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Geography/World Cultures for an *artsy*crafty* 3rd grader


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My oldest daughter would like to study world cultures/children/cuisine next year. Can anyone tell me what I'm looking for? I'd love a good spine and minimal books, she is not so much of a book lover as ds, she would rather be doing, so not really lit based but more than a workbook. I'm already planning on supplementing with games, shows and cooking but I need (easy)craft ideas, maybe lapbook templates and *some* book recommendations. She also loves to be independent so if there is some she can do on her own then she would love that. She is reading right at grade level now but doesn't have much stamina or confidence, so something that is short and easy to read would be good.

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We did a year of world history/geography/religion/lit. I organized it by continent and had my daughter write and draw and research and put everything in a "history portfolio". What we did would be a bit too advanced for third grade, but I think you could take the same concept and organize it the way you'd want to.

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Have you ever heard of Geography Through Art?  We are using it as part of our year of Geography.  Some of the projects are too difficult for this age (mine are 2nd and 3rd) but some are fine.  Today we made Ukranian eggs on cardstock. 


In the Trail Guide to World Geography it suggests having the child make an illustrated geography dictionary. I thought that was too much for my two with all the other things we are doing but if she is artsy she might like it. The idea is to write the definition of a term like mountain and to have the child draw a picture of it.


My kids have really enjoyed doing country summaries using the form I found on Spell Outloud. It has a spot for what continent the country is in, the language spoken, the capital city, a fun fact, and an animal that you can find there. I think my kids like learning about the animal and drawing a picture of it the best.  This is the link--kind of weird. http://www.hslaunch.com/mypage/downloader.php?file=userfiles/0/57118764557.pdf&id=3649


If that doesn't work, go to this link and scroll down:  http://www.spelloutloud.com/expedition-earth-for-co-ops_20.html



I also had my kids take stickers of each of the countries' flags and place them on some cardstock where I had typed the country names. I can email you the files if you want them. It was a fair bit of work to copy and print all the flags, cut them out,and help with the sticker peeling. Just PM me if you want them.

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URGH! I cannot get multi-quote to work!


I actually used to own Galloping the Globe but sold it :)


cintinative- That art book looks wonderful, it looks like a great addition to any study. I will likely want the files but I'm not to that stage yet. I'm following this page so I can find it easily so I can request them when I'm ready, thank you so much for your offer!


kalmia- I LOVE the stamps, great idea, adding that to my wishlist!


koalamum- I was just reading about Children Around the World, it actually looks exactly like what I want and absolutely perfect for this kid, except the price tag. OUCH! From one of your previous posts I found the free download of the Great Britain unit to preview. 


I previewed Sonlight F- too many books (for this kid) and I don't generally like their books, Confessions of a Homeschooler-- too many printables- not enough info.

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My artsy girl is using a homegrown one with her younger sister this year. I was going to use Trail Guide to World Geography as the spine and just flesh it out. I ended up compiling a list of every resource we had by continent, decided how many weeks per continent, and then mapped it out on weekly schedule pages.


Their shelf has:

-Trail Guide to World Geography

-Geography Through Art

-Eat Your Way Around the World

-Children Just Like Me + the celebrations volume

-The atlases recommended in TG

-World Search Puzzles (word searches in country shapes)

-Material World

-Passport to the World

-Window on the World (missions)

-Drawing books for animals, famous buildings, etc

-Blackline maps

-Dover coloring books

-Childcraft volumes 9 and 10 cover holidays and interesting places from around the world


Their lit is primarily individual stories from older children's anthologies. My Book House, The Children's Hour, and Collier's Junior Classics. The index or TOC had the countries listed, so it was easy to line them up. I toss in chapter books for the 4th grader when it suits us.

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My artsy girl is using a homegrown one with her younger sister this year. I was going to use Trail Guide to World Geography as the spine and just flesh it out. I ended up compiling a list of every resource we had by continent, decided how many weeks per continent, and then mapped it out on weekly schedule pages.


Their shelf has:

-Trail Guide to World Geography

-Geography Through Art

-Eat Your Way Around the World

-Children Just Like Me + the celebrations volume

-The atlases recommended in TG

-World Search Puzzles (word searches in country shapes)

-Material World

-Passport to the World

-Window on the World (missions)

-Drawing books for animals, famous buildings, etc

-Blackline maps

-Dover coloring books

-Childcraft volumes 9 and 10 cover holidays and interesting places from around the world


Their lit is primarily individual stories from older children's anthologies. My Book House, The Children's Hour, and Collier's Junior Classics. The index or TOC had the countries listed, so it was easy to line them up. I toss in chapter books for the 4th grader when it suits us.

It seems I remember that you like and use some of Winter Promise's other programs, is there a reason why you didn't use their Children of the World program?

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That Geo thru Art is awesome.  

I used CAW.  Bet you can find it used.  

What did you think of CAW?


I looked on Ebay, Homeschool Classifieds and FB HM Swap but didn't see anything. *If* I get it I was looking at just buying the ebook bundles from Spirited Autumn Hope.


Looking at the bundles it looks like it would cost me $139. What I don't understand is what doesn't the bundles include that is listed on Winter Promise site under CAW, as listed it seems that all the studies would only take 21 weeks whereas CAW is billed as 36 weeks, I'm guessing partly that is the Christmas Around the World Unit perhaps? I'm not sure it is a bit confusing. I just love the look of the free Great Brittain unit, it is beautiful on the iPad and I love that it is all inclusive. 

