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Well, grocery shopping is on the "To Do" list today...


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Evidently I need to get to the grocery store today.  We're out of cat food.  It's a good thing my cats aren't Bengals.  One would think it's the end of the world...


They aren't listening to me when I mention I saw a couple of rabbits outside just the other day.


Glad they can't dial the SPCA.


My kids never got this pesky when we ran out of something, though I suppose they had options of getting something else.  Do you suppose cats like cereal?  We have raisin bran or one of those oat flakes and almond types...  They could also have whole wheat toast...

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Cats are demanding like that. I know. Last week I had to go to the store because we were out of litter. Bought litter. THEN noticed we were out of cat food. Had to make second trip for cat food.


2 separate trips just for the cats.


Are they grateful and appreciative? Can you guess the answer?

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Cats are demanding like that. I know. Last week I had to go to the store because we were out of litter. Bought litter. THEN noticed we were out of cat food. Had to make second trip for cat food.


2 separate trips just for the cats.


Are they grateful and appreciative? Can you guess the answer?


I think sometimes it's really tough to stop and appreciate the staff.


Fortunately, we don't have to worry about litter.  Our cats prefer going outside.  We do keep a litter box inside - just in case of emergencies, but for some reason, all emergencies seem to happen in the winter on cold, snowy days/nights.  :glare:


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It's you're fault you domesticated them.  You should have left them feral!  (Just kidding.)  Go to the grocery store!  You can pretend that you're a hunter/gatherer out gathering sustenance for your clan.  Pick up a treat for yourself too while you're there.  


I was a mean/bad mom and I kicked them out of the house.  (They weren't displeased actually.  Let's face it, the pickings inside were rather slim.)  


Today is a not-so-good muscle day for me, so I want to wait until I have an assistant at the store, otherwise, tonight will be even worse. (I get to take on the hunting dog/pointer role and they fetch).  Middle son was helping dh on a jobsite this morning and I let youngest sleep in a little bit.  Now "THE game" is on.  After the game I'll hijack youngest and we'll do our "servant" duties.  I sure wouldn't want to face them this afternoon if the food dish situation weren't fixed!  This morning was bad enough...

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Mine like frozen peas. And there's always the local bird population...


Seriously?  I'd have never thought about frozen peas!  Mine like some popcorn and potato sticks/chips, but I didn't think it was wise to let them have a total "junk food" morning.  They might be out staking out the local birds... though I'd rather see them eyeing mice, squirrels or rabbits.  They've already taken care of the annual chipmunks.


This afternoon I'll know how hunting went.  If good, they won't care if I went to the store, but by tomorrow morning they sure will!

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Seriously? I'd have never thought about frozen peas! Mine like some popcorn and potato sticks/chips, but I didn't think it was wise to let them have a total "junk food" morning. They might be out staking out the local birds... though I'd rather see them eyeing mice, squirrels or rabbits. They've already taken care of the annual chipmunks.


This afternoon I'll know how hunting went. If good, they won't care if I went to the store, but by tomorrow morning they sure will!

The peas surprised me too, I only found out they like them because my kids spilled a bag on the floor one day. My grandma's cat used to love corn on the cob.


I hate the bird hunting, if I knew a way to train them out of it I would...

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You know I understand about bad muscle days.  I hope that you can get someone to fetch for you soon.  


Hey, I got to find out the "other" muscles that are being annoying lately are "deltoid" muscles.  Having a son who's had anatomy, and then who can help with groceries is quite the plus.  Now why am I sending him off to college again in 6 weeks?


The peas surprised me too, I only found out they like them because my kids spilled a bag on the floor one day. My grandma's cat used to love corn on the cob.


I hate the bird hunting, if I knew a way to train them out of it I would...


Mine like corn too, but I haven't tried the "on the cob" variety.


Ditto your thoughts on bird hunting.  I tell them we need all the "bug" assistance we can get, so stick to land critters.  Usually they do.


