought a BYO with the 50% coupon, you don't get the B2G1? Does that only count if you purchase 3 packages all at once?


I've looked all over the site, and can't find the answer. IDK, whatever, I was scraping the bottom for the final few choices of the premium deal anyways. It just seems odd.

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It's not a sale though. It's a discount for people who already made purchases. They probably needed to make the money from the first sale in order to sell it at a discounted price the second time. We didn't really get jipped. It just would have been nice if they had notified us so that we could alter our original purchases.

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I dunno, the minute secular items were only a part of the premium boy bundles, I was leery. I wouldn't have been happy if they didn't honor the 50%off after their annoucement, especially as other homeschool companies have done something similar through homeschool buyers co-op or Currclick sales.

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Just coming in late to gab about this.  I had a TON of fun stocking up on some goodies!  I think they offered you the 50% off a premium with the idea that it sort of makes up for not getting the B2G1 deal, kwim?  


I got all the English Through Lit books, a bunch of audios, the Picture Smart Bible sets, the Ellen McHenry stuff, all the duct tape books, several of the unit studies... It took me a ridiculous number of hours adding and subtracting things to figure it all out.  It was fun though, and really, for the $100 I paid with their last minute coupon I couldn't have even gotten 2 of the 3 Picture Smart Bible sets.  So everything else was just fun bonus.  And it was fun to explore some newer products I hadn't really looked at, which I'm sure is why authors are willing to have their stuff in there.  

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