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Exercise Thread ~ November 30th-December 6th


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Will soon do: Joyce Vedral's Vertical Abs.


Thank you all so much for your very helpful replies back re: strength training and my workout plan. Yes, two or preferably three times a week would be ideal. I should have remembered that. I mean I've been reading up on all this for years and years! The problems of having far too many options. I seem to always be adjusting and making lists. I think I spend more time doing that than actually working out  :lol:. 


I haven't done any Joyce Vedral dvds; does she do heavy weights with low reps, or high reps with lower weight? For me, low rep heavy weight work requires a longer rest period than lighter weights with high reps.

It's hard to say. She doesn't encourage anyone to go over 20 pounds, but she pretty much leaves the weights up to the individual. I usually do 3, 5, and 8 pounds. Some use 3 pounds for the entire workout, others 5. Even with 3 pounds alone, which I sometimes do, the workout is still very effective. So, I would say that her workouts are more lighter weights and high reps. She has a pyramid system for most of her workouts. 

12 reps - lightest weights

10 reps - medium

8 reps - heaviest weights


I'm not familiar with any of those WO videos but I will say that you do work very consistently and you keep it varied and there's something to be said for keeping a WO schedule that you can do over the long term.

One thing that I like to look at even though I do NOT do crossfit, is these athletic levels that this guy created.   I think it's a great tool for determining whether your WOs are keeping you in balance.   For example,  what if I like to run, run, run, but I have no push and pull strength?     Or my personal nemesis,  what if I can push but I suck at pulling exercises?


You are so encouraging. Thank you  :grouphug:. Off to look at that link you posted :). 



I would definitely bump the strength training to twice a week.  I think heavier weights and less reps would probably be awesome for you to balance the Pilates and yoga and swimming. Plus it doesn't have to take as long- with heavier weights you can crank a workout out. 


Thank you also. 

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Classical Stretch: anywhere from 1-3 of them (as much as I have time for - I might even do some later in the day). 


I have a UTI!!


Hope you feel better soon.  :grouphug:


Negin- if writing out exercise regimes on a calendar worked muscles, I'd be an Olympian!

Me too :smilielol5:


Well, that did not go as planned. Drat

Yes, we all have those days  :grouphug:. 

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Well, that did not go as planned. Drat


:grouphug:  Tis the season for your schedule to be crazy.  How long does the Nutcracker go after Christmas?

Negin- if writing out exercise regimes on a calendar worked muscles, I'd be an Olympian!





Great news!! I have a UTI!!

:grouphug:   Feel better soon!

I did all 3 Classical Stretch workouts:

Hip Flexibility

Muscular Balance


Now that I've done all 3, I won't have much time to make breakfast. Oh well :lol:.

:D   You go girl!



Today stretch, roll, only.     I am very sore.

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I'm going to cry. After being careful with my shoulder i managed to aggravate the injury. Yesterday i had to clean out all my cabinets, closets, and storage areas for the pest control guy to be able to inspect and spray. I spent 5 hours moving stuff, lifting boxes, moving furniture, vacuuming, and wiping every surface with cleanser. Needless to say that involved a lot of shoulder motion. More than I thought about. In fact, I didn't think about my shoulder at all. I was just focused on getting everything done. Then last night right before bed I felt like my shoulder was on fire. I took 2 doses of ibuprofen and I still couldn't sleep well. I can barely move my arm today. I had to use my other hand to brush my teeth. 


It will be a long time before I can do any arm/shoulder work. Looks like I'm going to have to run for awhile instead of doing my normal routine. I do not like to run. Here's hoping my knee remains in good shape. 

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It's been a busy week!  I wanted to chime in about the kettlebells.  For swings, I would start with 12kg.  You will probably quickly go to 16kg, but 12kg is a good starting point.  8kg is great to start for presses, squats, lunges, and TGUs, but they are light for swings.  If you can get a set with an 8kg and a 12kg that would work for you for a while.



I've run a mile every day and it hasn't hurt while I run. I can't remember when I last posted, maybe Wednesday?


Thurs--AM yoga class,   PM 1 mile run, 12 minutes kettlebell fat blaster workout


Friday--AM 1 mile run, 30 minutes strength training, focusing on rows, deadlifts, and presses.  REST of the DAY,, lots and lots of walking.  My dh and I went Christmas shopping, I'm sure we got in at least 10,000 steps.


