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I have the best brother ever! While I was gone to Atlanta he remade my bathroom.

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First of all, he came and stayed with my children for three weeks so I could go to Atlanta to be with my oldest daughter for the birth of my first grandchild. He has no kids of his own so imagine the difficulty of managing three children without any experience. He did an awesome job keeping up with sending the one to school, homeschooling the other two, despensing meds, feeding three vegetarians, handling the first three weeks of soccer, housework, laundry and all the million other details of raising children and managing a home.


On top of this he redid my bathroom. New paint, tiles and decorations. It looks great and I absolutely love it. It was plain white builders decor before with no tiles around the bathtub (what were they thinking?). Now I have a lovely shade of golden tan walls with a beautiful tiled tub surround. There are three different colored tiles - a brown, a tan and a flowered imprint. They are laid on a diagonal and the background color of the flowered tile matches the paint. Then he hung floating shelves with candles and some really nice pictures. This is the nicest bathroom I have ever had and quite possibly the nicest room. And my dh is going to tile the floor with a matching brown tile. I can't wait.


He did all of this because he knows I have had a rough year and he said I need a place to relax and get away from it all plus he knows that I frequently take baths to relieve my back pain. This has got to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. My children also helped. I am so lucky. I will post pictures as soon as my 16 yr. old gets home with the camera and can help me.

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