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If you work from home and bill by the hour...


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I use the OfficeTime app on my phone. I can clock in and out and also track by which clients and/or projects/tasks I'm working on. I only have a couple of clients, though. I may need something more sophisticated if I had more.

Oh! An app! I hadn't thought of that. An app could be really convenient. Only one client for now, so I don't need anything complicated.

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Oh! An app! I hadn't thought of that. An app could be really convenient. Only one client for now, so I don't need anything complicated.


It's helpful to me because I kind of work when I have time (or the mood strikes!). Especially with ds3 around, I frequently have to stop to get out new activities, help in the bathroom, etc. I don't get much in the way of uninterrupted chunks so the app is easier than watching the clock. For me, anyway.


The hardest part was getting used to clocking in and out when I stopped.


OfficeTime Lite is free, although there is a paid version (about $7, I think). I couldn't tell much difference between them from the description. I just use the freebie.


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It's helpful to me because I kind of work when I have time (or the mood strikes!). Especially with ds3 around, I frequently have to stop to get out new activities, help in the bathroom, etc. I don't get much in the way of uninterrupted chunks so the app is easier than watching the clock. For me, anyway.


The hardest part was getting used to clocking in and out when I stopped.


OfficeTime Lite is free, although there is a paid version (about $7, I think). I couldn't tell much difference between them from the description. I just use the freebie.


Small chunks of time and many interruptions have been my concern. I know I can get the work done this way because I have been doing it for my online degree program for the past year, but for school I only had to get the assignments done not keep track of time on task. An app that I can use to clock in and out sounds like it could work really well. Thanks!

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When I was practicing law, I had timesheets (everyone in the firm used them).  Each client had a specific number.  So I would bill in 6-minute increments (.10 of an hour).  There was space for the client's number, a description of the work being done, and an are to put in the time.  So researching a topic for half an hour--I'd jot down .5.  A 5-minute phone call would be .10.  Two hours of document drafting would be 2.0.  And so on.


I think apps are fabulous & the idea of one in this situation is great, but I wouldn't use one unless I were fully 100% sure it would not crash or be "buggy."  The last thing you'd want is to lose all of your info!  A regular (as in, at least once a day, depending on how much you would) would be helpful.  But I'm old-school, and would probably stick with a paper sheet.  I trust it!! :)


ETA: if I started working on a new project, I'd lightly pencil in the time I started--so that when inevitable interruptions occurred, I could just glance at my watch, jot down the time that I stopped, and then get back to it later, if that makes sense!


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I contract with two companies.  With one, I just start an invoice for them at FreshBooks.com and update it daily with actual time worked.  I used to use PayPal but switched to FreshBooks recently.  With the other, they have an online system in which I add my hours every day.  Both work great and I don't have paper to manage. 

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You absolutely must try toggl.com!!!!  Honestly, I can say it revolutionized my life.  It is a free online timekeeping program.  I manage MULTIPLE clients, it tracks the clients, the projects, makes reports, etc.  At the end of the month I can create a PDF with that month's time and send it to the company!  It really, really is very cool.

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You absolutely must try toggl.com!!!!  Honestly, I can say it revolutionized my life.  It is a free online timekeeping program.  I manage MULTIPLE clients, it tracks the clients, the projects, makes reports, etc.  At the end of the month I can create a PDF with that month's time and send it to the company!  It really, really is very cool.

I have never heard of this -- thanks for mentioning it, Cammie! One of my friends is working multiple part-time jobs (mostly from home,) and she has been looking for a more efficient way to keep track of everything. This could be perfect for her!!! :hurray:

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I have never heard of this -- thanks for mentioning it, Cammie! One of my friends is working multiple part-time jobs (mostly from home,) and she has been looking for a more efficient way to keep track of everything. This could be perfect for her!!! :hurray:


I have been using it for years - it really did change my life.


As working attorney years ago I used to track time by hand on sheets - what a nightmare.


As a consultant keeping track of time by hand and then having to report it was also a nightmare.


Worse, I knew I was missing time with that process.


This website lets you track multiple projects for multiple clients.  They have prettified the design recently and now there is also color coding!!


It is SUPER easy to use and to generate reports.


Seriously, I would do a commercial for them for free!  (I think they are a Dutch company and their customer service the one or two times I had to use it was very good.)

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