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We have this too.  The dvd part broke so we watch dvds on the xbox but still use the vcr side of that player regularly


We have a Hello Kitty boom box my youngest won't let me declutter away (the CD player is broken).  Thee cassette tape deck still works, and she has a story on tape she won't let go of, either (though she doesn't listen to it anymore).


We also have a pair of yellow Sony weather-resistant boom boxes out in the garage that have radios and cassette tape decks.  DH uses the radios.

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DH has a record player.  You know, that plays those round, black, flat things with grooves on them?


DH got one that plugs into a USB drive!


I remember when my folks' Hi-Fi was the state of the art and a major piece of furniture....

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We got rid of our VCR quite a few years back and had to give away all of our VHS tapes.


I am a booyah with an h person.


We went to see the Minions movie, and I thought it was boring and not very funny.  Dh took a nap in the theatre.


I am having the children clean the junk off the floor (the stuff that drips from them and all of the leftover contents of little dd's room from the painting last week) so I can sweep and vacuum.  I really need to vacuum.


Since my knee was still hurting I turned yesterday's "field trip day" into a double-feature movie day.  Eldest got to pick both movies, since her birthday was the last full day of our trip.  We saw Minions and Inside Out.  The girls enjoyed it.  I want to see Mr. Holmes, and come November we might go see the Peanuts movie that will be coming out.

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I have one of these too. I'm actually planning on buying a better one. I bought several records that I remember from my youth, like Magic Media talking books - anyone remember those?


I still have Bob & Doug MacKenzie's Great White North album, some Captain & Tenielle, Billy Joel, Kenny Rogers, and Eddie Rabbitt.  My Dad still has Firehouse 5, Firehouse 5 plus 2, Sing Along With Mitch, Perry Como, and Bing Crosby.

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This is so awesome. My rug was the tipping point of the entire thread, not the Duggars.

Trying to start slow. ;)


Many. My own mother did this, though she threatened to leave a lot. It worked out okay in the end, but it was not a stable environment nor a good example of a marriage for me and my brother as we were growing up, and he and I paid for it in many ways and still are.


I will speak bluntly. He needs to be out of the house until he has a good amount of time sober - like six months. It is more damaging for the kids to have him come and go and randomly get drunk than it is for him to leave, work on his sobriety, and then come back when he is sober for a minimum of six months. He does not appear to want to be sober, and you and your kids deserve better. It is a good example for your daughters to see a strong mom who does not accept unacceptable behavior. You cannot control his choices, but you can control your own, and this is an important lesson for your dd's.


I walked the alcoholic path with a friend for the past ten years and watched her accept unacceptable behavior. Her sons have paid for it. She finally divorced him, and it was final last month, but her two oldest sons are substance abusers themselves and their lives are a mess. Ten years would have made the difference for them. Her holding on (for various reasons) did not help her, him, or her kids. I would not mess around with alcoholism. He can get it straight or go it alone. Period.


Pardon my speaking so frankly. I hope no offense is taken. Few things are black and white, but if an alcoholic is drinking, that is black and white.


This is what we have. If you can get the kids on Medicaid to cover preventive care, vaccines, and dental care, that might work. Any preventive care is excluded, though. And you pay for anything under $300. No chiro, no mental health, no dental. We pay about $400 a month for SM. You have to have money in your budget to go to the doc if you get strep throat or something, though. That is out of your own pocket. We are on SM because of necessity. Neither of us has the option of employer insurance.


ETA: SM does not in any way replace insurance. It is like a catastrophic policy with a low deductible. It is the best of our options as a self-employed family, but I would not opt out of employer-funded insurance to do it.


ETA2: And the chiro tx that I desperately needed to put my body back together? $1400 out of my pocket. I will be paying it out over 7 months. No coverage. I haven't been to a dentist in two years since my dental insurance ran out from my short stint as a full time employee. Neither has dh.

Thank you. I haven't even looked into it yet. The kids are actually on state insurance now.

