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Need book recommendation

Night Elf

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I've laughed out loud at some of Bill Bryson's books. They aren't for everyone, as there is usually a little bit of foul language, and if you're a Christian you have to know he's an atheist. But some of his observations about people and life are so witty and funny. A Walk in the Woods and In a Sunburned Country are two favorites.

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I've laughed out loud at some of Bill Bryson's books. They aren't for everyone, as there is usually a little bit of foul language, and if you're a Christian you have to know he's an atheist. But some of his observations about people and life are so witty and funny. A Walk in the Woods and In a Sunburned Country are two favorites.


That's funny. Dd16's summer reading assignment is to read A Walk in the Woods. She said she likes it but there are some sciency parts that she doesn't like. I'll give it a try when she's finished reading it. I don't need to buy the Kindle book since we own the paperback. Thanks!


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Have you read Peter Allison's books yet?


Whatever You Do, Don't Run is his best (IMO):




He's a safari guide in Botswana (or was in his earlier life) and these are funny, true tales from that time period.  It's a quick, fun read that does kind of make you want to go on safari with someone like him.

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Have you read Peter Allison's books yet?


Whatever You Do, Don't Run is his best (IMO):




He's a safari guide in Botswana (or was in his earlier life) and these are funny, true tales from that time period.  It's a quick, fun read that does kind of make you want to go on safari with someone like him.


Thank you. It does look interesting. I'll give it a try.

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I have several LOL book suggestions, but you should know that most of them contain "language".


1. Lamb:  The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal - Christopher Moore 

This is hilarious.  Seriously laugh out loud.  The premise is that nobody knows anything about Jesus until he was 30 years old, so God decides to resurrect Biff, his childhood best friend, to tell the story of what he was like before he was the Messiah.  You know the ending (it's the same as what we all know from the Bible) but the rest of the story is truly funny. I've read it over and over.  Actually, anything by Christopher Moore is hysterically funny.


2. Bitter is the New Black - Jennifer Lancaster

Maybe the funniest book I've ever read.  Her writing style keeps me in stitches.  Her other books are good, too, but this one was her first and the others never quite lived up to this one, in my opinion.


3. Let's Pretend This Never Happened - Jenny Lawson

I must have called my sister 20 times while reading this one just to read passage to her out loud.  Seriously funny.  



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David Sedaris 

Here's audio of him reading some of his stories. I think my favorites are when he worked as an elf at Macys (Holidays on Ice) and the ones about his father in Me Talk Pretty One Day. He also does a hilarious Billie Holiday impression. 


Terry Pratchett writes absurd fantasy and can be funny. Going Postal. Hogfather. Guards! Guards!


Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson. There is language here and some off-color humor, but consistently funny. 


Bossypants by Tina Fey. Not as crazy hilarious as Let's Pretend, but Fey knows when to insert a joke. 






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Thirding the suggestion of Let's Pretend This Never Happened. That book made me seriously laugh, so much so that I ended up buying a copy for my sister (because of the author's description of acupuncture).


Seconding the rec of Terry Pratchett, esp. if you enjoy fantasy books.


I like David Sedaris, but enjoy his stuff much more on audio. (I'm not even an audio fan in general.) To me, his work comes across funnier when read aloud w/ the right intonations vs. reading it in print.


A.J. Jacobs' books are funny, imo. Really enjoyed & laughed through both The Year of Living Biblically and The Guinea Pig Diaries (title is slightly different in the link but it's the same book I'm recommending). I'd say his style of writing is similar to David Sedaris.

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That's funny. Dd16's summer reading assignment is to read A Walk in the Woods. She said she likes it but there are some sciency parts that she doesn't like. I'll give it a try when she's finished reading it. I don't need to buy the Kindle book since we own the paperback. Thanks!



LOL, I love all the science-y stuff in his books! I've learned more science from him than any other author, book, or video because I think he's so entertaining!

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I've laughed out loud at some of Bill Bryson's books. They aren't for everyone, as there is usually a little bit of foul language, and if you're a Christian you have to know he's an atheist. But some of his observations about people and life are so witty and funny. A Walk in the Woods and In a Sunburned Country are two favorites.

Neither Here Nor There is one of my favs by Bill Bryson.

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