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Whatever for?

I see you haven't read the entire thread. ;) Everyone in my family is/was an addict aside from me and one cousin. Watching them age was terrifying, especially my grandmother who had cancer. She was given 2 years but made it 6 and I watched her wither away. It gave me a faulty view of what ageing is supposed to look like and I just never got over it. I have stories of peeling skin, a prolapsed uterus, blood gushing from horrible places, bones breaking during normal activity. Ugh. To me that's what growing old looks like. I know it's not true, but knowing something with your head and believing it with your heart are two different things.

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Nope.  You rock.  Wish I could be you.




I plan.  Then re-plan.  Then switch things up so I can plan again.  Then I do it all again mid-year.  And I document what we do ad nauseam.


I have a booklist of everything I have either read to my DS or he has read (much smaller list) since we started homeschooling K.  And I have dates.  and hyperlinks.  And their isbn and the library call.  Color-coded.


Want to know what date my DS watched Liberty's Kids episode #10?  I can tell you.  I can also tell you what else we studied that day and whether we went to the library.  And what park he played at.


It's a sickness.


I wish I was like this. Sometimes. But I'm not. And I'm glad.  :001_tt2:

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Yes, but it's only legal in a few states. When you are old like Jean and me you will feel differently and will not want to leave your kids.

That's what I figure. Plus, when I'm sixty and have the body of a sixty year old and not a ninety year old I'll feel a lot better.

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Hurts my head just thinking about all of those!


My MIL gave both of my kids bunnies that sing "Jesus Loves Me" for Easter. Is it wrong to want to torture them? Remove their stuffing bit by bit, then an arm...maybe a noose out of the second story window.. There's only so much one mind can take. Once you know Jesus loves you, you don't need to hear it 50 billion times a day. 


Over the years some of the most obnoxious toys that entered this house were "put away" for so long they were conveniently forgotten about.  And then they just magically found themselves in an outgoing donation box....

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I am not a ten on that test. I'm a 9.






Wrong.  On my list you are a 25, because my list only goes to 10.  So there.

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Oh, suck it up, Buttercup.  How many ladies have the distinction of having a thread titled "Insert name, you were right?"




Link, please?!?

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It would have to be at least a two-week event.  One week to decompress from life, a second week to plan.  


In Hawaii.  On some island other than tourist-filled Oahu, though we need at least a day at the Polynesian Cultural Center.  Someplace with soft beds and fruity drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic).

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This is a truth that should NEVER be shared in this happy place.  I think my head shall explode. 


(BTW, newb, I believe this issue was discussed, like 97 pages ago. You're welcome.)


No such topic was discussed. You need to go back and review, then be re-tested.

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Well I did do that during elementary.  And a little bit during ds's middle school years.  But I mostly don't plan now because we're at a boring "do the next thing in the book phase" so once I've panicked late August and chosen our books then there really isn't so much more to do.  My teens are capable of looking to see what pages lesson X are on and doing them.  


Wish my teen was that capable. #darninoperableexecutivefunctioning

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I can do the sit-down-stand-up-without-falling-over thingy!!!!   :hurray:  Am I a 10?  Do I have to do it 10 times? 


Is this a thing now? I've always been able to do this. Never lost my touch. #hairflip #toolazytolookupicon

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Just bought learning resources c-rods on amazon.  Wooden ones. 


Please tell me this was the best choice.  I came to WTM to check it out, but it was broken, so I had to go by Amazon reviews instead.


What a coincidunk. I put that same set in my cart just yesterday.

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Actually, the plastic are preferred, but they are very close in the running so no worries.




What??? Back to the drawing board. Or in this case, the amazon cart. I actually had a set with my oldest. But, once we gave up thinking we'd ever have another one (11 years infertility will do that), I got rid of them.

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Nan report:  She has eaten a total of about a third of a banana since June 1.  She drinks some still, water or cherry slush.  MIL brought cherry slush which Nan could not manage (too thick), but after it melted it provided a wonderful overly strong flavored medium for dissolving her twice a day pills in so she could drink them and not taste them.  She is in bed 24/7 and incontinent.  She is fairly alert and talkative all day.  She hallucinates, but this is not unpleasant for her.  She talks to the wall and said, "He has some good ideas".  She says things that make me think she is working out her unfinished business so she can move on.  Yesterday she grabbed my hand and told the caregiver, "This is a nice lady and a good lady".  The other day she told me she loves me and that there had never been anything bad between us.  It is so interesting to watch this process.  The nighttime caregiver said that on Friday she woke up in the middle of the night and Nan was reaching her hand straight up and calling to Jesus and then called for her dad.  She has one foot in this world and one foot in the next.


