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Exercise Thread ~ December 7th-13th


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Good morning ladies!  :D     Trying so hard to guard my sleep time and for the most part it's going ok.    However, if I'm going to go to bed by 9pm, it sort of defeats the purpose to be wide awake and chipper by 4am.   LOL.    


I want to send out healing vibes to everyone who is suffering an injury or bad health.     Get well for the holiday season!



Today, WO, stretch, roll. 


I am so close to front split, side split and pancake.   So close, but no potato.     It's gonna happen!

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So remember the thread about goals and not being frail? Here's an unexpected benefit, you can fall down stairs and bounce. I took a tumble while ushering at the playhouse where my girls are performing. Other than bruises and dented pride no damage done. I did not run Sunday though :(. I did 5k this morning to ease back in.

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Last day of the FB 5 day challenge. I skipped day 4 because it was upper body. Today was lower body. Any move (like the warm up and cool down) that involved arm movement I just did without my one arm. I gently stretched it when I was done. It feels normal when I first wake up but then the slightest thing (like wiping my counter) makes it start to hurt. I vacuumed with my left arm this morning. That right there is a great exercise for body and mind, vacuuming with one's non-dominate arm. Or perhaps I should just not do any housework for the next few weeks.  :tongue_smilie:

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Modified T25 Day 1/105: Cardio


By modified I mean I'm substituting weights one day and Yoga for his stretch because I hate Shaun's stretch routine. I did not realize this was a 105 day program. Oddly I find this discouraging, as though I didn't realize I'd be working out in 105 days until this morning or something. I don't know. I just started my cycle. Does anyone have brownies?

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So remember the thread about goals and not being frail? Here's an unexpected benefit, you can fall down stairs and bounce. I took a tumble while ushering at the playhouse where my girls are performing. Other than bruises and dented pride no damage done. 

:grouphug:  Glad that it wasn't too bad. 

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Mom-Ninja   :grouphug:  Thinking about your shoulder.      I  do a lot of shoulder prep work for hs so I know when the shoulder isn't right it's awful, especially since you use it all day long for normal living too.



Modified T25 Day 1/105: Cardio


By modified I mean I'm substituting weights one day and Yoga for his stretch because I hate Shaun's stretch routine. I did not realize this was a 105 day program. Oddly I find this discouraging, as though I didn't realize I'd be working out in 105 days until this morning or something. I don't know. I just started my cycle. Does anyone have brownies?


105 days is nothing!     You can do this!    


Take photos and measurements so you can do the before and after thingy.    


I took a tumble while ushering at the playhouse where my girls are performing.




How ya feeling today?



Today:  skillwork stretch roll MA

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Will soon do Ballet Body: Lower Body. Haven't tried this one out before. I did the Upper Body a while back and it was tough.

Her dvds are tough. The upper body one was what I was doing when I injured my shoulder. That was 3 weeks ago. I think using 5 lbs was too heavy for me to use for some of those moves. I dropped my weight but it was too late.



Today, I did cardio (modifying moves for my shoulder), abs, and more abs. Also, I watched

and I'm looking forward to the new site changes. Can't wait to use the calendar. 
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Sunday was a rest day, I had hoped for some Yin yoga, but we were busy with holiday stuff.


Monday-2 mile run.  I didn't have the strength to do kettlebell so I ran 2 instead of 1 mile.  I kept it easy with a walk/run combo.


Tuesday-1 mile run then kettlebell.  Today was TGUs, cleans, presses and deadlifts.  


It has not hurt at all while I run, but I can tell that the area is more tender and deadlifts are feeling sore again.  I may see if my dh can talk with the PT and get her opinion.  I'll probably end up going.  


These 9 days of running (1 mile a day) has made me realize how much I really miss running. :(    

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105 days is nothing!     You can do this!    


Take photos and measurements so you can do the before and after thingy.    


I know, it was weird. I've deiced to work out for the rest of my life, but when I saw the 105 I was discouraged. Maybe I wasn't planning on living for another 105 days.  :zombiechase:


I have before pics because I took before and after of insanity. :)









Modified T25 Day 2/105: Weights

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Joyce Vedral: Bone Building & Classical Stretch: Muscle Memory. 


Her dvds are tough. The upper body one was what I was doing when I injured my shoulder. That was 3 weeks ago. I think using 5 lbs was too heavy for me to use for some of those moves. I dropped my weight but it was too late.


Yes, now I remember. I'll also have to remember to not use 5-pounds for that one. I tend to use 3-pound weights for the very intense stuff. I used to think that 3-pounds is a joke, but I have since been humbled and realize I'm actually getting a good workout. Hope your shoulder feels better  :grouphug:. 

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Tuesday: martial arts followed by kettlebell


This reminded me of our recent conversation about aging...

The head of our martial arts system who lives in another state just celebrated his 74th birthday by doing 74 swings with successive bells starting at 35 kilos until he reached 440 swings.  Our sensei proposed we do the same (except I started with the 24 kilo and worked my way down for 400 total swings) and then we took a group photo of the fresh calluses on our hands and sent it to him:)



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Lisa, sorry about your migraine. :grouphug:  I hope it's completely gone soon.


