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Dr. HIve: Anyone had any experience with TIA's?


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This evening dh and I figured out that I have had at least three TIA's recently and there may have been more.  I recently started HRT because I was just soooo tired of the hot flashes and not sleeping well at night.  I have used HRT in the past without problems but had not been using it for probably a year or more. 


I have bad allergies and have bad head aches and sometimes some dizziness when the weather changes (storms/rain).  We have had a lot of storms and rain lately so we thought it was just that again.  But the worst time it happened I was meeting a friend for dinner and she is an RN.  She said then that it seemed like I was having a stroke because my speech was slow and took more effort.  This happened on Sept. 2nt.  The last time it happened wasn't as bad, didn't impact my speech but did make me feel kind of drunk and uncoordinated.  Dh was with me that time and he had me try to walk a straight line and I couldn't do it.  This was about a week and a half ago.


So, thinking (hoping) it was related to my allergies/sinus headaches, I saw an ENT today.  My sinuses are fine and, if anything look too dry so he wants me to quit taking my Zyrtec for a while.  He definitely did not think these episodes were related to my sinuses and thought they sounded like TIA's. 


Dh is a dr. and had thought I might need to see a neurologist but, with my history of bad allergies/sinus issues, we thought seeing the ENT first would be good.  I don't think either of us really thought about a TIA because my cholesterol levels are good and I am generally in pretty good health.  We had forgotten about the HRT.


When we figured it out, I immediately stopped the HRT (I had a patch) and took a baby aspirin. He will call tomorrow and see if I need to do anything else.


It's kind of scarey.  Anyone else had any experience with this?

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Well, the good thing about TIA's is that they are a warning signal.  There is no permanent damage.  


BUT, please go see a neurologist because TIA's are a warning sign.  TIA's are a sign that a person has a possibility for a higher risk of stoke.  See a neurologist and he/she will be better able to help. Maybe figure out a reason for the TIA's, or maybe prescribe some medicine.  Take that warning and see a doctor.


Good luck!  And, try not to worry, having a TIA doesn't mean all dread and gloom, it does mean your body is trying to tell you something.  :)

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To me, your symptoms either sound like TIA's or migraines, though I'm sure there could be other things too.


Because TIA's sometimes precede a stroke, I would not drag your feet.  Please see a neurologist.


(And being healthy with good cholesterol is only part of it.  A stroke can happen to the healthiest of people.  Believe me, I know!)


It could also be migraines;  your headaches with dizziness, especially during weather changes, sound a lot like the migraines that run in our family.  Migraines can bring on lots of other neuro symptoms too, such as slurred speech and difficulty thinking.  A neurologist could tell you if that's what's going on.


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Thanks for the responses. I will try to answer all of the questions in this post.


We are still calling around trying to get in to see a neurologist or cardiologist asap or get some advice from another doc as to whether I should just go to the ER.  I have an appt. with a cardiologist on Friday morning but nothing with a neurologist yet.  Dh has a call in to the head of the ER (dh's boss) to get his opinion on going to the ER or waiting for an appt.


Dh said if it happens again and he is not with me I should definitely head straight to the ER in the nearby city where they have a major stroke center.  If I am unable to drive myself then I will call an ambulance.  Thanks for asking this TrulyCrabby. Not sure I would have thought to ask him other wise.


We do believe they are TIA's from the HRT, which are not bioidentical.  The timing is almost too perfect for coincident, although one never knows so I definitely need to have some testing done to make sure there is no other cause.  I do believe I have migraines related to weather and have for many years but this was really different than anything I have had before. 


Dh is on the phone now with the ER director so we will have an answer soon, as to whether to make appointments or go to ER.


Thanks for all of your responses and your reassurance.  I slept terrible last night because I was really troubled by this but hopefully tonight will be different.


ETA: The ER director doc is texting one of the neurologists to try to get me in quickly.  He didn't think we needed to go to the ER but did think I needed to be checked out within a day or two.



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my mother, grandmother, and several great-aunts had tia's.   the common name is mini-stroke.  among other things - the observable effects (speech, etc.) last less than 24 hours.  (frequently much less)


hie thee to a neurologist. as in - last week.  you need to find out what is causing them and what/if anything can be done to prevent more.   - and you are at increased risk for a full-blown stroke.


however, the damage from tia's is cumulative. have enough and eventually the damage become obvious.  the above family members all went significantly downhill (without a major stroke) within a few years of onset.


next time you exhibit symptoms - hie thee to an ER and get checked out.  expect an MRI or CT..



eta: there were times my mother was completely unaware - and downright disbelieving - that she was currently experiencing a tia.  it can impact cognitive function.  she got mad when we insisted on taking her to the ER.  (of course - even when she dislocated her shoulder she didn't want to go.)

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