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Side effects of Tamiflu? And possible TMI


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My dd14 was diagnosed with Type A flu on Wednesday. We all started taking Tamiflu that day. I have dealt with nausea ever since, and today I am actually sick (stomach) in "both ways." KWIM? Can the Tamiflu side effect be that extreme? I have no fever or body aches or any other indicator of being sick - just the stomach issues. I haven't left my house since Wednesday, so I don't see how I could have been exposed to any sort of stomach bug.

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My dd14 was diagnosed with Type A flu on Wednesday. We all started taking Tamiflu that day. I have dealt with nausea ever since, and today I am actually sick (stomach) in "both ways." KWIM? Can the Tamiflu side effect be that extreme? I have no fever or body aches or any other indicator of being sick - just the stomach issues. I haven't left my house since Wednesday, so I don't see how I could have been exposed to any sort of stomach bug.


I have one that reacts violently to Tamiflu in this way.  For the $60 copay, my family can just suffer the extra day.


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I don't know what to say, because I have heard that many people with the flu this year are having some nasty gastro symptoms. I wouldn't necessarily blame it on the tamiflu, but I wouldn't rule it out, either.


So basically, I'm no help at all. Can you call your doctor or pharmacist and ask about it?


I hope you guys start feeling better soon! :grouphug:

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I'm sorry. Might be the Tamiflu, those are side effects listed. FWIW, both of my confirmed Flu A kids have had vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. But they started before Tamiflu.


I had an adverse reaction to Tamiflu (severe chest pain) and have been in hospital yesterday and today. They are telling me that in our area, Flu A comes with a lot of vomiting.


I hope you feel better soon!

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