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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen


Meet with teens to do Christmas music

dh - work


ds - allergy shot

shop for dh's Christmas present?


Motivated Moms list?

clean bathroom mirrors

clean out purse, though I don't think it needs it

de-clutter desk - eek!

ha!  it says to pay bills and file - did that on Monday!  Instead, I'll do the vacuuming I didn't get to on Monday, today.

sort kids' clothes?



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It's early Tuesday morning and I'm feeling good:


To Do

lunches packed

wash bedding

and put it right back on the bed

tidy up

shower/fix hair

laundry wash

laundry fold

laundry put away

basement tidy up

sew neck gator for dd

ment dd's exercise pants

post dd's mission blog (should have done it yesterday, but just didn't)

and link it to her facebook page

pop popcorn 

and make carmel corn to send to grandpas

wrap gifts

put packages together

go to post office and send them off (really. do it today!)


order book for sister

buy dutch oven for dh who came home from a hunting trip with sourdough starter - he has baked 4 amazing loaves of sourdough bread in the last 3 days! And there's another batch rising in the kitchen..


We finally got a Christmas tree last night, so I need to put on the cranberry garland and the bubble lights so the kids can put the decorations on this afternoon while snacking on:

hot cocoa



healthy habits:

track water: x x x x x x x

no sugar (back to day 1 and that's okay!)(it's day 1 again tomorrow!)

track food



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Man, I really miss sunshine in the mornings! It's so hard to get up and be motivated.


For today:

--school w dd (math, chem, history, APHG)


--print Christmas letter; stuff envelopes; mail

--post office to mail packages

--order dd's gift for her brother

--regular house things

--bake snowflake cookies w dd

--some trip planning

--attend Christmas party tonight (dh's church men's group---hopefully the under 70s crowd will be there...)

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Hmm, not quite sure what I want to prioritize today so I'll just list a few things I want done and go slowly. My back is achy this morning so it will dictate how much I can do.

- get school done
- finish cleaning entryway
- clean computer room
- help kids clean their room
- kung fu for kids
- quick grocery store trip
- vacuum upstairs

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Good morning everyone!

Not a lot on my plate today, just the way I like it.


already did all the morning chores

kitchen is a disaster, but I'll get to it

leftovers for supper


take youngest to the church for a Hobbit marathon and then they are off to see the new one, I hope she has a fantastic day


Finish knitting project


wrap some more presents


might get really brave and bathe the cat, she is looking a bit scruffy but she's only been here a few months, no idea how she will take to it.

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Good morning! I had a slooooow drive in to pick up the girls from am practice. 1.3 miles in 20 minutes. Extremely aggravating. But now I am home and have a bunch of stuff to do. Though I may have used up all my patience already.


To do:

motivated moms stuff

errands: pick up prescription, little gifts for parties

school for all

general pick up


make a few quilt blocks

PM practice

judo pickup


Have a great day, everyone!


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Today, my daughter is 18.  She and her best friend (who skipped school to be here) will be watching a Pushing Daisies marathon :p


I've already been to Dad's, did meds, met his nurse to discuss some weird wound issues that came up yesterday, and took care of his critters.


Already fed the beasties here, took my vitamin, started laundry, and I'm getting ready to get my grammar on (woohoo!).


The boys managed most of their chores for today already.  Older vacuumed his room, cleaned the bathroom sink and mirror, made his bed.  Younger dumped the bathroom trash and cleaned out the guinea pig cage (he'll have to vacuum his room later).


I need to:

Pay Dad's bills and order his presents

Read to the kidlets (I really want to start doing that routinely)

Clean the bathtub

Clean out my purses (they're basically catch-alls, so this will be fun----  not)

Clean up the mess the dog made with his squeaky toy this morning :p  Stuffing everywhere!


Wow, the list is so short today that I feel like I'm missing something.......

Fold and put away laundry from yesterday


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Well we finished school. I think I'm ready for June so I can be done with teaching my nephew and hope my sister doesn't ask me to do it again next year. He's a great kid but I'm really struggling to figure out how to effectively teach him. I'm feeling quite defeated today so I think I'll take a nap and decide afterward if I care about this to do list or not.

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DD made three different batches of cookies for friends...the house smells awesome...we have white chocolate chip macadamia nut, haystacks and thumbprints....I'll need to walk to CA and back soon.  :D


Laundry is humming along ...


Dinner is heavy hors d'oeuvre .....I'm to tired to cook.  ;)

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:/  Well, I got nearly nothing done...  For some reason, as soon as we were done with school I got a big old case of the sads.  I managed to cook dinner and I *will* wash the dishes, but all I really want to do is go to bed, or maybe the tub, and just feel sorry for myself.  I seriously miss my mom so bad right now.  No idea why, just know I do :(

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Blah! I never managed to take a nap but I relaxed and then got the kids to kung fu and helped them clean their room. Dinner got made instead of being picked up somewhere so that is a huge plus because when I'm in a bad mood its so easy to suggest eating out and me just going with it. Oh and the kitchen is still spotless!! Another huge plus.  I'm going to call today an accomplishment because I kept the rooms I cleaned yesterday in order and just head to bed now! I'll worry about everything else after my prenatal appointment tomorrow.

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Tough night.


But I got the vacuuming done

And the bathroom

and cleaned out the purse which took me all of two seconds since it was still clean from the last time that MM told me to do it.  


Also- before all hell broke loose around here with teen angst, I got to talk to one of my college roommates.  


Now - I need to figure out what to make for dh to at at 11:30 tonight.  

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