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I remember those chocolate ladybugs! There was a little store near me called "Erika's" that used to sell those. Yummy! I was also thinking of spaetzle, but wasn't sure if it was German or Hungarian. I think I ate that in Budapest. It was very good.



Hey, lucky me, another BOOYAH!!!!!!


AND, it's page 313, also a palindrome (I looked it up!) :laugh:

I already knew that because I thought the word was so cool when I learned it that it stuck with me. I just love certain words. Eclectic. Triskaidekaphobic. Kaleidoscopic. Good stuffs.

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Don't do that. You will definitely fry it. You can go see a professional though. Be prepared to spend $70.


I definitely support the "don't fry your hair" suggestions. My niece turned her hair green last year and it took quite a while (weeks and months) to fix it up, even when she broke down and saw a professional.  Reminded me of Anne of Green Gables. ;)

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That's what I did about three weeks ago. Worth every dollar. I had no idea how long it would take though! I spent almost two hours there, but the job looks still looks as good as it did the day it was done. I'd have made a mess of things trying to do it myself.

My hairdresser is one of my best friends. I pay for product only and we chat and giggle the whole time.

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Good morning. I don't want to be here. Struggled getting out of bed. School...dentist appt......2 piano lessons....2 soccer practices....Awana....driving DS to and from his school... I'm sorry I'm being a whiner, but I just don't want to do this. And it doesn't help that a friend is posting pictures from their little get away to Myrtle Beach. Just rub it in why don't you!

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I haven't done any exercise in years. I should, but I don't. :D


However, we have been going for long walks in the woods on various trails. Most are about a mile or two, but it is just a leisurely walk. I wouldn't call it hiking.


I dyed my hair last night. I was trying to cover a few grays not change the color completely. And do you know, it didn't do a thing. Nothing. Nada. Zip. I even left it on the extra 10 minutes for the color resistant grays like the directions says to. I am really aggravated. An hour spent for nothing, and now I am afraid of using another kind because I don't want to fry my hair. :(

I was coming to implore you to see a GOOD professional for this.  If you want, a nice hairdresser can tell you what to do on your own if you have low maintenance hair.  I am not a do it yourself candidate. 

Edited by texasmama
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Don't do that. You will definitely fry it. You can go see a professional though. Be prepared to spend $70.





I was coming to implore you to see a GOOD professional for this.  If you want, a nice hairdresser can tell you what to do on your own if you have low maintenance hair.  I am not a do it yourself candidate.  I have complicated hair.  I have fried it before.  I can dye my roots between salon visits and not wreck the whole thing so that is what I do, visiting the professional about every other month or once a quarter.  My lady is GOOD with color, but I need base color with gray coverage (50%) on curly, thick, resistant hair and highlights about twice a year.  Then I get a glaze sometimes because it makes it shiny and healthy.  When I get all three, I walk out $150 poorer, and I thank her the whole way out.  At my age, my hair is about what I have, so I have to put some money into it.


If I go to a salon, how long does the color usually last? How long should I wait before I make an appointment since I used the box dye last night?

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I tried the "mind over matter" thing by getting on with daily life even when I'm still sick. It's not working well at all. Back to bed for me. TTFN


My darling friend gave me a thermos of her homemade chicken soup. I REALLY struggled to get the thermos open. That is humbling when the whole body aches from twisting a jar.  :crying:

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If I go to a salon, how long does the color usually last? How long should I wait before I make an appointment since I used the box dye last night?

Forever. Whenever you want. Their stuff is much better and they can repairish your hair.

Where have all the forks gone, I can't find them

Where have all the forks gone, where could they be?

Where have all the forks gone?

The boys have hoarded every one.

When will they learn?

When will they learn?

We couldn't figure out what kept happening to our small spoons. Our apartment isn't that big! Then we saw Mary throw one away at about 18 months old. We have no small spoons.
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I tried the "mind over matter" thing by getting on with daily life even when I'm still sick. It's not working well at all. Back to bed for me. TTFN


My darling friend gave me a thermos of her homemade chicken soup. I REALLY struggled to get the thermos open. That is humbling when the whole body aches from twisting a jar.  :crying:

I think we have the same thing. I've been bedridden for almost a week now, hence all the posting.

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If I go to a salon, how long does the color usually last? How long should I wait before I make an appointment since I used the box dye last night?

Salon color is permanent to cover gray.  It is the root growth that will vex you.  I used Clairol root touch up, which works surprisingly well.  I think you can make an appointment right away and tell the stylist what you have done.  A good stylist can evaluate the products best for your hair given whatever condition it is in.  Salon color does not damage my hair.  (I go to an expert.)

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My kids have thrown out spoons or taken them in the car or something. I bought more. We are now down to six spoons again. When the children are gone, I will have adequate spoons.

I bought packages of 24 spoons and 24 forks from Sam's Club. Cheap and ugly, but they are there. When and if the kids ever leave the nest, I can get nice spoons again.

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I have found that when needing to communicate with idiots, it is best to have dh help compose the email. He has a great deal of experience communicating with idiots of all types, and can usually come up with something that deals with the particular mode of idiocy while maintaining a relatively professional and productive tone (as opposed to my tendency to go all Impatient Elephant Ninja on them).

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I am making chicken in the pressure cooker.  Since school has started my life has been a pressure cooker.  I have "how to relieve shoulder tension" open on another tab.  


Does it use a pressure cooker?

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Where have all the forks gone, I can't find them

Where have all the forks gone, where could they be?

Where have all the forks gone?

The boys have hoarded every one.

When will they learn?

When will they learn?  


5000 points for a song that speaks so eloquently of life!

