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Utterly inconsequential question -- for *anj* or anyone who cares.

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Please help me "see" what is depicted in *anj*'s avatar. I swear it looks like boiled shrimp to me. Now, I have nothing against boiled shrimp. I just don't get it, that's all. As an avatar, that is. Tell me what I'm missing.




(Who is purely delighted to ask a question that should have a very simple answer :p )

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I've been wondering ever since you brought it up in another post, but yeh it does look like some sorta seafood.


Pas moi! Unless you're reading my mind, because I admit I have thought about this more than once. But, I'm pretty darn sure I haven't actually posted those thoughts until now. Must be more than one of us who has crustacean curiousity. :D



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as to whether we could enlarge avatar photos. I posted said question on the help page. Alas, no one ever answered my question, and it sits there even now with a big fat zero in the place that should let me see the number of helpful responses I received.


I looks like a bunch of shrimp lined up to me. :D



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Nope, that was me, but it was probably hard to tell whose post it was really under. Glad the mystery has been solved. I thought it looked like crabs or claws and wondered why.....it would be nice to enlarge the photos, there are a couple that I can't make out, probably a singer or actor....guess it's these old eyes. lol

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Why? Why crabs?


How appropriate that you should ask!

I originally had another picture, but you made a comment about it that made me think I should switch to something else. So I went looking through pictures that I'd saved and I found that one. I save pictures of things that I like and I like crabs, and besides that I was feeling a little cranky and pms-y that day, sooooooo.......



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How appropriate that you should ask!

I originally had another picture, but you made a comment about it that made me think I should switch to something else.


Maybe you should just let me pick your avatar for you next time. And anyway, where is your picture of yourself? I have a picture of myself up, where's yours?:)

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Maybe you should just let me pick your avatar for you next time. And anyway, where is your picture of yourself? I have a picture of myself up, where's yours?:)


Ummm, okay. Here it is:


well, you'll have to scroll down










a little more









you're almost there














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Speaking of which, Doran, dear, I can't "see" yours, either.


Are those socks? Handknit socks? You'd rather be knitting? (I'd rather be knitting. But I think I'm reading to much into your avatar.)


Yes. Socks. On a clothesline. And, if they were handknit, it wasn't by me. I can only just barely knit, lout that I am. I got them from ChinaBERRY (hopefully not China, but it was too long ago for me to have been paying attention back then :rolleyes: ).


I'd rather be sitting in the sun, in a goofy pair of socks. There.



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