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School room advice

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I am just starting to put together a school room.(I know a bit late, but there was work being done there and a very huge mess after and still.) I had planned to put this in a certain room which would be a combination living/school room. What I'm wondering is, given the choice, do you think it might be too distracting to try to school in a room that is also used at other times as a play/relax area? I had also planned to put a window seat in the school room section and then thought maybe they would like it so much they would want to use it when it isn't school time and then that may somehow weaken the "school" idea of that space? Does this make any sense? I am concerned, because I have one very reluctant ds (towards school) and we are coming from an unschooling background.


I do have another room I might be able to use, but I really had the other room in my mind. Hivers....what do you think?

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I'd think as long as the TV isn't on, and you have adequate space things will be okay in a combo room. Make a rule that no one gets into school supplies during non-school hours.


I had to do that because dd's friends would get into stickers, markers, paper, etc and use it all up.

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Our school room is in a living area in a basement, half of it is our school area and then the other half has a couch, flat screen t.v. fireplace and other seating. It's never been a distraction to us and it's the best place to school. I have no idea what I'd use the space for if we weren't homeschooling.



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We have our dining room converted into a school area but we often do school in other places. We snuggle up on the couch for reading and lounge outside on pretty days with clip boards.


I do not see having school in the living room being a problem. We have leveled reading books in ours accessible at all times for the kids to read at their pleasure.

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Ours is a finished room in the basement. Honestly, I really like having a dedicated school room. We have all of our books on the shelves, we each have a desk with our school stuff on it. And it is ALL school stuff. There is no TV. Just music, if desired.


When we go down, it's school time. When we come upstairs, we're done. (usually, anyway!) The only thing I don't like is planning. I have to be in the basement to do the planning because that's where everything is. Of course, it goes faster because I'm not interrupted :glare:

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Actually, coming from an unschooling perspective as you are, perhaps you see the great thing about having learning be a lifelong, all-of-life experience, not limited to school room space or school time. So, it seems to me that having a room that is multi-use really would reinforce that great ideal.

We have a school room, but also school on the couch, in bed, and outside. It's great to have a place, but it's also great to not feel restricted to that space.

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What I'm wondering is, given the choice, do you think it might be too distracting to try to school in a room that is also used at other times as a play/relax area?


Absolutely not! Our kids use the schoolroom as their play room, but they also use the rest of the house too (there's not much of it). They have never shown any indication that it is too schoolish for them. They know the room is for them and they enjoy it.


Our kids are sharing a bedroom right now, just so they can have a learning room. Dd8 said recently that she prefers having a room to "just be" in and loves sharing a room with her little brother. She wants to continue sharing a room with him after we move to a bigger place- that's not going to happen but it's sweet of her to say that.

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Hmm, okay, well thanks everyone. I do know that learning happens everywhere and I like it to be integral to our life. I guess my real issue is my reluctant ds. I want the space to be enticing, comfortable, fun. But I want him to do SCHOOL when it's time to. Which means what? Sitting at a table? No,not always, but sometimes yes. Just thinking out loud here (well not out loud actually:))


I think that room would be best. Lots of light, space. I'm still trying to figure it out. I have some more space questions, but perhaps a separate post would be better.

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