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Exercise Thread ~ November 9th-15th


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On Sunday I did a kettlebell strength workout.  Lots of squat and lunge variations as well as snatches and high pulls. I was also able to get out an enjoy a nice walk.  It was sunny and in the mid 60's.  It's going to get much colder this week, so I'm trying to enjoy the warmth while I can.


This week my kettlebell workouts are more cardio focused, and today's was 42 minutes of high volume work.  I was shakey by the end, but it was nice to get my heart rate up. 

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Sorry you're still sick, snicker.



Woke up late, but it was nice to get lots of good-quality sleep. About to soon do Denise Austin: Hot Body Yoga.


ETA: It was a very good workout. I only did the Yoga Sculpt this morning. I've done the Yoga Fit part before, but I prefer the Yoga Sculpt. 

I don't think I've done that one before. Now I must. I could use some DA  right now. 



Shoulder still sore so I'm still not doing much upper body. I did JM kickbox core. 

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Feel better soon, SD.


Earlier today I got in a gentle cross country hike of about 30 mins. thanks to my little pup. Later I'll do 30 minutes of pilates-yoga, some hanging and then top it all off with a vigorous 60 min. hill hike. Accountability! I want to be able to come back here later and post that it's all been done. Ds is at a homeschool event today so I've got extra time to squeeze all that in amidst laundry, dishes, cleaning and errands. Time to get to work, Shukriyya.

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I love doing snatches.  There is something about doing them that makes me feel strong. :)  I can only snatch my 12kg.  Someday I would like to be able to snatch my 16kg.  The key is to stay tight. Your entire core is involved, which is what makes it such a great exercise.  Once you get it down you'll love it.  

Today I did a 40 minute kettlebell workout.  It was all HIIT.  I would love some yoga tonight, but I don't know if there's time. 

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I've been MIA for a bit. In part it was because DH was out of town and I had my period. Plus, I have an injured arm. I think I have a very bad case of 'tennis elbow' but it is caused by knitting. And then I do stuff like hold heavy books and life weights and it just gets worse and worse. It hurts to pick up a cup of water! So, today I did 45 mins of TA. It is usually 60, but I am skipping the upper body workout until... I don't know. But there is lots of holding myself up on all fours and planks etc so my upper body does work. I  just can't imagine holding weights right now. The funny thing is that I worked out today and I think my arm feels better? maybe?


Plus, and this might be TMI, but I am clearly peri-menopausal. I am 47 and I've been expecting something to change for a while now. I am noticing that I am feeling very low energy these days. I am taking a vitamin so I am not anemic, but I often feel sleepy or just really tired. I am usually high energy so I am suspecting it is hormonal. This month I also had my monthly breakout after my period, instead of before and those were also my most tired days. So, hormonal. I am guessing the next couple years are going to be a riot. :glare:



Ballet Beautiful this morning. Hate it. I just don't like her dvds.


Ha! I own her first two and I don't like them much either. The ONLY reason I keep them around is that they make great hot weather workouts. I can lie on the mat with a fan pointed right at me and get a workout in. That is the ONLY reason I keep them, lol She is soooooo boring! I just feel like :banghead:   But I feel that way when it is 100 degrees anyway so it blends in

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Going for a swim soon. I love being in the water. 



Ballet Beautiful this morning. Hate it. I just don't like her dvds.

:lol: I thought you liked them. I must have mistaken you for someone else. I've done them a few times and they were fine, but not my favorite. Then again, I'm not doing much ballet/barre at all these days. 



I have an injured arm.

Plus, and this might be TMI, but I am clearly peri-menopausal. I am 47 and I've been expecting something to change for a while now. I am noticing that I am feeling very low energy these days. I am taking a vitamin so I am not anemic, but I often feel sleepy or just really tired. I am usually high energy so I am suspecting it is hormonal. This month I also had my monthly breakout after my period, instead of before and those were also my most tired days. So, hormonal. I am guessing the next couple years are going to be a riot. :glare:


Ha! I own her first two and I don't like them much either. The ONLY reason I keep them around is that they make great hot weather workouts. I can lie on the mat with a fan pointed right at me and get a workout in. That is the ONLY reason I keep them, lol She is soooooo boring! I just feel like :banghead:   But I feel that way when it is 100 degrees anyway so it blends in

I also thought you liked Ballet Beautiful  :lol:. I guess it must have been others on the VF forums. 

Sorry about your arm.  :grouphug:

I think I may be peri-menopausal also. I'm almost 47. I'm not sure if my low energy is from that alone. My blood pressure meds make me very sleepy also (not all day, just have a hard time waking up). I get very tired at night. Yes, you're right. The next few years will be a blast  :glare:. 


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I've been MIA for a bit. In part it was because DH was out of town and I had my period. Plus, I have an injured arm. I think I have a very bad case of 'tennis elbow' but it is caused by knitting. And then I do stuff like hold heavy books and life weights and it just gets worse and worse. It hurts to pick up a cup of water! So, today I did 45 mins of TA. It is usually 60, but I am skipping the upper body workout until... I don't know. But there is lots of holding myself up on all fours and planks etc so my upper body does work. I  just can't imagine holding weights right now. The funny thing is that I worked out today and I think my arm feels better? maybe?


