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Presidents song for memory work


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We used to chant the American presidents.  A couple years ago, a friend recommended singing the order of presidents to the tune of Yankee Doodle.  By George, it worked amazingly!  I ended up challenging all the kids in our co-op and I had 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds singing it!  We still  use it to quickly jog our memory. 



but you can find lots on you tube. 



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If your kids are ready to sing about kicking asses, screwing the pooch, murdering children and Clinton giving an intern "a cigar".


We stick to the Animaniacs around here.



Whoops. Very sorry to suggest the wrong song. Johnathon Coulton has two presidents songs and I assumed the wrong name of the one that is actually good for children to learn. The one my six year old child actually learned the lyrics to is called Washy and Jeffy. My DH listens to JCoulton so I have heard both songs and just got the titles mixed. Yeah, I don't want my six year old singing about Clinton giving an intern a cigar, even if he has no idea what it really means.

Sorry about that. But the lyrics to Washy and Jeffy are clean and catchy and have helped me get the names in order.

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