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Need moving "to-do" list


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For the first time in my life, I will be moving in a "leisurely" way - not a rush-to-start-a-new-job-in-two-weeks thing. Also, for the first time in my adult life, we will have to actually do the moving ourselves (either by choosing movers or doing all the work ourselves, which honestly will not be an option with DH's health). DH submitted his paperwork requesting retirement as of Jan 1, and we will move sometime in the May-Aug timeframe, back to an area we know well (we lived there for 25 years before).


If you could actually plan a move, what might be your to-do list/timeline? For 30 years, I have always had an HR representative calling to tell me what to do.


Any advice most welcome.

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DEJUNK before the holidays.  DEJUNK after the holidays.  Do a HUGE spring cleaning dejunking...............and then dejunk before the move :-)


If you are having to pay movers, you only want to move the stuff that is worth moving.  How far away are you moving?  That makes a difference in various options.


We moved 3 years ago but it was only 3 miles away.......but included moving a hobby farm.  We moved all of the small stuff and did all of the packing ourselves.  We then hired 2 men and a truck to move the big furniture.  It was a great balance as we saved a lot of money but didn't have to do the heavy lifting.


The biggest thing is to DEJUNK and downsize and get rid of stuff.

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The  first part of my plan would be to organze for the move go through every closet, cabinet and drawer and throw away or give away everything I don't want to see on the other side of the move.  While doing this put things in the room you want them in at the other end.


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Start going through things now!  Don't wait. If you can box things yourself, you can save a lot on moving.  I highly recommend going to U-Haul and buying their boxes and packing tape.  They are inexpensive and stack neatly. U-haul also has sheets of packing paper that isn't too expensive either.  Don't say no to volunteers and have some lined up near moving day because no matter how hard you plan it never seems to be enough as the deadline looms!  This is what I learned helping my Mom move over the last 8 months.

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I love the UHaul boxes. But Home Depot has them for half the price. The cubes are the greatest because you can actually still lift them when they are full of books.


Best hint for books, if you have time. Box them by category. Eg. History. Biography. Literature. Brain candy. Reference.


Then label the boxes with a sharpie, both on the top and on one side. It is unbelievably helpful at the other end and takes only a few seconds longer.


Get rid if any books you can get free on kindle unless there is something special about the PHYSICAL BOOK.


Box up kitchen stuff in two waves. A couple of months before you move, box up non-essentials. Like if you have a 12-place set of dishware, box up half of it. Label it carefully. And see how little you can get by with. When you are unbixing at the other end, start with your "essential kitchen". If will make it much faster to pack at the very end, to unpack on moving and you might find you don't need all the stuff you have.


Set aside into a box a set of sheets for each bed and carry this with you so you can make the beds quickly on arrival. Bring a towel for each person


Put together an essential cleaning kit--for me, this is Windex and paper towels--that you carry in with you when you claim your new house. Include a roll of to for each bathroom.


That is all I can remember. 😊

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Get rid of everything you don't want, don't like, don't wear, is broken, is ugly, is unimportant to you. 


Start emptying your pantry and freezer months in advance.  Don't stock up on food and other consumables between now and then.


At a minimum I would hire someone to move the heavy furniture.  It goes so much faster and everyone is in such a better mood.


If you are going to pack yourselves, start early and pack what you don't need right now. 


Keep out a last minute, get to fast pack - don't forget pillows, can opener, corkscrew, etc.



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We are likely moving in just over a month (waiting on signed paperwork for the sale of our house so we can put in our offer on the house we want to move to).  For the last month since finding out we will probably be moving, I've been going through all of the rooms in our house- closets, dressers, draws, cabinets, etc- and getting rid of all the CR@P we have! It's amazing how much useless stuff you can have after living in a place for more than a decade.  So the first thing I would do is that. Get rid of everything that you don't need/don't want anymore/is just useless/don't want to move with you.  Then I'd start packing the items I know I wouldn't need for awhile (the wrong season's clothing for example). Start planning HOW you want to move.  Do you want movers for all of the work? Part of the work? Who would others recommend?  What do their reviews say online? I'd also get good, sturdy boxes- maybe buy the good ones a few at a time over the months so I could use decent boxes to move (we'll be begging for boxes at the grocery stores, lol).


HTH! Good luck!

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