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I hate spelling.



I do not have a lot of money. 


My son is NOT an auditory learner.


I do not want to spend a lot of time on prep.


I am not going to print. I have learned that if I have to print the curriculum, I will not use it.


I want an open and go spelling.


I do not want to devote an hour  day to spelling.


I do not want something that gives too much information. 


I do not want pointless busy work and for my son fun word games are all pointless. He gets nothing from them.


My son needs rules and not randomness.


I cannot find anything I like. 

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I used Apples and Pears (love....). Each level (4 total levels) is just a teacher and student workbook. It's and extremely open and go. No prep at all. It takes 15 to 20 minutes as most people, and I, do it--with 1/2 a lesson per day. It gets excellent reviews.



Spelling Power is 5 minutes a day for the parent, 15 minutes for the student. One book for all grades of spelling. I'm using it now. Once you get the system down, it would be open and go as well.

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WRTR is $17 and has identical rules to SWR.  SWR costs more but gives you a few more tools.  Either one would give you the rules you're wanting, then apply them to any words or dictation you want.  He sounds like he would be a good candidate for visualization.  Look at the word, visualize it in your mind, close book, and spell it aloud backward.


With my dd I did dictation.  Sometimes it was the sentences from the Wise Guide, sometimes literature, just mix it up.  My ds I think is going to do better with visualization.


Does your ds have an disorder of written expression SLD?  I can't remember.  I think DSM 5 changed dysgraphia, so now you have DCD and SLD WE.  I don't know what effect ds' SLD WE will have on his spelling, but I have a feeling it's not going to be pretty.  My guess is the method of the writing of the words (typing vs. handwriting) will make a difference.  Right now we're just writing single, simple words in a salt tray so I don't know.  The psych said he must write as part of his learning to read, so I'm sure we won't drop it.  However typing dictation vs. handwriting, if that accommodates an SLD, yeah you would want to consider.  

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