Plus, and this might be TMI, but I am clearly peri-menopausal. I am 47 and I've been expecting something to change for a while now. I am noticing that I am feeling very low energy these days. I am taking a vitamin so I am not anemic, but I often feel sleepy or just really tired. I am usually high energy so I am suspecting it is hormonal. This month I also had my monthly breakout after my period, instead of before and those were also my most tired days. So, hormonal. I am guessing the next couple years are going to be a riot. :glare:




Ha! I own her first two and I don't like them much either. The ONLY reason I keep them around is that they make great hot weather workouts. I can lie on the mat with a fan pointed right at me and get a workout in. That is the ONLY reason I keep them, lol She is soooooo boring! I just feel like :banghead:   But I feel that way when it is 100 degrees anyway so it blends in


I injured my arm too. I did it while doing Leah Sarago's Ballet Body upper body DVD. It didn't hurt while doing it. It wasn't until the next day that I realized I hurt it. It's been very very tender for the past 2 weeks. Today was my first upper body workout in those 2 weeks. I did this FB video and took it easy with the weights. Then I did stretching which felt yummy. Will try to stretch some more later today. I always say that but it never happens.  :glare:   


Things I am working on:


1. Getting to bed earlier

2. No screen time after 9 p.m. 

3. More stretching

4. Drinking  more water. It's not that I drink other stuff instead of water; I just don't drink at all. I know I'm very dehydrated but I always forget to drink. How does one forget to drink? I do. 




As for Ballet Beautiful (Mary Helen Bauer) one thing I can't stand is the way she counts. Bugs the bejeebers out of me. I prefer Tracy Anderson's method of not counting at all then M.H. Bauer's irritating counting. Plus, her stretching is way too fast and almost non-existent. 

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About to soon do Ballet Body: Upper Body. 


I injured my arm too. I did it while doing Leah Sarago's Ballet Body upper body DVD. 



As for Ballet Beautiful (Mary Helen Bauer) one thing I can't stand is the way she counts. Bugs the bejeebers out of me. 

Hopefully I won't be injured or feel it too much tomorrow  :glare:. Funny how I'm about to do the same exact workout, however. :)

Your comment about Ballet Beautiful has me grinning. I'm sure I'll notice it next time  :lol:. 

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I've been MIA for a bit. In part it was because DH was out of town and I had my period. Plus, I have an injured arm. I think I have a very bad case of 'tennis elbow' but it is caused by knitting. And then I do stuff like hold heavy books and life weights and it just gets worse and worse. It hurts to pick up a cup of water! So, today I did 45 mins of TA. It is usually 60, but I am skipping the upper body workout until... I don't know. But there is lots of holding myself up on all fours and planks etc so my upper body does work. I just can't imagine holding weights right now. The funny thing is that I worked out today and I think my arm feels better? maybe?


Plus, and this might be TMI, but I am clearly peri-menopausal. I am 47 and I've been expecting something to change for a while now. I am noticing that I am feeling very low energy these days. I am taking a vitamin so I am not anemic, but I often feel sleepy or just really tired. I am usually high energy so I am suspecting it is hormonal. This month I also had my monthly breakout after my period, instead of before and those were also my most tired days. So, hormonal. I am guessing the next couple years are going to be a riot. :glare:




Ha! I own her first two and I don't like them much either. The ONLY reason I keep them around is that they make great hot weather workouts. I can lie on the mat with a fan pointed right at me and get a workout in. That is the ONLY reason I keep them, lol She is soooooo boring! I just feel like :banghead: But I feel that way when it is 100 degrees anyway so it blends in


I knit a lot too. I have to be very careful of how I hold my hands or I injure myself/ cause my arthritis to flare. I love addi turbo needles because they seem to help.

Also in peri-m mode here. It's a real joy.


Wednesday- nothing

Thursday- weight training and balance work with my PT. Then martial arts class. My Sensei was in conditioning mode: 5 sets (per leg) of 10 round house kicks filled by 5 push-ups,all rapid fire. And that was just one of the sets of kick variations and pushups. Sore today:)

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That elbow pain is nothing to mess around with.   You think you got it from knitting?   Straight arm body work can do it too if you're working too intensely (planks, etc).  :grouphug:


Still not working out.  Went to MA last night and it was somewhat better than Tues.   Will try to do some stretching, prehab and rolling until Monday.  

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Redsquirrel, that sounds rather intense and suggests some serious knitting action ;) Hope you get it figured out.


SD, glad to hear you're feeling better.


Joyofsix, hands and knees scrubbing is indeed a workout plus you get clean floors in the bargain, win win :D


I'm on track with my hill hike/yoga-pilates/hanging schedule. I've gotten in two yoga-pilates sessions and five hill hikes along with daily hanging. One more y-p session and a couple  more hill hikes and I'm good.


Question for y'all, what do you eat? Anything special? Anything you avoid?

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Friday I did 30 minutes of kettlebell then went to a Ashtanga yoga class in the evening.  It was a bit tough doing two strength things in a day. :)  I supposed to do 30 minutes of kettlebell today, but I've been cleaning all morning, and have more to do.  My MIL is coming and I'm trying to get everything done.  Kettlebell may still happen, I don't know.


What do I eat?  I eat whatever I want. :)  I do try and avoid junk food, and as it's getting colder I'm trying not to pig out on carbs.  But honestly, I eat whatever, I just try to eat healthy and good portions.   

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What do I eat question: similar to Kim we just eat. I try to only buy real foods, not things out of boxes or cans. We usually have about 6 or 7 deer a year so we eat a lot of venison as well as chicken, farm eggs and raw milk.


I eat a lot of chocolate and this time of year I bake a lot. Almost never do we do fast food except for pizza. I love pizza:)

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Insanity 20/60, 100 Push Up Challenge.


I'd like to recommend the 100 Push Up Challenge. I'm not progressing very much, and I keep having to repeat days, but my arms are looking quite attractive and that's all that really matters, right? It's a free app. I have the SuperPhunLabs one for android.

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