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So any attorneys on the board?

Shelly in IL

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Hi, we are feeling very cheated. My husband was out of town, our air conditioner broke and we had our "trusted" a/c guy come look and replace it. He said, "I have a scratch and dent one that is perfect and it'll be less expensive and it doesn't show any problems." Ok, so we went with it.


Fast forward- we have just discovered that he replaced our a/c unit with a unit made in 2005!!! It's almost 10 years old! No disclosure - it may have been not used, but still, it's 10 years old!!! And it was $5000.


Anyone know if we have a legal leg to stand on?

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Do you have paperwork with the specifications of the unit? Was the $5000 for the unit itself or for unit plus installation?

I think I'd start there, and then look at what a unit from 2014 would cost new. I'd also see what a unit from 2005 of that particular make/model would cost usually -- maybe call around.

It certainly sounds like he implied the unit was new (like a buying a book with a mark on it) rather than than used, so I'd look into what the paperwork says and what the numbers say.


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My husband just spoke with him and said "we don't just have 2005's laying around." $5k was for installation too


Does he mean to say that the unit is not from 2005? If so, I think I'd ask him to explain why the model/serial no etc indicate otherwise. Perhaps you can call the manufacturer and ask them if there is a reasonable explanation or for further information that might help figure out what happened. I think I'd try first to ascertain the facts, both from your side and from his, then establish clearly what the differences are -- do you disagree on the facts or the interpretation of the facts?

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Hi, we are feeling very cheated. My husband was out of town, our air conditioner broke and we had our "trusted" a/c guy come look and replace it. He said, "I have a scratch and dent one that is perfect and it'll be less expensive and it doesn't show any problems." Ok, so we went with it.


Fast forward- we have just discovered that he replaced our a/c unit with a unit made in 2005!!! It's almost 10 years old! No disclosure - it may have been not used, but still, it's 10 years old!!! And it was $5000.


Anyone know if we have a legal leg to stand on?

Do you have anything in writing?  What does the receipt say?  What representations did he make or warranty did he give?


Sounds like he did not represent it as brand new, just from what you say, and you did not ask, but the paperwork may differ.  Is it working well?


$5000 is ridiculous for an old unit, or even a new unit, and certainly for a scratch and dent.  Did you price them out in your area?  Should not have exceeded $1000-2000, tops. 

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Yes I do have a booklet and the model number on the unit says 2005. However, it doesn't say "2005 Lenox a/c" the model number indicates the age. Not knowing how to read the age of the unit based on a serial number, I took him at his word that it was a new machine.

It could be a new unit that simply remained unsold and was still sitting in the warehouse.  Manufacturing age alone does not tell the full story.  Also, you are probably aware that the older Freon-using units are being phased out and the new R-40's are being used now.  He isn't going to be able to get newly manufactured unit that still uses Freon, if that is the type you have. 

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I wouldn't think a 9 year old unit would be nearly as efficient as a unit made in 2014.

They would be two different types of units.  Freon units are being phased out.   It depends on whether OP was installing an entirely new system that requires new ventilation, or simply replacing an existing Freon unit. 

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Have you called the manufacturer? Find out based on the serial number whatever you can about this unit--like was it owned by someone? Hopefully, the manufacturer can give you details about the unit. I would also closely review the contract you signed, looking for specific details regarding price of the unit, labor costs, warranty info. 

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Hi, we are feeling very cheated. My husband was out of town, our air conditioner broke and we had our "trusted" a/c guy come look and replace it. He said, "I have a scratch and dent one that is perfect and it'll be less expensive and it doesn't show any problems." Ok, so we went with it.


Fast forward- we have just discovered that he replaced our a/c unit with a unit made in 2005!!! It's almost 10 years old! No disclosure - it may have been not used, but still, it's 10 years old!!! And it was $5000.


Anyone know if we have a legal leg to stand on?

I don't know what he said besides what you've said here but it looks to me like 


1.  He really did have a scratch and dent one

2.  (not sure if it was less expensive - did you get quotes on a new one vs. this one?)

3.  It really didn't show any problems


So unless you asked how old it was, then I don't see how you have a legal leg to stand on.  

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He tried to make it sound new because, technically, it may have been a new (left over) unit.  The fact that he said they don't have any laying around from 2005 sound like he is trying to play dumb now.


I would report him to the BBB and let them handle it.

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He tried to make it sound new because, technically, it may have been a new (left over) unit. The fact that he said they don't have any laying around from 2005 sound like he is trying to play dumb now.


I would report him to the BBB and let them handle it.

Have you ever reported anything to the BBB? It is pretty useless.

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We represented the a/c as new to new owners scheduled to close. Their inspector caught that it is a model from 2005.


I would first verify the age of the model with the manufacturer.  I would probably plan to give a copy of your receipt to the buyers.


Whether there's a possible misrepresentation by you to the buyers is another question - I would consult with your real estate attorney (who is handling your closing).


Eta, if the unit is in good working condition, it's hard to imagine that this would constitute a material misrepresentation that would endanger the deal.  But, certainly it doesn't make the buyers feel good, IYKWIM.

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Around here, air conditioners are frequently stolen, though usually from churches and businesses. Is it possible this could be a stolen unit that was "sold" to the salesman by thieves? Any way you could use a serial number to ask police if it was reported stolen? I'm reaching here, I know, but that's the first thing I thought about.

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We have indeed verified the manufacturing date. Queenkath, wouldn't it tick you off after spending $7k to find out it's almost a decade old unit?


Oh, I'd be ticked....... I meant that it's a tough call legally. I doubt  you'd be able to prove he misrepresented what you were buying. I'd think scratch and dent might be a year or two old, sitting in a warehouse, but not almost ten years old.

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Manufacture date and sales date are two different things.  You would need to get the original sales receipt from the installer to know when it was sold to him.  Based on the high price he charged it's doubtful he'll provide that to you.  We are in a high COL area and my dh is in the business.  Even with installation that's a hefty price you paid.  If the unit was scratch and dent the installer would have bought it at a discount.  The only way I think you'd have a legal case is if he misrepresented the unit to you and you could show that with whatever paperwork he did provide you with.  I'm sorry, this situation just stinks!

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