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Exercise Thread ~ December 28th - January 3rd


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Yabbut, it's still tracking you electronically. It looks like the jawbone and the flex work the same way. Shrug. It's not like I don't use a mobile phone or travel by air, still...







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Happy birthday, Hornblower!


Oh my, reading through this thread I can't stop laughing. :D my kids are looking at me like I'm nuts.


Today was 30 minutes kettlebell in the morning then 90 minutes of kundalini yoga this afternoon. Our vacation is coming to an end. Tomorrow we travel, so maybe just some restorative yoga tomorrow night. Then back to my normal routine, which is I'm not sure what since I'm starting to run again. I need to figure it out.


I'm still trying to figure out how I would do 100 swings and 10 TGU's in 5 minutes! That's tight. Is that 10 per side, Reichey?

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After spending my entire shift thinking up ever excuse in the book not to exercise, I went to the gym right after work anyway.  20 minutes on the treadmill doing one of the programs that has a variety of speeds and inclines.  Highest incline was 5, speed stayed between 3.3-4mph.  THen I did 20 minutes on this recumbent bike that has handles for hands too. I picked the fat burn program with chest press, after the warm up you pedal fast for 1 minute then put your feet on these pegs and just use your arm to move the handles (you set the resistance) for 10 seconds, then pedal again for 1 minute etc until the cool down.  No strength training today, I was feel pretty sore between yesterdays workout and then standing on my feet for 8 hours today.  SO just cardio.  Glad I went though I need to soak in some epsom salts tonight, my ankles are killing me.

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Steps so far today, 11,623. I got my hill hike in and the yoga-Pilates felt great today. An epsom soak sounds nice. I have issues though with soaking in the tub that sits right next to the toilet. Why are bathrooms designed with the toilet in the same room as the tub??? Yuck! I think I'm going to schedule another visit to our local spa.

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