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Dr. Hive??


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DS10 is sick. He *never* gets sick. Never.

He was perfectly fine today. Then this evening we were putting up Christmas lights outside and he was complaining that he was too cold- which was weird because it is unusually warm. I told him it wasn't cold, to stop whining :(

So we came in when we finished and he disappeared upstairs while I got something to eat. When I came upstairs I looked in his room and he was in bed under the covers- VERY abnormal for him. He is full of energy and jumps out of bed in the morning and doesn't go to bed until forced. So to see him in bed at 7:30 was my first clue that he was sick.

He said he was cold. I felt him and he did have goosebumps. He said he had a headache. And he was warm. He has not gotten out of bed, except to use the bathroom.

I just checked on him- he feels warmer than before, though not alarming;y so- I think I'm going to go take his temp. But he said his head still hurts, and his neck.

He had a flu shot back in October. His throat doesn't hurt. He isn't stopped up, or have a runny nose. No cold symptoms.

We have several urgent care places nearby- two within 2 miles- so I could take him in now (almost 1 a.m.)... but I would rather wait until the morning to have our (completely awesome) family doctor look at him.

What do you all think?

He had a flu shot in October. I'm scared it might be meningitis.... I would hate to wait if it's the really bad kind... but I would also hate for him to have to get a spinal tap or something if it isn't needed.


ETA: I took his temperature (underarm) and it says 103.

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I would keep a very close eye on the fever. 103 is high, and I would be worried that it might go even higher. I hope the Advil works to bring it down.


I hope your ds doesn't have the flu, but it sounds like it might be, unless he has strep throat or maybe an ear infection or something. I'm sure your doctor will figure it out in the morning and give your ds the best medicine for whatever it is. :grouphug:

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Thanks everyone!


The Advil did bring his fever down. Some time this early morning, he went downstairs to get some milk (which I told him not to drink) and lay on the couch- which caused him to throw up (like I said it would). And now he seems a lot better. The fever is still there, but it's only 100.4, and he hasn't had any Advil for about 8.5 hours.


I was all ready to call the dr. and bring him in, but he seems to be on the mend.


It just *really* scared me last night- he just never ever gets like that- and it was so fast! And yes, I was scared it might be meningitis too, and I kept having him put his chin to his chest- which he could do just fine.

He's in the shower now and will be in bed all day- I'm going to watch him and see. I remember when my little sister was little, she would get really sick at night and be fine during the day (for a few days) and she had pneumonia.


Thanks everyone! It really helps to be able to voice your worries and ask questions of people when it's 1:30 a.m. and everyone else is asleep :)

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The flu shot protects against 4 particular viruses. There are many, many more viruses that cause "influenza-like" illnesses. I like to read the CDC's Fluview page when the flu season gets going. Only sick people with obvious "influenza-like" symptoms go to a doctor and get tested for influenza, yet it's typically a small percentage of those sick people who have influenza--12.6% for the week ending Nov. 22. They actually use the term ILI (influenza-like illness) in their stats. I would guess that your son has an ILI. And they do seem to come on quickly--I can remember feeling fine at the beginning of a church service before realizing sometime during the service that I just need to lay my head down NOW. Hope he feels better soon.



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Neck achiness during an illness can also be caused by swollen lymph nodes at the base of the skull. These can get inflamed and become very tender. Mine are very sensitive and an achy neck is one of the first signs that I am getting sick. If there was stiffness along with the achiness that would be concerning.


Hope he is feeling better soon!

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