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I still have Bob & Doug MacKenzie's Great White North album, some Captain & Tenielle, Billy Joel, Kenny Rogers, and Eddie Rabbitt.  My Dad still has Firehouse 5, Firehouse 5 plus 2, Sing Along With Mitch, Perry Como, and Bing Crosby.


Oh, and I have Sons of the Pioneers, part of an old Tom Mix serial on LP, the Norman Lubhoff Choir singing Songs of the Old West (whoever did the balancing of microphones should be shot), and some Vienna Boys Choir.

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I still have a portion of The Fairy Princess memorized. I would sing the opening song, do the MM intro, sing the FP song, and start in on the story with all the voices. Then, around page 4 or so (I didn't have the book at the time), I ran out of memory and just told the story to her. Oldest dd loved it! Fairy Princess was my favorite story for some reason, and I wasn't even a girly girl. I finally bought several of them from ebay a while back, and also the record "Songs that tickle your funny bone." I have a bunch of those memorized as well.


My BFF had every Disney song on 45's and memorized them all.  I had The Buggles singing Video Killed the Radio Star, and over the years I managed to find some Ray Stevens and Al Sherman (precursors to Weird Al).

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So much for my relaxing night, beware rant with cursing to follow.


I feel sick to my stomach I am so upset right now. SO the teens phoned, Chris told them they have to call his wife mum from now on. Excuse me! *I* am their mom, not her. SHe told the kids it made her feel good because she can't have her own kids. I don't give a flying rats ass if she can have kids or not. Those are MY kids, not hers. The pure selfish insensitivity those 2 have, how dare they tell them to say that. If I had remarried you can sure as shit bet Chris would not want them calling that man dad, it would be disrespectful to him. And yet he has no problem disrespecting me that way. This is one of the most hurtful things he has done since our marriage ended.




Well, that was completely uncalled for.  What they call her should be something worked out between the kids and her, no one else.  However they address her should be respectful, but should also  be something they are willing to call her.  If she wants to have a good relationship with them she and C will need to allow the kids to decide for themselves how they will address her.

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I feel like the Cowardly Lion - "Just let me at him!!"


It also occurred to me that he had better not push it too much, or the kids might start referring to her as "Mommy Dearest" or some other slanted reference that sounds nice on the surface....

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Good morning folks.  Thank you for putting up with my cursing rant.  Still nauseous today but it seems I have gotten through to them and they will not request the kids call her that anymore.  The nausea will last a few days.  WHen my cortisol levels spike due to stress I get physically ill or a couple days (which sucks because I used to thrive on conflict, now I try my best to avoid it so that I don't get sick).  Have to leave for work in about 10 minutes, and my head is not fully in the game.  I need some baby cuddles, and thank goodness I am in the kitchen cooking today for the first half of the day.  That will help me get out of this funk and be a good teacher to my crew this afternoon.  


It is finally raining here, that is a good thing.  We need it.  I hope you all have a good day today, though don't have too much fun without me :p


I'm glad to hear they saw the light of reason on this.


Now go cuddle a baby.  He/she has a hug for you from me.



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This kind of laughter has no sound.  I'm doubled over, shaking,  gasping for breath, unable to talk and sometimes (but not this time) with tears streaming down my face.  I am truly "convulsed".  


Ah, the Gasper!  Did you turn blue and frighten everyone around you into thinking you forgot how to breathe?!?


:w00t: :bigear:

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((Tex))   Need some ninja elephants sent your way?  




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Because I risked life and limb of myself and my progeny, plus endured multiple bird-flips and a few curses while pulling over in MA traffic just to get this shot, I'm reposting it.  


It's a thing of beauty, isn't it?  


Why, yes!  I believe it deserves another quote, so it could be appreciated anew!

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I don't know what Prezi is either. If I ever have to go back to college, I will make ds do all my presentations.


