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Anyone want to help me brainstorm stocking stuffer ideas for an NYC theme?

Jenny in Florida

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When my daughter was little, we made the mistake of theming her stocking one year. It seemed like a cute idea when she was younger and it was possible to find lots of small, inexpensive items that featured her favorite movies or characters. However, as she and, in due course, her brother, have gotten older, it's gotten more and more challenging to pull off this whole theming tradition. 


This year, I'm considering doing an NYC theme for her stocking, since she moved up there last summer and is so enjoying living in the city. I've found a couple of options for the requisite pair of novelty socks that must go in the toe of the stocking (a tradition we adopted from my husband's family), and I've bookmarked a couple of molds we could use to make some shaped chocolates. But I'm having trouble coming up with more "life in the city" ideas that are small enough to fit not only in the stocking but also in her suitcase for the plane trip home, won't unduly strain our more-careful-than-usual budget and would nicely fill a stocking.


The only other thing we've thought of so far is some handwarmers. (She hates to wear gloves or mittens.) I did some research and discovered that the one-use kind that come in the little foil packs are allowed on planes. (My husband was concerned.) I was also thinking of making her a couple of sets of re-usable rice-filled ones, which I could cover in fabric to match the scarf I just crocheted for her. My husband suggested including some of the one-use ones, too, for the times she doesn't have access to a microwave, and maybe a set of fabric pouches she could slip those into.


We're considering a gift card to a movie theatre we know she frequents. My husband suggested a MetroCard, but she usually buys herself the unlimited monthly one. So, we'd want to give one of those in order for it to be meaningful, and that's more than I want to spend on a stocking gift, especially one that takes up so little room!


Yes, I know it sounds a bit contradictory to be trying to find things large enough to fill a stocking but small enough for her to pack. Believe me, I realize it's a tough balance.


Anyway, any thoughts would be very much appreciated!

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I don't know if this will help, but IIRC, your dd lives in Brooklyn now, and there is a store called "By Brooklyn" which exclusively sells products made in Brooklyn. I don't know if they have a website, but it might be worth a look.


And no NYC-themed stocking should be without the requisite Statue of Liberty pencil sharpener. (When we were kids, that and the miniature metal model of the Statue were the souvenirs most of us brought home from class trips.:))

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Earmuffs? Earbuds or headphones for her phone/ipod/mp3 player if she has one plus an Audible.com or itunes gift card for music or audiobooks while on the trip?


What does she hate about gloves or mittens? If it's lack of access to the fingers, wristwarmers might be useful to go with the scarf and maybe a pair of matching bootcuffs (www.ravelry.com has several patterns); possibly some thin ones with tech fingertips (even inexpensive ones have those now) so that she can still use her electronics (can be worn under the wrist warmers; or convertible mittens where there's a cover that folds back to free the fingers.

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a small guidebook or best of travel book so she can discover new places

postcards with pictures from the city she can mail to friends

ticket to a museum or attraction she might want to visit


Does she have a good umbrella and small, foldable tote bags for walking around the city?


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A silly snowglobe with the statue of liberty?  (You know the plastic, el cheapo kind they sell as souvenirs?)


A foldable umbrella


Shoe covers for snowy days (can't think what they're called, sorry)


Coffee shop gift cards


I love, love, love the theme idea, and the ideas you've already come up with!

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