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I planned out a whole around the world study like this, and then dd didn't want to do it!  Mine was pretty book heavy, probably not what you are looking for, but I can email you a word doc if you like.


The one thing we did end up using was this great cooking book:



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I don't know if this would appeal, but my girls created passports and travel brochures for their American girl dolls and "mailed" letters home describing their travels. (They made AGD mail boxes out of th small cardboard mailboxes that you can buy at places like Hobby Lobby.


My 13 yr old also designs clothes for various cultures. She has small doll mannequins and spends hours creating outfits.

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I don't know if this would appeal, but my girls created passports and travel brochures for their American girl dolls and "mailed" letters home describing their travels. (They made AGD mail boxes out of th small cardboard mailboxes that you can buy at places like Hobby Lobby.


My 13 yr old also designs clothes for various cultures. She has small doll mannequins and spends hours creating outfits.

I was just reading an old post of yours talking about this last night. I definitely think we will be doing this at least some, dd made her own mailbox and used it for awhile this year just for fun so I think she would enjoy adding this to our studies.

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What age range was it for CA? I'm sorta contemplating doing history together since ds is pretty ambivalent to what he wants to do study and I would need tons of books for him (as he is exactly the opposite of dd).


Elementary - like, 2nd-5th grade?  Some of the books would be read alouds for the younger end of the range.

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Spirited autumn hope is the way to go I TOTALLY AGREE


Oops phone typing here ...


I am guessing the complete package at WP includes stuff like the prayer journal and many more Ebooks. Plus there is an activity planning guide a resource for actives like recipes wtc and more.


But SAH is plenty and cheap enough.


I'm not sure which unit isn't up there.

I don't know where I've been, but I've never seen this before! I love it. Thanks!

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It seems I remember that you like and use some of Winter Promise's other programs, is there a reason why you didn't use their Children of the World program?

My DS/6th is using their Adventures in the Sea and Sky this year and we've been happy with it. This was our first WP experience, and I didn't want to spend enough for two sets on a company I'd never used before. *shrug* Geography was easier to build than history through the development of ships, planes, and spacecraft. . . Ha!

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I sent an email to ask more about specific differences between the sets on WP and SAH, I love the Great Brittain preview and I think it will be perfect with little work on my part. I've never seen something for content that I thought would work as well as this one, of course before I was always looking for ds, so perhaps that is the difference, perhaps dd will be easier to fit in curriculum. I'm very excited to try out the sample week to see if it fits as well as I think it will, it would be fabulous to find a good fit that I don't have to tweak beyond recognition.

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Here's the thing.. when I purchase from WP I only get WP exclusives. I don't purchase my books from them as I can get them quicker & cheaper through Book Depository who will ship to me for free.


We LOVED CAW & I obtained the digital things so that I could, legally, copy as much as I needed for each child. We loved it & the amount of craft or activity was up to the kids. The only thing we added in was Material World {We used it more as an I Spy, but it gave the kids an idea of what some people have vs others..}, Hungry Planet {it was fun seeing how others eat}.


I did own the Prayer Journal & had a love-hate relationship with it. I loved what it was meant to do, but I think if you tried to do too many of the charity things inside you'll overwhelm yourself. Rather focusing on ONE charitable act, & using the prayer calendars inside for praying for Children Around The World would be wiser. There were also heartfelt stories about children in war torn or 3rd world type countries that were eye opening for my guys.


All Up, you'd pay more for it at Spirited Autumn's Hope, BUT you could purchase a unit & see how you liked it. it would also include all the readings you'd need & such from the WP books. You'd also obtain your digital download immediately where as it can take a bit over at WP. You'd also end up with a password on your digital documents over at WP where as Spirited Autumn Hope there is no PWd. I'm not a fan of having to enter a PWd each time I open a document so I generally remove it once I own the document which I don't see as a problem considering they don't have them locked like that if purchased through SAH. 



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Soror, got an email today from Geography Matters today: For Next 48 hours you can receive 

50% OFF all our digital products!
Simply use coupon code "NEWYEAR" upon checkout. 


They sell the Geography through Art resource. I would still check and make sure Amazon doesn't have it cheaper used.

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Here's the thing.. when I purchase from WP I only get WP exclusives. I don't purchase my books from them as I can get them quicker & cheaper through Book Depository who will ship to me for free.


We LOVED CAW & I obtained the digital things so that I could, legally, copy as much as I needed for each child. We loved it & the amount of craft or activity was up to the kids. The only thing we added in was Material World {We used it more as an I Spy, but it gave the kids an idea of what some people have vs others..}, Hungry Planet {it was fun seeing how others eat}.


I did own the Prayer Journal & had a love-hate relationship with it. I loved what it was meant to do, but I think if you tried to do too many of the charity things inside you'll overwhelm yourself. Rather focusing on ONE charitable act, & using the prayer calendars inside for praying for Children Around The World would be wiser. There were also heartfelt stories about children in war torn or 3rd world type countries that were eye opening for my guys.


All Up, you'd pay more for it at Spirited Autumn's Hope, BUT you could purchase a unit & see how you liked it. it would also include all the readings you'd need & such from the WP books. You'd also obtain your digital download immediately where as it can take a bit over at WP. You'd also end up with a password on your digital documents over at WP where as Spirited Autumn Hope there is no PWd. I'm not a fan of having to enter a PWd each time I open a document so I generally remove it once I own the document which I don't see as a problem considering they don't have them locked like that if purchased through SAH.



oh, thanks for the tips. I don't like the idea of having to enter a password every time either.


Cintinative- thanks for the heads up, it is much appreciated, 'm checking it out now.

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