Go to prezi.com. If you go back to school, you can get a free education account which has more booya than the regular free account. For now, you  can play around on the regular free account (which I don't know the difference...). All you're doing is setting up slides, just like you do in powerpoint. The slides just behave differently is all, and you get a good view of the whole before breaking down into parts and back to the whole again. It's way cool.


As you get used to setting up regular slides, you learn this other cool stuff you can do too. Last presentation, I learned how to fade things in so they don't show up right away when looking at the overview. Here's the one y'all helped me with last time: http://prezi.com/tq7cb6v918ui/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

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I just this second woke up to the fact that ds14 is in an online geometry class and might need some supplies and a text for this. :huh: Jumping on some sites to quickly find these items.


I woke up yesterday to the fact that both of my sons are in an online Spanish class and would need things like a TEXTBOOK and a WORKBOOK.  Fortunately, I was able to find two texts and two workbooks for $65 shipped total.  It did take some searching.


I really need to get my head in the game, yo.

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Ah, the Gasper!  Did you turn blue and frighten everyone around you into thinking you forgot how to breathe?!?


:w00t: :bigear:

I turn red.  No matter what happens, I turn red.  Except for a couple of years ago when I was having a really hard time breathing and went to the ER about it.  I was home later while dh went to church.  He came home to find me sitting there with blue lips.  He immediately went into RN mode.  I had to explain to him that I was ok - I had just eaten a blueberry Otter pop.  

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This is so awesome.  My rug was the tipping point of the entire thread, not the Duggars.

Trying to start slow.   ;)


Many.  My own mother did this, though she threatened to leave a lot.  It worked out okay in the end, but it was not a stable environment nor a good example of a marriage for me and my brother as we were growing up, and he and I paid for it in many ways and still are.


He says things like that. He used to say it at least once a month. We know he probably won't. I told him it's like living with a roller coaster, and is very unstable. The youngest would get really sad when he said he was leaving and would stop him from leaving. Yesterday, she didn't even blink an eye when he started getting his stuff together.


I will speak bluntly.  He needs to be out of the house until he has a good amount of time sober - like six months.  It is more damaging for the kids to have him come and go and randomly get drunk than it is for him to leave, work on his sobriety, and then come back when he is sober for a minimum of six months.  He does not appear to want to be sober, and you and your kids deserve better.  It is a good example for your daughters to see a strong mom who does not accept unacceptable behavior.  You cannot control his choices, but you can control your own, and this is an important lesson for your dd's.


This was my original plan - about 2-3 months was what I was thinking. What I told him was, don't look at it as me kicking him out, but him needing a different environment without the triggers. It was a surprise he went to counseling, so showed he wanted to change (I thought), so let him come back. It hasn't even been a week yet.  


I walked the alcoholic path with a friend for the past ten years and watched her accept unacceptable behavior.  Her sons have paid for it.  She finally divorced him, and it was final last month, but her two oldest sons are substance abusers themselves and their lives are a mess.  Ten years would have made the difference for them.  Her holding on (for various reasons) did not help her, him, or her kids.   I would not mess around with alcoholism.  He can get it straight or go it alone.  Period.


The last straw of unacceptable behavior happened the day before I took oldest to camp. It was the reason oldest did not want anything to do with him, and I drove up and back alone (only around 5 hours round trip). She didn't want to talk to or about him for two weeks. She usually only takes a day to calm down. 


Pardon my speaking so frankly.  I hope no offense is taken.  Few things are black and white, but if an alcoholic is drinking, that is black and white.



Nope, no offense taken. It has been building to this point. It got progressively worse when youngest was born (although he said he'd stop before she was born...)

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I just this second woke up to the fact that ds14 is in an online geometry class and might need some supplies and a text for this. :huh: Jumping on some sites to quickly find these items.


I woke up yesterday to the fact that both of my sons are in an online Spanish class and would need things like a TEXTBOOK and a WORKBOOK.  Fortunately, I was able to find two texts and two workbooks for $65 shipped total.  It did take some searching.