:grouphug:  This is sad and sweet at the same time.

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Speaking of Nan, I have no Nan sitter today so I will plant my large, sturdy butt on the couch and finish some planning for next year.  Dd's history and lit are almost finished.  Next I will tackle my 9th grade English class for co op, which will be a large undertaking, as I have never used the curriculum.  Also, we will do our summer school.


We took the kittens and cat back to the shelter yesterday, and it was very emotional.  I miss them this morning.   :(  Little dd wanted to keep the little tabby kitten named Marley.  I wanted to keep the mama.  Instead, we kept Nan.  




I'd like to see a copy of one of your syllabi. I know I can google syllabus, but I'd rather see yours. :D

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Oh, do it!  I kinda love scheduling even though it is overwhelming at the beginning. 


I like to schedule too. Then tweak the crap out of it throughout the year. It's fun. But, I am a planner, I love it. I also love tweaking. I got all kinds of fixes.

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I love scheduling too!  Prepping, planning, choosing…. yee-haw!


I think we should rent a house in the Outer Banks and have a week-long planning retreat.  


"We" being all of US.   The ITT.  Posters, lurkers, and anyone else who can brew a good cup of coffee or bake a decent batch of scones. 


Well, I've never made scones. But, I can do breads and cakes - banana nut, banana without nut, pumpkin bread, apple (or other fruit) coffee cake, wheat breads, other breads, other cakes, etc...


Can I still come?

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Ok, I rarely post, except here. BUT I couldn't take the bashing going on in the "Are your kids addicted to Minecraft?' post (k-8 board). Are the others  (non-ITT posters) usually so quick to jump down each others throats? I'm a little scared after reading it. 


There are some.  In any group of any size there are always some.  They are by no means the majority, however, so don't lose heart.  Personally, I have learned to steer clear of certain types of topics, and I steered clear of that particular Minecraft thread because of the wording of the topic.  I have found that titles like that tend to either start with someone pushing their opinion, or they attract those who do so quite quickly. 


I find myself hanging out in this thread most of my WTM time now, and only visiting the rest of the forums when I'm caught up and bored or needing info on something specific.  This thread is good.  It fills dang near all of my online foruming needs now.



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I didn't take the test, but I'm sure I'm a 10.



I love to plan too. I even have a rough sketch of what I want to accomplish from K-12. I have no idea what we'll actually do, but I love to look at it.


The guilt trips get to me.


That would be a lie. I've been working out, swimming, eating whatever I want and using Listerine for 2 weeks.







You will learn to get over the guilt trip.  You will reach a point where you are tired of the repeated attempts, and will finally get ANGRY that they continue to pull that bs instead of you falling prey to it.  When you do you will find some amazing words addressing their particular version of thoughtlessness, and I will be rooting you on from back here.


Trust me, as the years go by you find your bs tolerance goes down to nearly 0.  It's one of the gifts of accumulated life experience!



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There are some.  In any group of any size there are always some.  They are by no means the majority, however, so don't lose heart.  Personally, I have learned to steer clear of certain types of topics, and I steered clear of that particular Minecraft thread because of the wording of the topic.  I have found that titles like that tend to either start with someone pushing their opinion, or they attract those who do so quite quickly. 


I find myself hanging out in this thread most of my WTM time now, and only visiting the rest of the forums when I'm caught up and bored or needing info on something specific.  This thread is good.  It fills dang near all of my online foruming needs now.




Mine too. This, and NOOOOOO!

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Do any of you use Google now? What does it do for you?


When you sign in, you can use google drive and save all your bookmarks and such. You can go to any computer in the world and sign in, and there's all your stuff. I can do homework anywhere now, because I type it up in drive. Special formatting, I wait to get home and download it, format it, then upload to drive again. Cool stuff. My dd15 taught me all this.

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Will I be kicked off the ITT thread if I admit that I no longer plan?  I just go by the seat of my pants and my kids are in high school and middle school  Gasp!  


I panic over needing a plan, but then the "plan" only develops enough for me to choose some curricula and give some general, get-off-my-back (but polite) responses to certain extended family.  I have found that my plans never really last very long once implementation nears, and they often fall apart long before the start date.


So, your kids are ahead of mine from the sounds of it.  What are you doing regarding high school transcripts?  I'm going to have to figure those out in another year or so....

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When you sign in, you can use google drive and save all your bookmarks and such. You can go to any computer in the world and sign in, and there's all your stuff. I can do homework anywhere now, because I type it up in drive. Special formatting, I wait to get home and download it, format it, then upload to drive again. Cool stuff. My dd15 taught me all this.