Kettlebell today.  It was focused on squats and lunges, with high pulls and snatches inbetween.  I tried to squat 52# (with two 26# bells).  I couldn't do it, but I could come up a bit, I just couldn't keep form.  I'll stick to my 44# bell for now.  I'm also trying to get back to adding extra push-ups and pull-ups.  I had dropped doing them because of the fuller kettlebell schedule, but I need to add them back.  I can tell they make a big difference in my overall strength.  

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I was going to go for a swim, but decided against it. Yesterday my daughter and I went for a lovely evening at our salon and they gave us all complimentary little makeovers. I had my hair styled and really don't want to get it wet for a few days. I wish my hair could always look like this. I'm terrible when it comes to styling hair, more of a wash-and-go type. So, instead of swimming, I'll be doing Rodney Yee: Energy Balance Yoga - never done this one. Got it super-cheap (used) while we were in Michigan over the summer.


Migraine yesterday so barely moved from bed.  


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Wednesday- nothing but the Holidays. Several old friends bearing trays of sweets dropped by; I ended up entertaining/eating in my running clothes instead of running:).


Planned: I need to run out the kinks this morning and then tonight: martial arts followed by kettlebell.

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Coming in to report that I'm such a Zumba teacher's pet that I got a little prezzie of a Zumba headband from one of my instructors!  She gave presents to 3 of us for being such smiley participants & bringing good energy into the room 💃💃💃

Did Zumba Monday & Wednesday. Looks I'll have Zumba 3/week right up to xmas - yay! 

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Day 5/105: 25 Minutes of ab cardio. Please sent prayers, fairy dust, and wine.


I just found this for your fairy dust needs.  They're even certified by the Fairy Counsel.


I have to retract my Thursday workout.  I walked with my dh instead of running when he showed up early at home plus kettle bell was ditched because of the open calluses created on my hands during Tuesday's workout.  


Here's another link for you kettle bell women in case you have hand problems like I do, just wish I had seen it sooner.  Kettlebell hands.

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I have something I wear for kettlebell for my hands.  It helps some. I don't always use them because it interfers with the grip (only when I'm trying to go too heavy :) ).  They are called Dragon Skins .


Yoga in the dark by the lit Christmas tree sounds like a nice idea.  I'll add to it though, the fire is lit too. :)  


Yesterday was yoga class day.  It was going to be my last time at that studio. It's a new studio in the city and the classes have been inconsistant and I was afraid the class would disappear from that time slot all together (and I only go to the city for yoga once a week.  It's the only time I can do it).  So I tried out and bought a class pack at another studio.  That studio does Bikram yoga at that time slot.  I liked it ok, not as much as a flow class, but the instructor was good and I started to enjoy the heat.  But yesterday I went back to use my last class card up for the studio and it was a new teacher and she was incredible.  I was the only student and when she found out I had an injured hamstring she spent the entire time working it for me.  It was like a PT session but with yoga.  She was really great, and now I want to go back there in January when my kids Co-op starts back up. It still feels risky buying a class package from that studio.  If that woman can't get enough students in January I'm unsure how long she'll hang on to teach that class.  But the class cards are good for a year, and 10 classes cost less than a PT session. :D  


I felt so amazing when I left there. I wanted to hug the woman.  


I got home last night and did 300 kettlebell swings.  This morning I did a 40 minute kettlebell workout.  It was cardio focused and it felt good to have my heart rate up for that long. 

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I just found this for your fairy dust needs.  They're even certified by the Fairy Counsel.


I have to retract my Thursday workout.  I walked with my dh instead of running when he showed up early at home plus kettle bell was ditched because of the open calluses created on my hands during Tuesday's workout.  


Here's another link for you kettle bell women in case you have hand problems like I do, just wish I had seen it sooner.  Kettlebell hands.

Free shipping! This is cool. :)

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Quick 30 minute kettle bell and walked around and around the basketball complex ( and Costco between games) until I hit 10000 steps. I wonder why sports, which should lead to a healthy lifestyle, keeps the parents from getting exercise. And the food ...ack...irony I guess. (For the record dd and I brought fruit and sandwiches from home.)

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I decided against kettlebell today and did an hour long yoga practice.  It felt nice. I also spent the much of the day studing Gov't with  my dd17 who has a final this week for her college class.  Why does studing make you hungry?  We sat together for several hours just going over stuff, and I was as hungry as if I had run 5 miles. 

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I decided against kettlebell today and did an hour long yoga practice. It felt nice. I also spent the much of the day studing Gov't with my dd17 who has a final this week for her college class. Why does studing make you hungry? We sat together for several hours just going over stuff, and I was as hungry as if I had run 5 miles.

I think brains gobble a lot of energy! Dykt a brain is mostly fat but it runs on carbohydrates ....

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