Mine love spicy chips, moles, and squirrels. :ack2:


Spicy chips?  Mine love moles and used to love squirrels, but I think they've recently signed a peace treaty with the latter.  :glare:


This is a funny thread. Thank you! :)


Gotta have fun with life - especially when you're doing your best to ignore the pestering beasties...


"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."



Oh... that's GOOD!  (Adding new "truth" into my memory.)


Our cat likes to eat tomatoes - he will lick the ketchup off of a meatloaf if you don't watch out.  He also loves SPAM, being the gourmet that he is.  He also loves refried beans.  He hates tuna.    


Spam... yes, we share it with our cats when we're splurging on it.  They expect it. Not liking tuna?  Are you SURE you have cats and not aliens in cat suits?  Mine aren't as fond of cat food tuna, but they love the real stuff when I'm making it.  Never tried tomatoes - or ketchup.  I'm thinking my cats are deprived - no peas, no tomatoes, no spicy chips...


They are, however, quite pleased that we are finally BACK from the store and they are happily basking in front of the AC and TV thoroughly ignoring the Korea/Belgium soccer game.  It's too hot to be out hunting right now. (I agree with them.)


Yes... remembering that they should still be worshipped as gods I suppose...

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Yup, spicy chips. I had a bowlful, set them down, and one of them stole a chip and ate it. Then, she went over to the water dish and drank and drank. :)


I don't dare set the bowl of chips down anymore.


Now that's a time where I'd love to know what was going through her mind, before, during, and after.


I think I can imagine the after... "Ow, ow, ow... They EAT these things - on purpose???"


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One of mine steals lettuce or any other leafy green. He comes running when I make salad and tries to steal lettuce. The weird part is that he doesn't eat it. He just walks around with it in his mouth for awhile.


I'm debating if you're Servant of the Year for giving your cat a neat/novel toy or if you deserve 40 lashes for not providing him better toys... :lol:   Either way, I bet it's cute. 

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My cat will eat your icecream if you don't watch out!  It makes her terribly gassy, however.  :huh:


Ditto!  On both counts... pretty much anything on a plate/bowl will be eyed if the plate is left unattended, but ice cream is an immediate, "awesome!"


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Maybe I can help. Take some of mine. Dh keeps bringing home different brands of cat food. I told him that it's not good to keep switching the food and that you are supposed to gradually do it. And she doesn't care for some of them. A few weeks ago he brought home a bag and I asked if it was for kittens (since many are only for adult cats). He goes to look at the label and it was for dogs :rofl: Poor guy. I think they had the food in the same aisle and he was so busy reading the ingredients he missed that. We gave it to my SIL (she has 2 dogs).


Mine would probably love it if we could take you up on your offer - well, not for dog food, I'm sure.  Our vet told us years back that if we wanted them to hunt we should provide a cheap cat food for them.  That way, taste-wise, they are encouraged to hunt, but if they are unsuccessful, they'll still have food to eat.  He also said the best nutrition for a cat is a mouse, so hunting isn't an issue other than when they are unsuccessful (and fairly regular tapeworm pills).  It seems to work.


There are still a couple of brands they don't care for - Alley Cat comes to mind - so I respect that and never buy it.  They also don't like stale food (who would?), so I get the 6 pound bags (3 cats) rather than the big bags.  Even with the 6 pounders, they often don't care for the very end when the weather's been hot and humid, so that ends up (usually) going to our chickens - our ultimate food disposal group.  Yesterday, however, they had completely finished up the bag - licked clean.  That's rare.  Perhaps that's why they were mugging me - wanting to know what was wrong since I must obviously have something serious going on!


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My cats catch and eat flies. Does that count as excellent nutrition?


I haven't checked, but I'm doubtful that even google has the nutrition info for flies... perhaps some grad student looking for their PhD project will check this thread and fix that for us?

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The vet just laughed and said it can't hurt them.


I think that's code for "I have no idea what nutritional value they have, but don't stop the cat food."


Mine love cicadas and grasshoppers.  One even ate one of youngest's preying mantises (manti?).  He wasn't pleased - the lad - I think the cat was quite pleased with himself.

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