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VENT - it took them a full hour to get ready to go out


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It really is just a vent. And, to be fair, there were a lot of pieces to be gathered for multiple activities, including costuming things and piano books and snacks and special make up and so forth - lots of little things to be gathered. It was not just put on your shoes and coat and grab that one thing. But AN HOUR?!? A FULL HOUR!?!? I could have done that in fifteen minutes. Maybe twenty tops. I have resolved to stop nagging them and let them forget things and just let it go, but this is trying my patience. Thank goodness I gave them an hour to get ready and used my c a l m voice the whole time.

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It's amazingly crazy. I start off thinking we are going to be 10 or 15 minutes early and I might have time to drop a library book in the return slot and before you know it we are peeling out of the driveway as if I can drive fast enough to to slow down the passage of time.


Hats off to you, though. I can't keep my c a l m voice going for an HOUR.

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You did well to keep your c a l m voice for that long!


I have one child who feels compelled to gather and take every. single. thing. she could possibly need for a week's stay in another state (even if we aren't leaving town), and consistently forgets socks. I have another child who would rather just stay home, and so needs to be reminded of every. single. thing. he needs to do to be ready to go. And the youngest, as soon as he gets wind that we might be going somewhere, follows me around crying and whining and falling on the floor... for NO REASON! Well, I think he actually just wants to go right now, or maybe yesterday, and I'm just not fast enough for him, but still. Seriously.


I feel your pain.

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Something must have been wrong with the molasses I had in my cupboard. I told my kids they were moving like molasses and they asked what I meant by that. I went on about how they were too sloooooow and then flipped over my jar or molasses to show them and it sloshed to the other side quick as water. The kids just raised their eyebrows at me like, "looks like we're pretty fast kids if we're like molasses!" and continued to dawdle.

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Ugh, I've been there lots of times, except add on the fact that they rarely take responsibility for any of the things they are supposed to bring.  Of course this is my fault for spoiling them.  Just this evening I told my kids that is going to stop.


If only I could also report that I kept my voice calm.  Ha!  Sometimes I do, but today wasn't one of those times.  (I was stressing over a work deadline, and their dawdling was not helping.)

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Yeah, this is why we have what I call flexible errands. If we have to be at class at 10, and it takes 40 minutes to get there (and it does take 40, despite my assumption that it really only takes 30, even though I've driven that route hundreds of times -- my form of adult ADHD shows itself in that I am horrible at figuring out how long things will take), we need to leave at 9:15. But let's aim for 9:05 and give ourselves some extra time. Only, actually, let's leave at 8:50 and stop at the post office on the way. So we aim for 8:50, and if we make it, great! But more often than not, we won't leave until 9:05, so we won't have time for the flexible errand before class, but we won't be late to class either.


When I aim to leave at 9:15 to go straight to class, we end up just squeaking in.

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Funny thing about molasses (funny to me at least!)  I had been looking EVERYWHERE to buy molasses here in Bangalore.  No success.  For YEARS.  Then I did some research.  Turns out, molasses has import restrictions and taxes as if it were an alcoholic beverage.  Therefore very hard to get permission to import it.  However, one did I DID find it (must have slipped through.)  There were only three bottles.  And they were over $20 per bottle.  I bought one.  Felt really guilty.  Went back and bough a second!!  Now I have molasses.  Forever.

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