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Anybody try the Rice Cooker Pancake?


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My daughter is about to try it, so it's interesting to hear your experience.


The advice we saw was to nuke it in the microwave it if was gooey in the center.


How big a batch did you try?  I was thinking a very small batch might work best.


Did you just run it until the rice cooker turned off?

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Tell me more.  Can you use any rice cooker or do you need a special one?  Programmable?  I have just an early on rice cooker that has a button you push to turn it on and then the light turns yellow when it is done and clicks to stay warm.

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I use this one that I've memorized….I think from Better Homes & Gardens...


1 cup of flour

1 cup of milk

1 egg

1 tsp of baking powder

2 T of sugar

2 T of melted butter or unflavored/mild oil like canola



If you want to be snazzy, use buttermilk, or add some white vinegar to the milk about 5 minutes before cooking.



We add in mashed bananas, chocolate chips, etc….but it is excellent plain.

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Our rice cooker is simple:  steam, white rice, and brown rice settings.  I had to run it twice on the white rice setting so a total of about 1 1/2 hr.  No problem with sticking.  I just used a cake spatula to lift if from the sides then flipped it out onto a plate.  The batch I used was a normal batch for about 4-5 people.  I wonder if my recipe calls for too much milk and that's why it took so long...

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Think I could use almond milk and some other oil other than butter? 

I use almond milk. 


On substituting the oil, I am not sure. I have skipped the butter. I have used real butter now but in the past I used Earth Balance. I like the flavor real butter gives it. I prefer to put the butter in the skillet to give it a bit more texture and buttery taste. 

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The first batch of mix GF pancakes were a hit. It took longer than the white rice setting, so then I used the brown rice setting. I am now willing to make pancakes more than once a year, since it was so much less effort.


Then I made an omlette, following the frittatta recipe I linked to. I didn't feel like dealing with the veggies, so I left them out and called it an omlette. It also took longer than the white rice setting. Next time I will try the brown rice setting. It was great to not have to flip it or wash an eggy pan.


Now I have a batch of coconut flour pancakes going. I will report on them later or tomorrow.

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The first batch of mix GF pancakes were a hit. It took longer than the white rice setting, so then I used the brown rice setting. I am now willing to make pancakes more than once a year, since it was so much less effort.


Then I made an omlette, following the frittatta recipe I linked to. I didn't feel like dealing with the veggies, so I left them out and called it an omlette. It also took longer than the white rice setting. Next time I will try the brown rice setting. It was great to not have to flip it or wash an eggy pan.


Now I have a batch of coconut flour pancakes going. I will report on them later or tomorrow.


So would you suggest just starting with the brown rice setting?  What size is your rice cooker and how full was the pancake batter?  I would assume both of these would make a difference.


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