I really need to get my head in the game, yo.


IF oldest homeschools, she'll be doing Jann's online geometry course. I was able to get the book used for a song. I haven;t got the calculater yet because if she goes to school, it's a different calculator than what she'll need there. The one the school wants us to have is well over $100.


If VHG sets up my conversation lab, your boys will be able to talk to me every week. :D

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IF oldest homeschools, she'll be doing Jann's online geometry course. I was able to get the book used for a song. I haven;t got the calculater yet because if she goes to school, it's a different calculator than what she'll need there. The one the school wants us to have is well over $100.


If VHG sets up my conversation lab, your boys will be able to talk to me every week. :D

There is only one more spot left in each one of Jann's Geometry classes!  You must hurry!  

Edited by texasmama
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There is only one more spot left in each one of Jann's Geometry classes!  You must hurry!  Ds14 is in the Mon/Wed class.  I really heart Jann.   She is helpful and responsive and just overall a good teacher for ds.  I already have a plan to hand off little dd to Jann in two more years.  Math is my Waterloo, my achilles heel, the bee in my bonnet...well, you all get the idea.  It takes up far too much of my time and energy that could be put into literature studies.   :D  I got the book used for about $12 shipped.


My boys will need to talk to you.   :)

She is enrolled in the Tues/Thur class. I just need to get the deposit in. Will be doing it this week. If hsing doesn't happen, it's not a lot of money to be out.

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My husband's now reading the KonMari book. I'm hoping I can really get him on board. He's irritated that I want to get rid of half our stuff. I don't understand why. I've already gotten rid of half (he knew my goal was to get to a quarter) and he doesn't miss any of it and thanks me often for doing it. He can't put his feelings into words. He says he doesn't want me to do it, but he'll be grateful when I'm done. Ok husband. Go do the dishes and shush.

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Dds go to a crochet camp every year - 2 hours a day for a week at our church. They love it, but the instructor is very particular about the yarn they can use for their projects, which we have to purchase in addition to the cost of the camp. And by particular, I mean it has to be a specific brand, type, chosen from one of about 8 colors, and purchased at a particular store. So today I spent almost $30 on 2 balls of sock yarn. I haven't gotten the list for the younger girls' class yet.

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We had black bean quesadillas with zucchini and a zucchini bell pepper salad for dinner tonight.  Tomorrow is zucchini frittata for breakfast, and marinated zucchini for lunch, with a possible zucchini bake for dinner.  


And dh wants to make zucchini bread before bed tonight.





And don't even begin to tell me I should freeze it.  That will bring up a very sore topic for me (that is, the fact that we only have a petit-sized fridge/freezer combo, and no room or grounded outlets for a chest freezer.)  


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Good. You guys can have matching shirts made while Renai and I hang out at the beach making horchata.


Jean cleans my living room.  And knows how to spell.  And took my children for a week and is hilarious and likes to hike. 


Does Renai do that for you???  I think not. And I question the culinary skills of anyone who stacks their enchiladas.  (No offense intended, Renai...)

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We had black bean quesadillas with zucchini and a zucchini bell pepper salad for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is zucchini frittata for breakfast, and marinated zucchini for lunch, with a possible zucchini bake for dinner.


And dh wants to make zucchini bread before bed tonight.





And don't even begin to tell me I should freeze it. That will bring up a very sore topic for me (that is, the fact that we only have a petit-sized fridge/freezer combo, and no room or grounded outlets for a chest freezer.)

You should freeze it.

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Jean cleans my living room. And knows how to spell. And took my children for a week and is hilarious and likes to hike.


Does Renai do that for you??? I think not. And I question the culinary skills of anyone who stacks their enchiladas. (No offense intended, Renai...)

She knows how to booya. Deal with it.

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You should freeze it.


Grate it first, let it drain, and measure it out for more zucchini bread. Then freeze it. Dh will thank you with more zucchini bread on a whim because the zucchini part is already done. You're welcome. :D

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