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Entire family downwed by the flu.

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Hubby and three kids all running a fever of 102-104. Aches, pains, chills, coughing, congestion, sore throat. I am the only one still standing and not whimpering but I am fading fast. I haven't slept in three days because at least once every half hour someone is asking, for medicine, or halls or water or to be covered up or help going to the bathroom. Since there is four of them this is pretty much non stop. Dh went for culture today to make sure we are dealing with the flu not strep throat. I am almost praying for strep because I know that they can cure it. :(

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Sorry to hear this. We are in the same boat. I took dd to the dr. yesterday and she tested positive for influenza, I was wanting to rule out strep also. Anyway, I'm not feeling 100%, I'm sure it will works its way through the family! Argh,


Hope you all get to feeling better.


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Dd6 JUST got rid of her fever for good yesterday! It was there full force from the previous Monday! Seven days total with 3 of those days it not coming under 101 and mostly staying at 102.5. Ugh! I took her to urgent care but it was just the flu. He gave her some cough w/codeine to help her sleep but that's about it. I came down with it after having no sleep for days. I also had a sinus infection and today is the first day since last Thursday that I feel halfway like a real person and actually slept more than a couple hours at a time.


I'm still trying to figure out why WE have to continue waiting on everyone else while sick :rolleyes: Dh hasn't caught it yet but it may be that all of us sickies slept downstairs away from him ;)


Hang in there and try to get some rest when you can.



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I think.


Dh started feeling poorly last Wednesday, had to go on a business trip Thursday and has been down for the count since he got home Friday. He was finally able to go to work for a few hours yesterday, but still isn't up this morning. Ds2 & ds4 have been running fevers from 101-103.5 since Sunday, but they were both acting better despite the fevers yesterday, so I'm hoping they're pulling out of it. Ds8 has a cough, but that's it. I've had a slight headache, chills, sore throat, cough, and fatigue since Saturday, but I'm feeling about 90% right now.


I hope you don't get it, and that you're able to get some relief from caretaking soon so you can get some rest. (((Kidshappen)))

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Hubby and three kids all running a fever of 102-104. Aches, pains, chills, coughing, congestion, sore throat. I am the only one still standing and not whimpering but I am fading fast. I haven't slept in three days because at least once every half hour someone is asking, for medicine, or halls or water or to be covered up or help going to the bathroom. Since there is four of them this is pretty much non stop. Dh went for culture today to make sure we are dealing with the flu not strep throat. I am almost praying for strep because I know that they can cure it. :(

I feel your pain. Dh has been in bed sick since Saturday. All 5dc have come down with some combination of symptoms. I, praise the Lord, have managed to stay healthy.


We just got over the chicken pox in this house, had a week of health and now this. I have been caring for sick people since December 27th!

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I am just getting over it. We were at the hospital Monday for me to get IV fluids and when the flu test came back positive, they prescribed Tamiflu for dh and the kiddos. This seemed to help them just get a touch of it instead of the full-blown thing I had. Maybe you can get a prescription and avoid the worst of it. I am usually not big on meds, but this thing is nasty!


I have much sympathy for you, as dh just had me to contend with, and I was reeeaaaallly needy. :o

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Hope that your family starts feeling better soon.


We've been passing stuff around since Christmas. This week the baby and kids got worse, so all 3 have been to the doctor. The baby has pneumonia and double ear infections. Our oldest son has bronchitis and a middle ear infection. Our daughter has tonsillitis and a cough. Between the 3 of them, we have 7 different prescriptions going right now.

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