Saturday--AM 1 mile run, then 10 mintues of TGU practice, 100 swings (I used 3 bell weights, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg) and then snatches and push-ups.I plan on some restorative yoga tonight. 

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I'm going to cry. After being careful with my shoulder i managed to aggravate the injury. Yesterday i had to clean out all my cabinets, closets, and storage areas for the pest control guy to be able to inspect and spray. I spent 5 hours moving stuff, lifting boxes, moving furniture, vacuuming, and wiping every surface with cleanser. Needless to say that involved a lot of shoulder motion. More than I thought about. In fact, I didn't think about my shoulder at all. I was just focused on getting everything done. Then last night right before bed I felt like my shoulder was on fire. I took 2 doses of ibuprofen and I still couldn't sleep well. I can barely move my arm today. I had to use my other hand to brush my teeth. 


It will be a long time before I can do any arm/shoulder work. Looks like I'm going to have to run for awhile instead of doing my normal routine. I do not like to run. Here's hoping my knee remains in good shape. 



:grouphug:  I'm so sorry.  

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Love the thread. :)


I walk a few miles daily, but I need to do some strength training. I'm a little afraid because of a shoulder injury from a fall many years ago. I just need to do it. Any thoughts? (rotator cuff.)  It's not bothered me in some time-- because I gave up certain movements. ;)  I'm so afraid of irritating it.

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My oldest dd went to PT for a shoulder injury, though not quite rotator cuff.  He wanted her doing planks and push-ups, as well as lots of core work.  Make sure you warm up (arm circles, as well as other things that put your shoulder through the range of motion). Don't go too heavy, and if it hurts, don't do it. :)  If you have access to it, a trainer would be great (if you belong to a gym, you can usally get one at a decent rate).



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So frustrating. I totally understand. I was in agony after I painted my kitchen years after a shoulder injury.  Sometimes the most simple movements trigger pain.

I'm going to cry. After being careful with my shoulder i managed to aggravate the injury. Yesterday i had to clean out all my cabinets, closets, and storage areas for the pest control guy to be able to inspect and spray. I spent 5 hours moving stuff, lifting boxes, moving furniture, vacuuming, and wiping every surface with cleanser. Needless to say that involved a lot of shoulder motion. More than I thought about. In fact, I didn't think about my shoulder at all. I was just focused on getting everything done. Then last night right before bed I felt like my shoulder was on fire. I took 2 doses of ibuprofen and I still couldn't sleep well. I can barely move my arm today. I had to use my other hand to brush my teeth. 


It will be a long time before I can do any arm/shoulder work. Looks like I'm going to have to run for awhile instead of doing my normal routine. I do not like to run. Here's hoping my knee remains in good shape. 


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I'm going to cry. After being careful with my shoulder i managed to aggravate the injury. Yesterday i had to clean out all my cabinets, closets, and storage areas for the pest control guy to be able to inspect and spray. I spent 5 hours moving stuff, lifting boxes, moving furniture, vacuuming, and wiping every surface with cleanser. Needless to say that involved a lot of shoulder motion. More than I thought about. In fact, I didn't think about my shoulder at all. I was just focused on getting everything done. Then last night right before bed I felt like my shoulder was on fire. I took 2 doses of ibuprofen and I still couldn't sleep well. I can barely move my arm today. I had to use my other hand to brush my teeth. 


It will be a long time before I can do any arm/shoulder work. Looks like I'm going to have to run for awhile instead of doing my normal routine. I do not like to run. Here's hoping my knee remains in good shape. 

I'm so sorry. This sucks.


Love the thread. :)


I walk a few miles daily, but I need to do some strength training. I'm a little afraid because of a shoulder injury from a fall many years ago. I just need to do it. Any thoughts? (rotator cuff.)  It's not bothered me in some time-- because I gave up certain movements. ;)  I'm so afraid of irritating it.

I'll bet your insurance will pay for you to see a physical therapist that will tell you what to do. If not I'd go to reputable website that has ideas. They would know things people here hadn't thought of.


1.1 mile walk/run on treadmill today!

You should check out the Couch to 5K or 10K apps. They're free.

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