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I forgot the coffee

Night Elf

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I survived Thanksgiving with my family at my house. But as everyone was leaving, I realized that I forgot to make coffee for everyone and no one said anything! In my defense, my back was really hurting so I sat in the living room with a hot rice pack after dinner. I am so embarrassed. I said something to my sister and BIL and he said he wondered about it. But I guess he was being a polite guest. Still, I'm embarrassed.

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Don't be embarrassed! Why on earth wouldn't he have asked for some? That's not rude IMO and would've been a simple solution.


Exactly what I was thinking! I am a coffee drinker, but in the morning only. I personally wouldn't think to offer coffee after dinner and I certainly would think it was fine for someone to ask for it!

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Another thought...we were at my brother's house this year. My brother and SIL have a coffee maker, but aren't coffee drinkers. After dinner, my dad asked my SIL if she minded if he made a pot, she rinsed the coffee pot out and my dad took it from there. No big deal! That's what family does (in my world, at least). You shouldn't feel bad.

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It was a nice day. All the food turned out well. We even had most of it hot when it was time to serve. My sister and I were laughing that our grandmothers used to do this every Sunday, get a meal ready with everything hot at one time and that was pre-microwave. I don't know how they did it. Oh, and we barely burned the rolls, so that was a success too. :)

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