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Until recently my eldest niece was dating a boy named Luke, which was the name of her uncle's dog.  When the family got together there would be a lot of talk about Luke this and Luke that and a lot of crossed wires as to which Luke was meant.  When she broke up with boyfriend Luke my commiseration extended as far as, "Well, now we can stop confusing the two."  Dear Niece, angry at ex-boyfriend, emphatically agreed.


Luke was also the name of our dog that I would call dh by. And dh's name is not even close to Luke.  I miss Luke. He was the only animal in the house (out of 3 dogs and a cat) that figured out I was pregnant. He died suddenly and suspiciously when I was 8.5 months pregnant with dd #2.

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Tell me to clean the kitchen and to work on dinner.  I do like dh being on day shift.  We sure see a whole lot more of him now.  But this means that I now have to cook dinner every night.  (Though that too is better since before I had to cook a bigger lunch so he could eat before heading off to work and that was stressful sometimes.)  


I'm tired today.  I actually zoned out while driving to the chiropractor today and "came to" on a totally different road than I meant to take and had to ask the kids where I was going and then figure out how to get there from where I was.  I wasn't unsafe driving.  I was paying attention to the rules of the road but I was on auto-pilot and was following some internal gps that had no correlation to actually getting to the chiropractor.  

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I can read Spanish much better than speak it, ie. not that well at all, but I can figure some of it out.  


I can figure out some Spanish too because in some cases the Tagalog is the same.  Not to say that I can speak Tagalog but I have had to learn a bit over the years in self defense so I know what is being said about me.  ;)

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You have this thing about being told what to do. Maybe we need to work on that issue with you. OK?

It's an accountability/motivational thing.  If I say "tell me to do xyz" then I will get up off of my butt and will do it just so that I don't have to hear anyone actually have to tell me to do it!  Except Tex.  She always tells me to do it anyway.  (She's so bossy!)

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It's an accountability/motivational thing.  If I say "tell me to do xyz" then I will get up off of my butt and will do it just so that I don't have to hear anyone actually have to tell me to do it!  Except Tex.  She always tells me to do it anyway.  (She's so bossy!)

It's true.  I told her to knock off being so argumentative earlier in text, and she did.  Then she became cloyingly and sarcastically agreeing, which is like 1000% better.

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It's an accountability/motivational thing.  If I say "tell me to do xyz" then I will get up off of my butt and will do it just so that I don't have to hear anyone actually have to tell me to do it!  Except Tex.  She always tells me to do it anyway.  (She's so bossy!)


Hmmm. I see...

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ikslo!  I'm on the North Shore now, though I wasn't born here.  I thought the same thing when Slache said "wicked."  


Lived in a dull old village*, the Gateway to the Cape. 


*A Handbook of New England, p. 584

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Here is a glimpse of where dh and are right now: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/556806-ladies-be-prepared/?p=6455160


He is sleeping at his sister's house 20 minutes away and has an appointment to see a counselor. He helped me with my car today. And I'm not angry, just wary.


That is all.








ETA:  And a BooyaH to you, too.   ;)

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