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Question for Protestant Christians


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Some translations use "Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved" in Acts 16 where others translate "Believe in" in that same passage. The KJV has it like that, so it may just be more archaic language or there may be some nuance that doesn't quite translate into English.


ETA: I checked and even the ESV, which is pretty literal, uses "believe in." I'm voting King James English (which may be preserved in some later versions.) You can go to Biblegateway.com  and look at parallel versions of the same verse.

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I've never said "believe on Jesus", always "in".  I think, though, that it would be based upon the translations of the Bible. 

In King James Version, Acts 16:31, where the phrase comes from, it is translated "Believe ON the Lord Jesus Christ and though shalt be saved."
In the NIV version, it's translated "Believe IN the Lord Jesus Christ...."

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I'm not a Christian but I've seen on this board that it seems to be a southern colloquialism to use "on" for things I hadn't heard before-- brag on, love on, hug on, etc.  So maybe it's regional?

Considering the deep South churches I've been around tend to utilize the KJV as other translations are "an abomination", I'd say that is likely as well. 

Though, I've never considered "brag on" a regional thing, unless you'd say "brag about"? 

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I always assumed it was some quirk of translation.


Now that this on thing is accounted for, can someone please tell me what's up with the abuse of the word convicted in some Protestant circles?!


Haha! I think it's because if you're "being convicted" of something, it's because God is "convicting" you so it's hard to argue with. 

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Does the "on" thing extend to "on accident"?  Until recently, I had never heard that form of the expression.  "I dropped the plate on accident."  I would have said, "I dropped the plate by accident."  Is that a southern thing as well?


It's definitely a Texas thing.


And while we're at this:


Why do some Evangelicals use winsome to mean winning?!? That just grates on my ears although I'm usually not a grammar maven.

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