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My kids have thrown out spoons or taken them in the car or something.  I bought more.  We are now down to six spoons again.  When the children are gone, I will have adequate spoons.


When my kids still attended a brick & mortar school one of them brought a serving spoon home one day, quite a nice one, Oneida.  The teacher was certain it belonged to me.  We had had a class holiday party a couple of weeks earlier and this spoon showed up in the classroom afterwards.  It wasn't mine, so I returned it via said kid of mine.  Said child brought it back saying the teacher insisted that it wasn't any of the other mother's, so it must be mine.  Why on earth would a teacher not let a kid turn in something that doesn't belong to her or her family?


I tried to talk to various other class mothers to return the spoon, but when we switched to homeschooling I still somehow had the danged spoon.  I took it to the school with a note about how I came to have it and when the party was, and I abandoned it in the office on someone's desk when no one was there.  I then skedaddled quickly.  The spoon has not come here again, thankfully.


Maybe it was one of your spoons?  If so, I hope some kind stranger helps it find its way home to you again someday.

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When my kids still attended a brick & mortar school one of them brought a serving spoon home one day, quite a nice one, Oneida.  The teacher was certain it belonged to me.  We had had a class holiday party a couple of weeks earlier and this spoon showed up in the classroom afterwards.  It wasn't mine, so I returned it via said kid of mine.  Said child brought it back saying the teacher insisted that it wasn't any of the other mother's, so it must be mine.  Why on earth would a teacher not let a kid turn in something that doesn't belong to her or her family?


I tried to talk to various other class mothers to return the spoon, but when we switched to homeschooling I still somehow had the danged spoon.  I took it to the school with a note about how I came to have it and when the party was, and I abandoned it in the office on someone's desk when no one was there.  I then skedaddled quickly.  The spoon has not come here again, thankfully.


Maybe it was one of your spoons?  If so, I hope some kind stranger helps it find its way home to you again someday.

I'm short on serving spoons, too.  I would have accepted this pilfered spoon.

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I fell soundly asleep by 11pm and then, because the power had gone off yesterday, my alarm clock went off at midnight. Grrrrrr. I did fall back asleep until about 4:30 at least.


Sympathy like.  :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm short on serving spoons, too.  I would have accepted this pilfered spoon.


Not pilfered, lost without any hope of getting home again.  Had I known about you and your willingness to adopt this poor stray back then I would certainly have sent it to you straight-away.

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I just noticed today is the 6 month anniversary of ITT. I say we all dress up and go out and celebrate. Mexican food and margaritas! Woohoo!



And I could really use a margarita (or 5) right now!


Aw, man, I wasn't aware!  However, I did celebrate.  I had a truly delightful pink grapefruit gelato.  I need to find out if only that restaurant has it, or if there are perhaps other branches closer to home.  I can't quite justify driving 90 minutes each way for another scoop.

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I'm going to quick brag on my kids before darting out the door to be SuperMom again.


Dd13 - just finished 5k #5 (plus one 10K) and is already training for a half marathon in March.


Ds18 - Aspie who I've despaired sometimes of having life skills for independent living.  He has ridden his bike 7.5 miles to the big regional library, dinked around and had his lunch in the area and is proving that he indeed can be very independent.  Woo hoo!  

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Copy and pasting this from the accountabilty thread just to cheer Renai up:


If you had been listening in at our house today:  "Mom, you can't speak Spanish with a Japanese accent."  "Sure, I can.  I already speak French with a Japanese accent."  (It's true, my French teacher told me this once she caught her breath after rolling on the floor in laughter.)  


If we ever meet up I need to remember to ask you to do this for me.  I have GOT to hear this!

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I'm going to quick brag on my kids before darting out the door to be SuperMom again.


Dd13 - just finished 5k #5 (plus one 10K) and is already training for a half marathon in March.


Ds18 - Aspie who I've despaired sometimes of having life skills for independent living.  He has ridden his bike 7.5 miles to the big regional library, dinked around and had his lunch in the area and is proving that he indeed can be very independent.  Woo hoo!  


Hooray, Jean's kids!!!!  Woohoo!

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  Renai.


Happy Anniversary everyone!


Krissi, if I worried about falling asleep before I finished praying, I would either not pray much or else I would worry a lot.  Not that you should offend your own conscience, but that's my .02. 


Busy day - drove to town twice.  Did school with everyone.  Added more one on one math time with 12yo dd.  Added 1 Challenging Word Problem to two others math time.  Still need to check 13yo ds Latin and Math work for the day - maybe in the morning.  Gave one dc a quick piano lesson and another one a longer one.  Cooked "turketti" for supper.  Suppose this would be better on the accountability thread.  I'm tired.  I'm going to bed.   


I'm reading back pages in reverse order.  What's turketti?

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Make me take Rocky out on our walk.  I am so tired.  But a walk will be good for us.   And for my step goal.  But it's cold out (ok - a bit chilly) and I don't wanna!  


Did you walk Rocky?  How about today?


ETA:  Wow, a Booyah!  This Booyah is for Jean, who needs the encouragement.  Booyah, Jeannie!

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Nope...you must go back and read.


Meanie.  Haven't you seen any of my posts about what I've gone through lately?  My brain is scrambled.  How far back is it?


I thought we could have an incident-free weekend this coming weekend, a nice, quiet, get a few things done and vegetate weekend.  I forgot this Saturday is the once-a-month art lessons I wanted the kids to try.  I emailed the gal to ask if anything could be adapted for a kid whose dominant hand & arm are in a cast, and she's willing and able to work with that, so I guess we are still going. 

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