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Book a Week in 2014 - BW35

Robin M

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From my pov, this is one of the benefits of a multicultural society. The Greek bakeries are closed on Sundays, but I can still track down some baklava because the Lebanese bakeries are open!




Rosie it is actually a law that regulates hours here. Some are exempt. Smaller shops in non tourist areas just don't bother. From practical experience I wouldn't have expected a privately owned bookstore to be open. But it is, just checked. Then I googled the law....... I don't think I have ever been in Scotland on a Sunday.



Sorry Pam, I gave poor advice. Just learned something new, England and Wales have the law but not Scotland. https://www.gov.uk/trading-hours-for-retailers-the-law the practical effect of this law is many smaller shops don't bother to open unless there is a special event. A special law was passed so shops could stay open during the Olympics which proved to be a huge flop. Not enough people bothered to go during the extented hours to make them profitable according to the major retailers, even in London etc....


Really small shops are exempt. We do have one that sells milk which gets used pretty often on Sunday evening!


Since I have have diverged really badly away from books I feel the need to say I have several books started, all pretty fluffy. If I get a few hours to read today it might be possible to finish several books.


Stacia, I recently discovered that Supernatural Enhancements has been accidentally requested by me at more than one library. It must have popped up in new purchases all over. I love it when both the hardcover and ebook arrive at the same time so maybe my subconscious did this intentionally......being able to switch between the copies is lovely, I can take my book everywhere. I generally can't read hardcopies in the car because of nausea.


This post is edited. I had some technical difficulties and had to post and come back rather than lose it all.

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Hope you feel better soon Amy!


In Edinburgh most places will be open even on a Sunday (I worked retail while at uni :))


But you have another 2 hours or so before you can buy alcohol ;)


Man now this thread has me missing Edinburgh. My years at uni were some of the best in my life.

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Yeah, I may be removing more than I need to, but oh well.


There goes Paul Hogan & his stubby shorts... :-(

(Sorry, Amy.)




Isn't it mind-boggling when an author manages to take exciting, entrancing material and turn it into plodding, dull text?  ..all the more so when s/he has demonstrated an ability to do otherwise before.


I've been thinking about my reaction to One Generation After... part of the appeal is the way he manages to share his process... to give me a glimpse of how he has processed the horror he has experienced.


I've never experienced anything on that level, thank G-d, but, like most of us, I've been through some rough things, things that leave me... feeling less than whole, more patched together... not a bad thing, necessarily, they're really functional patches, and I've grown new bits around them and integrated them into myself...


...and somehow this patchwork book of Wiesel's reactions decades later, including his troubled relationship with the Divine, reverberated for me with more power and depth than a more crafted, even work might have done.



ETA:  Pam, I think this is the third or fourth time I've been thinking about a post of yours while doing other things, and then been so disappointed with how much more lucid, cogent, and eloquent my imaginary response was than my actual one.  ...getting thoughts into words is a discouraging process sometimes...   On the positive front, I love that my BaW friends hang out on the edge of my mundane life! 



Edited *again* to add: sensitive periods... probably the largest conceptual influence on me as a mother and a teacher.



I read a duology a while back.  I kept grumbling to my husband about its predictability and the way I could tell everything that was going to happen.


*sigh* I was midway through the second book when it finally dawned on me that it wasn't the author's fault, and I had read these when they had first come out...  *sigh*




That's an interesting assortment... thank you for posting the link!



I keep eying this book and wondering how it and I would get along... I've added it to my library lists...



Hmmm.. I read The Accidental when it came out, and haven't picked anything of hers up since then.  ...but I was still tiptoeing my way into modern fiction then (other than genre).  Perhaps I'll give this one a try.


ETA: It wasn't a *bad* reading experience, but it lacked some measure of closure/satisfaction/meaning that I was reaching for as I read it.  ...probably a user failure rather than anything lacking in the book!



ETA (snipped photo)


Sorry I haven't been posting. I got super busy with the start of the school year and so my free reading time has suffered. I couldn't resist sharing this though. Isn't it the perfect birthday cake for BaWers.Did you MAKE this??!!  It is unbelievable!



Down with a cold.  Little Librarian got it first, then baby, now mama, and daddy doesn't look too good either.  


Try to carry on without me for a few day ...  :crying:



Once again, the "like" button isn't working for me.  Somebody in Palo Alto or someplace like that really needs to get onto that "aww... sending hugs and sympathy and virtual tea" button!  Feel better soon.



Rosie it is actually a law that regulates hours here. Some are exempt. Smaller shops in non tourist areas just don't bother. From practical experience I wouldn't have expected a privately owned bookstore to be open. But it is, just checked. Then I googled the law....... I don't think I have ever been in Scotland on a Sunday.



Sorry Pam, I gave poor advice. Just learned something new, England and Wales have the law but not Scotland. https://www.gov.uk/trading-hours-for-retailers-the-law the practical effect of this law is many smaller shops don't bother to open unless there is a special event. A special law was passed so shops could stay open during the Olympics which proved to be a huge flop. Not enough people bothered to go during the extented hours to make them profitable according to the major retailers, even in London etc....


Yeah, those Scots, they like to do things their way... (It's quite interesting to be here right before the referendum.  Lots of signs, yes and no both, up in the windows, many of them hilarious.  I'll try to get pictures today... while I'm at it I'll quest for a kilt...)

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Yeah, those Scots, they like to do things their way... (It's quite interesting to be here right before the referendum. Lots of signs, yes and no both, up in the windows, many of them hilarious. I'll try to get pictures today... while I'm at it I'll quest for a kilt...)

Very not British of them! We see maybe three signs in a run up to an election down here. Makes me want to go just to see the signs! We almost went last week for a couple of days so maybe I can convince dh he needs to see the signs, he is Scottish after all.


I am going to a Scottish party celebrating the vote in a week or so. All I know is I was told to make sure I eat first that I may not like the menu! Party is simply in honour of Scotland and celebrating Scottish things not some sweeping political statement. Just ladies from the village.....

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(I know Violet Crown's just itching to run out & buy this one based on the cover art alone!  ;) )





In an amazing coincidence, that's exactly how I do my clothes and hair.




But you have another 2 hours or so before you can buy alcohol ;)



There's a time in Edinburgh when you can't buy alcohol??
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On my morning bike ride I encountered a woman who was reading while walking. I told her I liked her style.  She said, "It's a good book. Voyager.  I can't put it down!"


For the safety of those around me, I do not bike and read simultaneously. 



BaWers, be sure to check this thread...





Reading a book while walking? I'm not sure I'm that coordinated...


I'm normally not all that coordinated but I can walk and read like a pro.


In case anyone wants to know how I got that distinction, it was walking through Edinburgh Old Town during the Fringe reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. First at midnight after picking it up, and then the next day to and from work.

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