I know by the time you read this you'll know it's an app, but yes I love drive. It's where all my homeschool plans are. I've been building a booklist for years. It's bigger than any list I've ever seen from the hive.

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As Thread Granny, I say that you can.  Here, have some candy.  or chocolate . . .  because even though people lump chocolate into the "candy" category I think they are separate.  


Chocolate is its own separate food category.  It is one of the most crucial kinds because it's like being hugged from the inside.

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I know by the time you read this you'll know it's an app, but yes I love drive. It's where all my homeschool plans are. I've been building a booklist for years. It's bigger than any list I've ever seen from the hive.


Yes, I got a new phone and the app was on there. Coolest. Thing. EVER.


You'll need to share that list. (The other cool thing about drive) :D

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Yes, I got a new phone and the app was on there. Coolest. Thing. EVER.


You'll need to share that list. (The other cool thing about drive) :D

It's extremely disorganized and in need of some TLC. I had planned on linking it in my signature when I had finished.

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I panic over needing a plan, but then the "plan" only develops enough for me to choose some curricula and give some general, get-off-my-back (but polite) responses to certain extended family.  I have found that my plans never really last very long once implementation nears, and they often fall apart long before the start date.


So, your kids are ahead of mine from the sounds of it.  What are you doing regarding high school transcripts?  I'm going to have to figure those out in another year or so....

WTMCassandra e-mailed me her transcript.  I took out her names and put ours in plus our grades of course.  I'm about two years behind though.  I mean, I have the grade books but I need to make it official looking.  We follow basic high school / college prep type class choices though with the exception of continuing the 4 year history cycle so 9th grade has Ancient history and then Ancient literature; 10th grade has Medieval history and Medieval Lit. etc.  Plus a few electives.  

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You will learn to get over the guilt trip.  You will reach a point where you are tired of the repeated attempts, and will finally get ANGRY that they continue to pull that bs instead of you falling prey to it.  When you do you will find some amazing words addressing their particular version of thoughtlessness, and I will be rooting you on from back here.


Trust me, as the years go by you find your bs tolerance goes down to nearly 0.  It's one of the gifts of accumulated life experience!



A lady I know friended me on FB and then immediately invited me to groups for her MLM thingie for skin care.  I unfriended her immediately.  She friended me again.  I accepted.  She never invited me again.  We are both well into our 40's and old enough to get all of this without even speaking a word.  


I have a high tolerance for people's hobbies and MLM activities, but if you friend me to try and reel me in, I will not bite.  You may ask once.  Once is all.  If you post too much about your MLM stuff, I will hide you.  

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I panic over needing a plan, but then the "plan" only develops enough for me to choose some curricula and give some general, get-off-my-back (but polite) responses to certain extended family.  I have found that my plans never really last very long once implementation nears, and they often fall apart long before the start date.


So, your kids are ahead of mine from the sounds of it.  What are you doing regarding high school transcripts?  I'm going to have to figure those out in another year or so....

You need help. You sound indecisive, which is the worst problem to have, IMO.  Once you decide and plan, it is easier to implement.  Stuff happens and things may not go exactly as planned, but it will be close enough.


We can help if you want to get all specific.  We love to be bossy boots about other people's lives.  :D

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This is Libby the Disabled Wonder Dog guarding her "baby" (aka Rusty Stu).  Rusty does not like her because she wants to pick him up and baby him.  (I couldn't get Rusty in the picture but he's chilling in the corner of the cage.)

Little dd saw the picture and wants to know how Libby is disabled.


ETA:  Booya(h), etc.

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Little dd saw the picture and wants to know how Libby is disabled.


ETA:  Booya(h), etc.

Libby was hit by a car about 4 years ago at an inadequately fenced dog park.  She has a spinal cord injury and cannot put weight on one of her front paws.  She can use the shoulder muscle to move it though so that she can kick me for pats!  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/308431-please-pray-jean-in-newcastles-dog/?hl=libby%20car

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Libby was hit by a car about 4 years ago at an inadequately fenced dog park.  She has a spinal cord injury and cannot put weight on one of her front paws.  She can use the shoulder muscle to move it though so that she can kick me for pats!  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/308431-please-pray-jean-in-newcastles-dog/?hl=libby%20car

Awww, I read that whole thread.  Libby is doing really well considering.  Little dd was born with bilateral clubfoot, and it looks like Libby has a dog version of that on her front paw so dd was very excited thinking that Libby was like her.  

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