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My ds is going in for a transfusion today.

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My 4 yo is getting a blood transfusion tonight in preparation for a brain MRI/MRA on Friday. He needs to be sedated for the MRI, and since he has sickle cell, he needs a transfusion before he is sedated. Hopefully it will be uneventful and he will be discharged in the morning.


I will be praying, Cathy!!

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Cathy. I'll be praying for your son. The poor little guy. My 13 year old dd is having a brain MRI today and she is pretty nervous about it but I can't imagine your ds having to go through the transfusion too. My dd had a CT scan of the brain done at 5 and she barely remembers it. Hopefully it will go smoothly for your son and he will forget about it too.


I'll tell my dd about your ds. She is tired of all the testing and poking that she has had to have lately but she keeps on telling me how she feels sorry for other kids who have to go through worse and how she is actually pretty lucky. I'm sure she will also pray for your ds.

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My 4 yo is getting a blood transfusion tonight in preparation for a brain MRI/MRA on Friday. He needs to be sedated for the MRI, and since he has sickle cell, he needs a transfusion before he is sedated. Hopefully it will be uneventful and he will be discharged in the morning.


:grouphug: Poor baby. I'll be thinking good thoughts for him today. Also prayers.

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