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Care to wallow with me for a moment?

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This is purely for venting purposes. I'll get over it, I'm sure.




Today I could have cheerfully wrung my children's necks (which is just a saying, albeit a little harsh)


Oldest all of a sudden didn't understand a concept with the wording of a word problem that she's never had an issue with before and was so busy huffing and puffing and coverying her face with her hands exclaiming, "i don't get it! I'm confused" that she didn't really understand any of my attempts to explain it. I feel I did an inadequate job. Hopefully she just as suddenly 'gets it' again tomorrow.


For the second I need a tape recorder to say "that's not a b" "that's not a d" and "What does ea say?". I'm generally pleased with his progress but some days are soooooooo painful. I don't really think I like teaching reading, whichs surprises me.


The third has suddenly decided he has no clue on how to put on all his gear. What does he need a chart? Snowpants, boots, mitts (so they go under his sleeves which is his preference) then coat. All I need to do then is zip his coat which he can't manange with mittened hands. Trust a homeschooler to create a chart for her 5yo to put on his snow gear!


The littlest was just generally unhappy and needy this morning which means more noise, which is particularly tricky while trying to explain things (like math) to the others. I need to redo the busy bags and reconfigure the school toys - they've been the same since September and they've certainly lost their appeal.


All three of the biggers were running around giggling and hooting when they should have been eating lunch (after I was exhausted from the trials of the morning) so I ended up losing my cool and kicking them all outside before they were done. It was just sandwiches, they can eat them later. If it wasn't already 1pm when we stop for lunch, I would let the play before lunch anyhow, they work hard all morning and are ready for a break, but I always just figure they must be starving. I know I am!


This is all developmentally appropriate and to be expected occasionally. And I usually can roll with it, or even enjoy it. But it just seemed a little much today! Here's hoping for better day tomorrow (extra short day with light math/reading per kid and geography and history together).


And to top it all off, my iPad jammed TWICE before I could get this all down and I had to start over. Almost not worth the effort, but it is cathartic to write this all out. On the up side, school is done for the day, the kids are outside and the toddler is napping. I've had 1/2 a lunch and will now go rummage for more - with a few gingersnaps and a cup of tea I think.


Anyone else trying to recover some grace for the afternoon?

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I get it.  At my house, it's Adolescent Hormonal Tempest season.


Tuesday was fantastic.  Wednesday, his brain fell out, and he was acting exactly like your oldest daughter:


Oldest all of a sudden didn't understand a concept with the wording of a word problem that she's never had an issue with before and was so busy huffing and puffing and coverying her face with her hands exclaiming, "i don't get it! I'm confused" that she didn't really understand any of my attempts to explain it.


Then, Thursday, his brain returned and the day was fabulous.


But Wednesday ... :willy_nilly:   :svengo:


I really need to devise a Plan B for those days ... but part of me is afraid he'll start faking it if I go too easy on him.  But I guess that's a topic for a different thread.


In the meanwhile - deep breaths, Tawlas.  I hope tomorrow comes with sunshine and lollipops for you.  :)




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My partner asked me how the morning went so I just handed over the post I'd just finished typing it out on the ipad. A few minutes later I got a big hug in the kitchen (where I was making tea lol) and was told I was "doing a great job. I couldn't even handle a half an hour with as much patience as you do." It was so good to hear it brought tears to my eyes lol!


Thanks guys, I figured you'd been there or at least understand. If I told non-homeschooling parents about this they'd come back with "You don't like teaching reading? Why don't you send them to school?"


To a new day!!

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:grouphug:  I've so been there. Thankfully, there aren't THAT many days like that.


We had the day off today for various reasons (including a birthday in the family, going to see the author of one of our favorite books in person & getting three of them autographed plus personal advice to want-to-be-writer-dd#2, and a play today). Unfortunately, it felt like go-go-go the last 36 hours with little sleep. Hoping for lots of good sleep tonight & a refreshing weekend before restarting on Monday!

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I'm sorry. That sounds like a normal day for me. Often times I can be found in the garage, sitting in the mini-van eating a popcicle while the wailing and moaning and groaning continues on and on. And there's nothing wrong with sending them outside with their sandwich. I've done that before, too! We just call it an impromptu picnic!

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